Meditation Culture - Discussion
Meditation Culture
Guidance missed. O' teacher, where art thou?
Started by Emil Jensen
Papa Che Dusko replied 2 Years ago.
2220318 -
Neurodivergent practicioners in need of peers or possibly light coaching?
Started by Linda ”Polly Ester” Ö
Dani Mon replied 3 Years ago.
2715417 -
Buddhist realization not the same as other traditions' realization
Started by Olivier S
Chris M replied 3 Years ago.
12740278 -
Recommended Places for 1-3 Month Meditation Retreats?
Started by Brandon Whited
Brandon Whited replied 3 Years ago.
1118019 -
- for meditation research?
Started by Brandon Dayton
A. Dietrich Ringle replied 4 Years ago.
113022 -
New Interview w/ Bar-ché Dorje (Aro gTer)
Started by Steve James
George S replied 3 Years ago.
115491 -
Culadasa Misconduct Allegations - Part 2
Started by Linda ”Polly Ester” Ö
Milo replied 4 Years ago.
5637161 -
Is there a pragmatic purpose to sleep deprivation on retreats?
Started by Handsome Monkey King
Tim Farrington replied 4 Years ago.
919531 -
Can you get stuck in Jhana? - can the heart stop?
Started by mjs500 jj ss
Linda ”Polly Ester” Ö replied 5 Years ago.
Showing 21 to 40 of 106 entries.