First Goenka Retreat

Brian K, geändert vor 11 Jahren at 12.10.12 08:03
Created 11 Jahren ago at 12.10.12 08:03

First Goenka Retreat

Beiträge: 142 Beitrittsdatum: 18.04.12 Neueste Beiträge
So on the 24th of october I'm taking my first 10-day retreat. This will be followed hopefully by another 7-14 day retreat in november or early december and then a 3 month retreat I plan on taking around mid december (just waiting for visa to go through).

So alot of people have gone on Goenka retreats. I'm really pumped. I've been working towards jhana attainment lately. I know that Goenka does 3 days (i think) of Anapana Sati meditation and then the rest of the retreat is body scanning Vipassana. If it were up to me, I would just spend the whole of the 10 days working on concentration. I really want to have a stable foundation in concentration before I start up with Vipassana again. SO, and I think I already know the answer to this, should I follow retreat instructions and do body scanning the whole time regardless? I mean, when I come back, I'll probably go right back to doing shamatha for a little while longer, so will it even be worthwhile to make progress in vipassana, and then go back to shamatha anyway. But I also realize and am mostly leaning towards that its just best to follow the instructions given to you in a retreat. So what are the thoughts and opinions of the members of the forum to make this retreat of most benefit to myself in the short- and long-term? Thanks
End in Sight, geändert vor 11 Jahren at 12.10.12 08:12
Created 11 Jahren ago at 12.10.12 08:12

RE: First Goenka Retreat

Beiträge: 1251 Beitrittsdatum: 06.07.11 Neueste Beiträge
If you've never done a Goenka retreat, I would suggest trying it and seeing what you get out of it, according to the instructions given (as you must promise to do at the beginning of the course as a condition for participation).
Brian K, geändert vor 11 Jahren at 12.10.12 08:51
Created 11 Jahren ago at 12.10.12 08:51

RE: First Goenka Retreat

Beiträge: 142 Beitrittsdatum: 18.04.12 Neueste Beiträge
This is what I was going to do. Not sure why I even made this post haha. Figured it couldn't hurt
Bagpuss The Gnome, geändert vor 11 Jahren at 12.10.12 10:41
Created 11 Jahren ago at 12.10.12 10:41

RE: First Goenka Retreat

Beiträge: 704 Beitrittsdatum: 02.11.11 Neueste Beiträge
Follow the instructions. You will feel good about it, and keep your sila. You'll also find that a good grounding in mindfulness of the body may give you the foundation you need to attain jhanic states.

Good luck
John White, geändert vor 11 Jahren at 12.10.12 15:46
Created 11 Jahren ago at 12.10.12 15:46

RE: First Goenka Retreat

Beiträge: 61 Beitrittsdatum: 16.08.10 Neueste Beiträge
Hey Brian,

Having done a bunch of Goenka courses, and not following instructions during some, I totally agree with EIS and BTG.

have a great course!
Tommy M, geändert vor 11 Jahren at 12.10.12 17:36
Created 11 Jahren ago at 12.10.12 17:36

RE: First Goenka Retreat

Beiträge: 1199 Beitrittsdatum: 12.11.10 Neueste Beiträge
Excellent, glad to hear you're getting it done!

Good luck mate : )
Brian K, geändert vor 11 Jahren at 12.10.12 19:01
Created 11 Jahren ago at 12.10.12 19:01

RE: First Goenka Retreat

Beiträge: 142 Beitrittsdatum: 18.04.12 Neueste Beiträge
Thanks man, I appreciate that. Btw, I see u posting about recording music and such. Are u a musician? I'm planning on being a professional producer/song writer. I start formally studying in the summer semester
