There are no threads or categories.
  • Births and Deaths

    A place to post notices about the transient cycle of life, those who are born and those who die.
    0 Categories 55 Threads
  • Books and Websites

    Here is a place to post comments about books and websites of value.
    0 Categories 722 Threads
  • Claims to Attainments

    If you wish to disclose your best guess about your attainments, why you think they are what they are, how they perform, and how you got them, or debate other's attainments, this is the place.
    0 Categories 406 Threads
  • Concentration

    A place to discuss topics related to concentration practices, such as samatha, shamatha, jhana, dyana, kasinas, divine abodes (Brahmaviharas) and the like.
    3 Categories 1138 Threads
  • Contemporary Buddhism

    A place to discuss scholarship and topics related to contemporary manifestations of Buddhism.
    0 Categories 44 Threads
  • Dharma Books, Teaching, and Merchandise Promotions

    This category of discussion is for folks who want to promote their dharma-related book, teachings, memorabilia, merchandise, or any other item that costs money to buy or to participate in.
    0 Categories 9 Threads
  • Dharma Diagnostic Clinic, aka "What was that?"

    If you had some experience and you want others to weigh in on what it might have been or what to do with it, post here.
    0 Categories 1459 Threads
  • Energy Practices

    For the discussion of all energy body practices
    0 Categories 182 Threads
There are no threads or categories.
