Insight and Wisdom - Discussion
Insight and Wisdom
Arising and Passing (A&P)
Everything related to Arising and Passing should go here.
0 Categories 92 Threads -
Dealing with the Dark Night
Everything related to dealing with the Dark Night, Dukkha Ñanas, 3rd Vipassana Jhana, etc. can go here.
0 Categories 271 Threads -
Discussions that cross traditions boundaries should go here.
0 Categories 410 Threads -
Practices Inspired by Actualism
... but not endorsed by the Actual Freedom Trust. For active discussion about actualism, see .
0 Categories 394 Threads -
Samatha-Vipassana: Tranquillity and Insight, Hand-in-Hand
Discussion about developing samatha and vipassana in conjunction.
0 Categories 60 Threads -
Stream Entry
Everything about how to attain stream entry that is specific to that goal can go here regardless of tradition.
0 Categories 180 Threads -
The Maps in General
Anything general about meditation maps of insight here.
0 Categories 111 Threads -
The Middle Paths (2nd and 3rd)
For topics of practice related to the middle paths or intermittent phase of enlightenment, post here.
0 Categories 115 Threads -
Vipassana: Noting/Mahasi Style
For discussion of Mahasi style noting and related vipassana practices
0 Categories 311 Threads -
Vipassana: others, such as Thai Forest, Goenka, etc.
For the discussion of other vipassana traditions
0 Categories 46 Threads -
Showing 1 to 14 of 14 entries.
Insight vs. Concentration?
Started by Den M
katy steger,thru11.6.15 with thanks replied 9 Years ago.
864220 Answers -
Stabilizing the Wisdom Eye
Started by Incandescent Flower
Tim Farrington replied 4 Years ago.
1511260 -
A major pitfall of the noting technique
Started by Jason Snyder
Bill F. replied 9 Years ago.
127261 -
Goenka Body Scanning: Do you continue to scan if you fall into Jhana?
Started by Bailey .
Psi replied 9 Years ago.
36129 -
Taking the dharma pill and going down the rabbit hole?
Started by Gedanken
PÃ¥l replied 9 Years ago.
354920 Answers -
Losing Skeptical Doubt at Stream Entry?
Started by Jason Snyder
Daniel M. Ingram replied 9 Years ago.
118398 -
The Practice of Nonpreference
Started by Jack Hatfield
Richard Zen replied 10 Years ago.
146010 Answers -
The evolutionary roots of dualistic perception
Started by Jason Snyder
Branden replied 9 Years ago.
197564 -
Four "noob" questions
Started by Doug M
Howard Maxwell Clegg replied 10 Years ago.
1265910 Answers -
How would a stream enterer or anagami know they weren't fully enlightened?
Started by masa
masa replied 10 Years ago.
109052 -
Practice not going anywhere. Aim to get stream entry via noting.
Started by Glen Robert Stevens
Glen Robert Stevens replied 10 Years ago.
753680 Answers -
Helping the Universe Decide Whether to End or Not
Started by Illuminatus
Zendo Calrissian replied 10 Years ago.
38163470 Answers -
Why am I meditating. What is your objective?
Started by Jack Hatfield
Banned For waht? replied 10 Years ago.
1880620 Answers -
Request for Direct/Self Inquiry Section in MCTB 2
Started by Jason Snyder
An Eternal Now replied 10 Years ago.
85854 -
Binary Noting-Self-referential thought
Started by Jack Hatfield
elizabeth replied 8 Years ago.
1591430 Answers -
Integration of the Three Trainings in real time
Started by Jason Snyder
Noting Monkey replied 10 Years ago.
14689 -
Looking for "where" sensations are
Started by Not Tao
Sadalsuud Beta Aquarii replied 10 Years ago.
75938 -
The Noble Eightfold Path, summed up, as practice points
Started by Psi
Psi replied 10 Years ago.
104977 -
Getting enough sleep during Mahasi Noting Retreat
Started by IAMTHAT That Ami
c m replied 10 Years ago.
75896 -
What actually happens in the brain at Stream Entry?
Started by Jason Snyder
Eric M W replied 10 Years ago.
2912738 -
Advice Sought on How to Practice
Started by Eric Shmeric
Eric Shmeric replied 10 Years ago.
648150 Answers -
Showing 421 to 480 of 585 entries.