Why does the Buddha have such a small penis?

A Dietrich Ringle, modificat fa 10 anys at 18/03/14 08:20
Created 10 anys ago at 18/03/14 08:20

Why does the Buddha have such a small penis?

Apunts: 881 Data d'incorporació: 04/12/11 Publicacions recents
Because he has a huge erection on top of his head!!
Nikolai , modificat fa 10 anys at 18/03/14 14:18
Created 10 anys ago at 18/03/14 14:18

RE: Why does the Buddha have such a small penis?

Apunts: 1677 Data d'incorporació: 23/01/10 Publicacions recents
Adam Dietrich Ringle:
Because he has a huge erection on top of his head!!

Note that void feeling. Play around with delaying or not running through with incessant urge to fill the void as you say. Get curious about the incessant urge to post. Watch it arise and see if you can't notice when it ends without giving in to it. Are there any momentary gaps with the feeling of 'void ness'?

Also, I don't get it. German humor?


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