Retreat Center Review Template - Wiki
Retreat Center Review Template
If you submit a review of a center for placement here, please consider using this format:
- Name of Center: this is an example (no "bold")
- Address:
- Phone Number:
- Website:
- Contact Email:
- Tradition(s):
- Technique(s):
- Teacher(s):
- Cost:
- Accommodations:
- Facilities:
- Physical Setting:
- Food (Vegetarian/Vegan/etc.):
- Retreat Length(s):
- Typical Schedule:
- Issues of Taboos around attainment, real practice, disclosing insights, etc.:
- Issues of Rites/Rituals:
- Issues of Proper Dress:
- Issues of Etiquette:
- Issues of Language:
- Health Issues:
- Logistical Issues:
- Strengths:
- Weaknesses:
- Other Comments:
- Overall Impression:
- Worthy of recommendation on the Dharma Overground?
- Name of Person Reviewing the Center: