Question about getting to Panditarama Lumbini from USA

Ryan, geändert vor 8 Jahren at 03.08.15 12:26
Created 8 Jahren ago at 03.08.15 12:26

Question about getting to Panditarama Lumbini from USA

Beiträge: 5 Beitrittsdatum: 16.05.15 Neueste Beiträge
I'm currently planning a retreat at Panditarama Lumbini for the month of December, and I'm now trying to figure out the logistics of getting there.  I read on their website that they recommend coming through India.  I suppose this question is geared towards those that have either been there or those that are familiar with Nepal and Inda, but is coming through India entirely necessarry?  I have to admit that my research has led to me to conclude that getting there from Kathmandu  as opposed to New Delhi seems a lot simpler.
Monsoon Frog, geändert vor 8 Jahren at 04.08.15 03:21
Created 8 Jahren ago at 03.08.15 16:53

RE: Question about getting to Panditarama Lumbini from USA

Beiträge: 73 Beitrittsdatum: 16.03.14 Neueste Beiträge
I flew from USA into Kathmandu > Pokhara> (trekking around Annapurna then back to Pokhara) > Lumbini. 
My return route was from Lumbini > Kathmandu. 

Of course it's Nepal and most certainly the recent earthquakes can only have contributed to increasing the depth and breadth of the national clusterfuck ... but once you cut through the confusion of where and when, the disorganized frenzy of bus depots and schedules, staying alert to potential opportunistic overcharges by ticket clerks and money handlers, you'll endure the often primitive, crowded, uncomfortable, and mechanically questionable rattletrap buses (where used plastic bags are routinely handed out for those customers that for some reason or another would rather not puke on the floor or out the window), and perhaps pay a little more and take a more comfortable tourist bus if available, but eventually (assuming the vehicle you're on manages to stay upright on the road and not break down) you'll arrive at your destination only slightly worse for the wear, perhaps walking a bit funny, and doubting the reality of that elusive state of equanimity you hope to taste at Panditarama.  

So fly into Nepal and don't sweat it. 
Ryan, geändert vor 8 Jahren at 03.08.15 18:12
Created 8 Jahren ago at 03.08.15 18:12

RE: Question about getting to Panditarama Lumbini from USA

Beiträge: 5 Beitrittsdatum: 16.05.15 Neueste Beiträge
Thank you very much for your respone.  Did your time at Panditarama Lumbini leave you with a favorable impression?
G Mojo, geändert vor 8 Jahren at 04.08.15 08:15
Created 8 Jahren ago at 04.08.15 08:15

RE: Question about getting to Panditarama Lumbini from USA

Beiträge: 15 Beitrittsdatum: 31.03.14 Neueste Beiträge
Hi Monsoon Frog

I asked some questions in your other post about Lumbini that I would love for you to answer if you can.  I will repeat them here:
  • How long did you stay?
  • How were the teachers and instruction?
  • Did you reach your goal of stream-entry?
  • Did you get much 1 on 1 time for interviews or were they a group experience?
  • Overvall how do you feel now about the experience?
I will be there around April/May next year after some time travelling in India/Nepal.  I have done a mahasi style retreat before but only for 10 days so hopefully I can make it through 3-4 weeks on this one.
Peter S, geändert vor 8 Jahren at 16.08.15 09:23
Created 8 Jahren ago at 16.08.15 09:23

RE: Question about getting to Panditarama Lumbini from USA

Beiträge: 68 Beitrittsdatum: 25.03.15 Neueste Beiträge
Hi Ryan

I spent a few weeks there in February, a couple of months before the earthquakes. I've been in touch with the Sayalay there ever since and things are running fine at the centre. 

I agree with you that the route through India sounds like a lot of trouble, not least because it requires a visa in advance for India. Whereas via Kathmandu the only visa you need you can get in the airport on arrival.

I went by bus from Kathmandu to Lumbini. It's a 7- to 8-hour journey, the bus was fine (not US standard, but nothing wrong with it), and we even stopped several times for meal breaks where we had really enjoyable vegetarian curries, samosas and milk tea. If you can read on a bus then the hours fly by.

There are numerous bus companies and your hotel in Kathmandu can get you a ticket and then get you a taxi to the bus pickup point. Or you can go get the ticket yourself as I did. There's a big intersection called Kalanki, and loads of buses run from there. Ask the taxi driver to find the Sakura bus company office, and you can get a ticket there. This way you know where the bus goes from, so no problem to come back the next day to catch your bus. 

It's possible the roads are damaged or in a bad state since April's quakes, but the centre in Lumbini should be able to advise you on this. 

The person you'll be in touch with by email is Sayalay Bhaddamanika, and I think the centre gets too many requests for retreats so they tend to let you chase them. If you email politely 2-3 times over a week or so, you'll find you'll get a response eventually. She's actually very nice and helpful, but I think she and the Sayadaw are wary of applicants who are not serious, as some backpackers look for cheap/free accommodation there. 

There are a number of detailed reviews on this site in case you're interested in more info about the centre. Myself and Cem Keskin have written (and I added some photos) in a thread under Retreat Centers, called Panditarama Lumbini Incommunicado. 

I hope you make it there and get a lot out of the experience. Get in touch if you have any questions.
G Mojo, geändert vor 8 Jahren at 17.08.15 03:43
Created 8 Jahren ago at 17.08.15 03:43

RE: Question about getting to Panditarama Lumbini from USA

Beiträge: 15 Beitrittsdatum: 31.03.14 Neueste Beiträge
Can anyone else answer my questions originally directed at MonsoonFrog?
Peter S, geändert vor 8 Jahren at 17.08.15 07:23
Created 8 Jahren ago at 17.08.15 07:23

RE: Question about getting to Panditarama Lumbini from USA

Beiträge: 68 Beitrittsdatum: 25.03.15 Neueste Beiträge
Hi G Mojo

Please check out the last few entries on the Panditarama Lumbini Incommunicado thread as I believe they address some of your queries, specifically 1, 2, 4 and 5.

With metta

Monsoon Frog, geändert vor 8 Jahren at 17.08.15 12:10
Created 8 Jahren ago at 17.08.15 12:10

RE: Question about getting to Panditarama Lumbini from USA

Beiträge: 73 Beitrittsdatum: 16.03.14 Neueste Beiträge
G Mojo, I've been meaning to write up a reply with details of my experience, however I've been super busy. I hope to get it posted shortly. 
G Mojo, geändert vor 8 Jahren at 18.08.15 03:36
Created 8 Jahren ago at 18.08.15 03:36

RE: Question about getting to Panditarama Lumbini from USA

Beiträge: 15 Beitrittsdatum: 31.03.14 Neueste Beiträge
Thanks Peter and Monsoon.  I read through some of the write-ups on the other thread and they were very useful thank you.
