Insight and Wisdom - Discussion
Insight and Wisdom
Arising and Passing (A&P)
Everything related to Arising and Passing should go here.
0 Categories 92 Threads -
Dealing with the Dark Night
Everything related to dealing with the Dark Night, Dukkha Ñanas, 3rd Vipassana Jhana, etc. can go here.
0 Categories 271 Threads -
Discussions that cross traditions boundaries should go here.
0 Categories 410 Threads -
Practices Inspired by Actualism
... but not endorsed by the Actual Freedom Trust. For active discussion about actualism, see .
0 Categories 394 Threads -
Samatha-Vipassana: Tranquillity and Insight, Hand-in-Hand
Discussion about developing samatha and vipassana in conjunction.
0 Categories 60 Threads -
Stream Entry
Everything about how to attain stream entry that is specific to that goal can go here regardless of tradition.
0 Categories 180 Threads -
The Maps in General
Anything general about meditation maps of insight here.
0 Categories 111 Threads -
The Middle Paths (2nd and 3rd)
For topics of practice related to the middle paths or intermittent phase of enlightenment, post here.
0 Categories 115 Threads -
Vipassana: Noting/Mahasi Style
For discussion of Mahasi style noting and related vipassana practices
0 Categories 311 Threads -
Vipassana: others, such as Thai Forest, Goenka, etc.
For the discussion of other vipassana traditions
0 Categories 46 Threads -
Showing 1 to 14 of 14 entries.
Seeing Dukkha in Everything Lately
Started by Kelly Gordon Weeks
Kelly Gordon Weeks replied 3 Years ago.
185543 -
Compare: Awareness of Awareness vs. Do Nothing vs. Awareness of Breath
Started by Tommy Toys
Pepe · replied 3 Years ago.
53604 -
Logic of Emptiness seem "flawed" to me. Please help explain.
Started by Tommy Toys
Not two, not one replied 3 Years ago.
114777 -
Dreams and Awakening: Response to a Twitter question
Started by Daniel M. Ingram
Evan replied 3 Years ago.
22802 -
Cessation While Trying To Sleep
Started by Kelly Gordon Weeks
Jazz Muzak replied 3 Years ago.
73878 -
Samatha Overpowering the Path
Started by Kelly Gordon Weeks
Kelly Gordon Weeks replied 3 Years ago.
93822 -
When Will You Be Done? : Insight Disease
Started by Angel Roberto Puente
shargrol replied 3 Years ago.
196642 -
Sun Lun Sayadaw - Fast Breathing Method
Started by Kaio Shimanski
George S replied 3 Years ago.
43863 -
Conventional Reality/Ultimate Reality
Started by Mike Smirnoff
Linda ”Polly Ester” Ö replied 3 Years ago.
149914 -
Guy Armstrong on Emptiness, Karma. and Volition
Started by Sam Gentile
George S replied 3 Years ago.
12507 -
Good motivation tips? (esp post Eq pre Path)
Started by Tommy Toys
Pepe · replied 3 Years ago.
14899 -
Struggling with impermanence of source of perception
Started by Colin
terry replied 3 Years ago.
446420 Answers -
Dealing with physical suffering
Started by Robin Woods
Tim Farrington replied 3 Years ago.
268780 Answers -
The Path Is Lost Upon Me
Started by Kelly Gordon Weeks
Tommy M replied 3 Years ago.
262730 Answers -
"Watsup Dawg" - Trick to dis-embed I-ness of thoughts
Started by Tommy Toys
Oatmilk replied 3 Years ago.
47643 -
Geeky theory: Stream Entry As a Game, in Computing terms
Started by Tommy Toys
Tommy Toys replied 3 Years ago.
462490 Answers -
noting seems to break/pause chain of experience unlike knowing/being aware
Started by Fractal Yogi
Fractal Yogi replied 4 Years ago.
555440 Answers -
Which stage of insight am I stuck at?
Started by Tommy Toys
Tommy Toys replied 4 Years ago.
1166760 Answers -
Metta for Me is Empty Words
Started by Kelly Gordon Weeks
terry replied 4 Years ago.
23145820 Answers -
Dark Night or Incorrect practice or something else? Advice needed
Started by Hans Zanden
George S replied 4 Years ago.
548940 Answers -
Close To Cessation " Death Feeling"
Started by Kelly Gordon Weeks
Bardo replied 4 Years ago.
862760 Answers -
"This Side" and "That Side"
Started by Kelly Gordon Weeks
Pawel K replied 4 Years ago.
1053080 Answers -
Using sound as primary object instead of rising and falling of the abdomen?
Started by Brad John Turner
Jim Smith replied 4 Years ago.
23403 -
Questions on Subtleties of Mahasi Technique
Started by Ryan Adams
A. Dietrich Ringle replied 4 Years ago.
64680 -
Vinay Gupta - Cutting Through Spiritual Colonialism
Started by Z .
Brian replied 4 Years ago.
2717145 -
How can I do shamatha when all I do is cycle cycle cycle
Started by Zsolt
Tim Farrington replied 4 Years ago.
3317854 -
Cemetary Contemplation for COVID-19
Started by Not two, not one
Hac Phi^2 Vita replied 4 Years ago.
65374 -
RE: Possible EQ or A&P
Started by A. Dietrich Ringle
A. Dietrich Ringle replied 4 Years ago.
758290 Answers
Showing 121 to 180 of 585 entries.