Fils de discussió amb l'etiqueta samatha-vipassana .

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Is being happy a way to progress up the PoI to 1st Path? No One 9 9694
New-ish Concentration on breath Practitioner looking for further guidance Maisam Abbas 6 4485
ARAHATH WAJIRABUDDHI THERO Viran Shaminda Kariyawasam 0 10438
Please Help: How Do I Get Off This Ride or Slow It Down? Jenny 81 44689
NocheOscura practice log & dharma hacks Guillermo Z 1 6925
Electric Blue Mum sensation in mind space... lee rogers 27 19970
Using the breath as an object of concentration tj saw 2 6324
A more beginner-oriented map from the Upanisa Sutta J Adam G 4 11434

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