Fils de discussió amb l'etiqueta anatta .

No hi ha cap fil de discussió en aquesta categoria.
Fil de discussió Iniciat per Respostes Visualitzacions Últim missatge  
How to experience non-self? M 11 6421
Questioning Vipassana (no-self, impermanence, Goenka) Jojo S 35 10195
Observing vs. Contemplating Mangala 1 7435
Teemu's Practice Log Teemu H. 30 14580
20 forms of self...are there more? Richard Zen 7 11879
What were all those states and experiences? Peter Riedler 5 5903
Theravada meditation teacher on Realising Anatta through direct pointing Elena Joy 3 10044
No-self experience... give me a label to stick on this please James Hamana McEwan 3 6045
Stream Entry attainment by Direct Pointing work Elena Joy 0 5297
A Non-Dual Safe-Space Wet Paint 76 23263

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