Preparing for first Retreat

Wet Paint, modificat fa 15 anys at 26/10/08 15:43
Created 15 anys ago at 26/10/08 15:43

Preparing for first Retreat

Apunts: 22924 Data d'incorporació: 06/08/09 Publicacions recents
Author: Check_Username
Forum: Dharma Overground Discussion Forum

So I've recently decided again, for the third or fourth time, that it's seriously time for Intensive retreat practice. Would love some insight into the last few things I couldn't figure out in preparation.

I've managed to figure out how to stay seated until my timer dings through most pain I've encountered so far, but find mucus is still a problem. As in, I have some annoying allergies and it sort of pool at the exact worst possible place in the back of my throat, very difficult to ignore very long, and if I manage to keep at it a bit of course after a while I either can't breathe or the gag reflex or nausea start to kick in. I almost vomit every day while brushing my tongue, even just the back teeth sometimes. This requires a bit of a snort to clear up. In addition to periodically breaking my flow (though less and less each time, apparently...), I'm afraid of bothering other meditators.

I've been mixing up techniques in single sittings when trying to prolong my sitting time, in preparation for the barrage of 1hour sessions. Is this stupid, since I'll have to stick to just one at an actual retreat? Little bit of ADD going here, arduous work pushing "unbearable" further and further back. Particularly with the shamatha bit; much easier to go longer with rapid fire noting.

Now, on rapid fire noting, I think I might be doing it wrong. I haven't been able to really notice many individual instances of each sensation arising and passing, and it ends up feeling like I'm just using it as a mantra, almost completely drowning out the original object. I shouldn't be trying to force the sensations to flicker by noting as if they did, should I? Do I just pick a broader area and try to move awareness between different points as fast as I can and note that?

I've started reading Daniel's MCTB again, and would appreciate any additional insight. Thanks.
lena lozano, modificat fa 15 anys at 01/11/08 08:15
Created 15 anys ago at 01/11/08 08:15

RE: Preparing for first Retreat

Apunt: 1 Data d'incorporació: 07/09/09 Publicacions recents
congratulations on the important desicion(even its forth time)-finaly u will go.about bothering others-i dont thikk it should stop u from going-if i would be that " other" i would try to concentrate despite the noise u produce.this is reality to deal with.about noting -daniel gives few great execises in his book-to pick up two simmetrical parts of the body 'the smoller the better and try to figure out were the sensatin originates out of this two-i tryed it-it sharpens the mind amasingly.from my retreat practices i remember also instruction not to jump from place to place but move in some order throuout the body-not to leave any parts uncovered by your attention.hope u could get from all this some useful info.good luck.elena
Chris Riser, modificat fa 14 anys at 17/06/09 12:06
Created 14 anys ago at 17/06/09 12:06

RE: Preparing for first Retreat

Apunts: 0 Data d'incorporació: 18/05/09 Publicacions recents
Hi all - my first post. I'm very grateful for this site and for Daniel's book. I'm considering my options for a first retreat, and I think I've found what I want for a first short (basically a long weekend) retreat (Tina Rasmussen and Stephen Snyder - Introduction to Concentration Meditation for Retreat and Daily Practice Since I'm self-employed and married with kids, I have to plan multi-day absences from work way in advance, so I'm also now looking at planning for a longer 10-day retreat in the winter. I've looked online at a lot of possibilities, and I'm very interested to the 10-day retreat at Suan Mokkh. I can't find anything but good things online about it, but was surprised to find nothing about it here (at least I didn't find anything in searching for "Suan Mokkh" or "Suan Mokh" other than a listing of its website). Does anyone have any experience with a retreat there?