"Awake! Stories of Awakening and Dialogues Leading To It" Kindle edition

Jehanne S Peacock, geändert vor 5 Jahren at 18.10.18 01:38
Created 5 Jahren ago at 18.10.18 01:03

"Awake! Stories of Awakening and Dialogues Leading To It" Kindle edition

Beiträge: 167 Beitrittsdatum: 14.02.14 Neueste Beiträge
Hello all!
A kindle edition of Open heart book "Awake! Stories of Awakening and Dialogues Leading To It" by Kim Katami has just become available at Amazon. You can find it here.

The book contains clear conceptual explanation of what awakening (stream entry, kensho) is and deals with many of the misconceptions surrounding the topic. It describes a meditation exercise that is designed to bring about awakening in a relatively short time (talking about days or weeks here, instead of years).This requires genuine exploration of the mind, as any meditation, so you cannot just try it casually over coffee and decide that it does not work. But if the drive to do it is there, I believe the result is obtainable to everyone. The method itself is not new, as Erik Pema Kunsang states:
”As far as I know at present, the Two-Part Formula is as old and timeless as the
teachings of the Buddha. The steps are a simple and experiential way of combining
shamatha and vipashyana to reveal a timeless fact: that there never was any real ego: I,
me or myself. Calling it awakening is fine. According to what I have learned from Chokyi
Nyima Rinpoche, he calls it dakme tokpey sherab, the insight of seeing egolessness, in the
context of personal identity. It corresponds to the awakening of a hinayana practitioner.”
It is a bit of a mystery why it is not used more widely, as to me it seems to nudge the meditator to the right direction. Maybe mushroom culture and not wanting to really discuss attainments are to blame, who knows...

The second part of the book has 11 stories of people's awakenings in the form of a dialogue. So you can see and compare to yourself how the sense of self is felt before awakening and how that changes as the perceptual shift takes place.

The approach in the book is suitable to pragmatic meditators who follow the age-old advice of the Buddha to look closely and never take things as given. It uses very little dharmic lingo.

I would recommend this book to all who've struggled with getting awakened, whether a beginner or a long time meditator who just hasn't been able to get past the initial bump. For me personally, the "damage was done" already before I became familiar with the book but for the past couple of years I've seen many people obtain the permanent shift with regards to the sense of self and read their accounts on the effect it has had on their lives. It's really quite stunning to see and a powerful proof to me that the method described in the book works. One such account can be found in the Amazon reviews of the book.

Enjoy emoticon
Noah D, geändert vor 5 Jahren at 20.10.18 22:57
Created 5 Jahren ago at 20.10.18 22:57

RE: "Awake! Stories of Awakening and Dialogues Leading To It" Kindle editio

Beiträge: 1211 Beitrittsdatum: 01.09.16 Neueste Beiträge
I must admit feeling surprised that Tenzin Palmo has blurbed Kim's book, since she is a traditionalist (based on reading Cave in the Snow & listening to a bunch of lectures) & Kim's techniques seem to be new.  Is there anywhere that I can read an expanded version of Tenzin Palmo's endorsement of this book?
Babs _, geändert vor 5 Jahren at 21.10.18 03:53
Created 5 Jahren ago at 21.10.18 03:51

RE: "Awake! Stories of Awakening and Dialogues Leading To It" Kindle editio

Beiträge: 709 Beitrittsdatum: 05.02.13 Neueste Beiträge
Noah D:
I must admit feeling surprised that Tenzin Palmo has blurbed Kim's book, since she is a traditionalist (based on reading Cave in the Snow & listening to a bunch of lectures) & Kim's techniques seem to be new.  Is there anywhere that I can read an expanded version of Tenzin Palmo's endorsement of this book?

Jetsunma is traditional but also one of the most open minded people I've ever been in contact. I think a lot of people get confused about the 2PF because it is considered my invention and therefore new. However, it is just like EPK says in the above quote.

See this dialoque between her and myself.

Btw. The book is free of charge at the website.
Noah D, geändert vor 5 Jahren at 21.10.18 04:03
Created 5 Jahren ago at 21.10.18 04:03

RE: "Awake! Stories of Awakening and Dialogues Leading To It" Kindle editio

Beiträge: 1211 Beitrittsdatum: 01.09.16 Neueste Beiträge
Thank you for providing a source.  From an 'academic' perspective, it would be best if it was not on your site, but I guess that's not the context here. 
Change A, geändert vor 5 Jahren at 27.10.18 12:01
Created 5 Jahren ago at 27.10.18 12:01

RE: "Awake! Stories of Awakening and Dialogues Leading To It" Kindle editio

Beiträge: 791 Beitrittsdatum: 24.05.10 Neueste Beiträge
Hello Kim,

I just checked out your website and went through the 2 point formula. I think it is very good.

Thank you!
Babs _, geändert vor 5 Jahren at 27.10.18 14:03
Created 5 Jahren ago at 27.10.18 14:03

RE: "Awake! Stories of Awakening and Dialogues Leading To It" Kindle editio

Beiträge: 709 Beitrittsdatum: 05.02.13 Neueste Beiträge
Thank you CA. If you have any questions, glad to help.
