Concentration - Discussion
A place to specifically discuss the practice of the Divine Abodes of Loving-kindness, Sympathetic Joy, Compassion and Equanimity.
0 Categories 20 Threads -
A place to post about kasina practices and using external objects as support for concentration.
0 Categories 76 Threads
Jhana/Stream Entry or Bust - seeking advice for a year of at-home retreat
Started by Nicholas H
Noah D replied 1 Year ago.
178773 -
Retreat center in India for stream entry
Started by Andrius Mikalauskas
Andrius Mikalauskas replied 1 Year ago.
65553 -
I keep controlling the breath as 'default mode'
Started by Niclas
George S replied 2 Years ago.
463880 Answers -
Resources about breath disappearing in concentration states
Started by Griffin
Daniel M. Ingram replied 2 Years ago.
45978 -
Fire Kasina and Stages of Insight...
Started by shargrol
Linda ”Polly Ester” Ö replied 2 Years ago.
127389 -
Trouble With Breath Disrupting Daily Life
Started by Michael S
Michael S replied 2 Years ago.
25543 -
How do I improve my presence of mind when I stay at home all day?
Started by Prabhat Kumar Pandey
Jonas E replied 2 Years ago.
110293 -
I have a jhana focal point in the back of my head
Started by Bruce Bentz
Happy Like Me replied 2 Years ago.
109356 -
Showing 61 to 80 of 1,039 entries.