Energy Practices - Discussion
Energy Practices
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Why kundalini is a nightmare for some and a walk in the park for others
Started by Kris
Stickman2 replied 6 Years ago.
15160960 Answers -
[Taoism] Bruce Kumar Frantzis - Eight Energy Bodies and the Mindstream?
neko, modified 6 Years ago.
07621 -
Why do people have a kundalini awakening and others not?
Started by Maël
: ladyfrog : replied 6 Years ago.
5233246 -
Breathing exercise for concentration, relaxation
Started by ps i love you
Urban Monk replied 6 Years ago.
10149580 Answers -
Self hypnosis versus concentration meditation
Started by LoveQuest
LoveQuest replied 7 Years ago.
28025 -
Fullblown Kundalini and insight meditation
Started by stefan
Daniel - san replied 7 Years ago.
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