Practice Logs - Discussion
Practice Logs
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An AI-Sorted Database of the DhO Practice Logs
Started by John L
Chris M replied 12 Days ago.
272709 -
Geoffrey's log 3: there's something there!
Started by Geoffrey Gatekeeper of the Gateless Gate
Chris M replied 14 Days ago.
1568891 -
Dream tethering and randomness
Started by Percy Plays
Geoffrey Gatekeeper of the Gateless Gate replied 15 Days ago.
493380 -
Thoughts on Vipassana: a practise log?
Started by Kevin Andrew
Kevin Andrew replied 19 Days ago.
9539335 -
Anatta and the Practice of Keeping a Log
Started by Auntie Antei
Auntie Antei replied 20 Days ago.
71615 -
Showing 17 to 24 of 693 entries.