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Practice Logs
If you want to keep an online practice log, this is the place.
0 Categories 692 Threads -
Retreat Centers
Here is a place to post discussions of places to go on retreat.
0 Categories 339 Threads -
The discussion of precise, inclusive, specific, nuanced, clear, helpful, explanatory words used to help describe the very rich, complex world of meditation go here.
0 Categories 39 Threads -
The Dharma Battleground (DhB)
Here is where high controversy and heated debate should happen with all the compassion, listening, clarification, passion for the truth and intelligence you can muster.
0 Categories 135 Threads -
The Dharma Playground (DhP)
Put all discussions about friendship, community, gatherings, and things social and not so related to formal practice and theory here.
9 Categories 149 Threads -
The DhO Itself
Here is a place to post discussions about the DhO itself, business, tech matters, global issues and the like.
1 Category 176 Threads -
Theoreticians and Traditionalists (T&T)
For those discussions focused on technical points of tradition, dogma and doctrine, and sectarian debates over which tradition, term and theory is better rather than actual practice and realization.
1 Category 59 Threads -
Showing 21 to 32 of 32 entries.
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Downtime and power failure
Started by Daniel M. Ingram
Daniel M. Ingram replied 7 Years ago.
2106590 -
Liferay upgrade this coming weekend: expect instability.
Started by Daniel M. Ingram
Daniel M. Ingram replied 8 Years ago.
5125817 -
Showing 1 to 10 of 10 entries.