Chakra Pain from Dark night - Discussion
Chakra Pain from Dark night
Dark Night Yogi, modified 15 Years ago at 6/24/09 4:51 AM
Created 15 Years ago at 6/24/09 4:51 AM
Chakra Pain from Dark night
Posts: 138 Join Date: 8/25/09 Recent Posts
Forum: Dharma Overground Discussion Forum
I am at the Equanimity stage. Everytime I meditate and cycle, I start getting these pains and tingles in my genitals w/c are hard to stomach, painful, disgusting, and panicky, causes nausea, feel of fainting, or just bad dukkha. Probably caused too by Post traumatic stress, where I seem to relive the pain of some past trauma everytime I feel it. The tingles and pains linger on throughout the day and genitals have been sore, and meditation has been causing more bad than good lately, ever since I reached equanimity. I pushed thru the same pain in dark night, but now I have to cycle thru it every time. (Is it always like this?)
I read that problems/imbalances with the Sacral chakra often lead to tingles, discomfort and pains.
Does any one have any similar experiences or techniques dealing with these paralyzing pains.
Thanks = )
I am at the Equanimity stage. Everytime I meditate and cycle, I start getting these pains and tingles in my genitals w/c are hard to stomach, painful, disgusting, and panicky, causes nausea, feel of fainting, or just bad dukkha. Probably caused too by Post traumatic stress, where I seem to relive the pain of some past trauma everytime I feel it. The tingles and pains linger on throughout the day and genitals have been sore, and meditation has been causing more bad than good lately, ever since I reached equanimity. I pushed thru the same pain in dark night, but now I have to cycle thru it every time. (Is it always like this?)
I read that problems/imbalances with the Sacral chakra often lead to tingles, discomfort and pains.
Does any one have any similar experiences or techniques dealing with these paralyzing pains.
Thanks = )
tarin greco, modified 15 Years ago at 6/24/09 8:15 AM
Created 15 Years ago at 6/24/09 8:15 AM
RE: Chakra Pain from Dark night
Posts: 658 Join Date: 5/14/09 Recent Posts
even if one's reached equanimity regarding formations, one can still fall back regularly, and many, if not most, people do, hundreds, if not thousands, of times, before going on to crack stream-entry (if they do at all). i speculate that the majority of chronic dark night yogis are actually able to reach equanimity, but they do so without the required skill-set and attitude to be able to get through that territory, and thus fall back again and again. the solution here is to keep developing those skills. keep developing the 5 faculties (attention, dedication, wisdom, energy, concentration), keeping a mind out to balance them. use good opportunities to do this in your every day life, if you're already gonna be spending so much time thinking about this stuff. and while you're in formal practice, practice hard, and do it completely consistently and constantly. observation of the 3 characteristics (or whatever style of instruction you use), full steam, all the way.
Tina Hamilton, modified 15 Years ago at 6/24/09 9:54 AM
Created 15 Years ago at 6/24/09 9:54 AM
RE: Chakra Pain from Dark night
Posts: 0 Join Date: 8/22/09 Recent Posts
This may be a little off topic related to DhO forums, but have you had any experience working with chakras?
In answer to your question, yes, the sacral (Swadhisthana) chakra imbalances can appear as sensations like what you described, but even more relevant to the root (Muladhara) chakra. If you have any experience working with chakra centers, then it would be good to give particular attention to the three lower chakras (1st - Root, 2nd - sacral, and 3rd - solar plexus).
The PTSD that you mentioned is significant. Have you had counseling for this? Perhaps it would be good to find a Buddhist counselor who can assist you in processing through this trauma, as well as work with you as these things arise in your practice. Seriously, and with all honesty I think you should have some additional support (in addition to the helpful people here at DhO) from someone you can meet with regularly.
LovingKindness and Compassion
In answer to your question, yes, the sacral (Swadhisthana) chakra imbalances can appear as sensations like what you described, but even more relevant to the root (Muladhara) chakra. If you have any experience working with chakra centers, then it would be good to give particular attention to the three lower chakras (1st - Root, 2nd - sacral, and 3rd - solar plexus).
The PTSD that you mentioned is significant. Have you had counseling for this? Perhaps it would be good to find a Buddhist counselor who can assist you in processing through this trauma, as well as work with you as these things arise in your practice. Seriously, and with all honesty I think you should have some additional support (in addition to the helpful people here at DhO) from someone you can meet with regularly.
LovingKindness and Compassion

David U, modified 15 Years ago at 6/24/09 4:33 PM
Created 15 Years ago at 6/24/09 4:33 PM
RE: Chakra Pain from Dark night
Posts: 0 Join Date: 8/22/09 Recent Posts
Hi Mindful,
I'd just like to agree with Khara here. From personal experience that sounds similar to yours, good counselling for serious psychological issues such as PTSD is very, very helpful and does not interfere with or negate spiritual development. To the contrary, if your meditation is waking you up to unresolved personal stuff, then that stuff should be dealt with skilfully. This can all be done alongside practicing and developing the faculties, as Greco outlined so well.
A good psychologist doesn't necessarily have to be Buddhist or have an intimate knowledge of chakra systems (but would help undoubtedly). Any counsellor with an emphasis on mind-body relationships and mindfulness practices can really help.
I'm replying because you mentioned PTSD, and this can be a serious problem, but if you meant it more loosely, as in you had some minor issues that kept cropping up, I apologize for unwarranted advice.
Hope this helps.
I'd just like to agree with Khara here. From personal experience that sounds similar to yours, good counselling for serious psychological issues such as PTSD is very, very helpful and does not interfere with or negate spiritual development. To the contrary, if your meditation is waking you up to unresolved personal stuff, then that stuff should be dealt with skilfully. This can all be done alongside practicing and developing the faculties, as Greco outlined so well.
A good psychologist doesn't necessarily have to be Buddhist or have an intimate knowledge of chakra systems (but would help undoubtedly). Any counsellor with an emphasis on mind-body relationships and mindfulness practices can really help.
I'm replying because you mentioned PTSD, and this can be a serious problem, but if you meant it more loosely, as in you had some minor issues that kept cropping up, I apologize for unwarranted advice.
Hope this helps.
Dark Night Yogi, modified 15 Years ago at 6/25/09 4:14 AM
Created 15 Years ago at 6/25/09 4:14 AM
RE: Chakra Pain from Dark night
Posts: 138 Join Date: 8/25/09 Recent Posts
hi and thanks all! = )
The trauma becomes a problem if its beyond my skill level significantly, however I was able to get past the dark night a few times, sitting with it and not fainting and getting into equanimity. It was however a wake up call to balance my life on the attitudes that those chakras did associate with, and work on my relationships with other people, the world and my thoughts, based on my imbalances. I.e. i tend to be too aversive, lack confidence, too repressive of emotions, and desire, and also too expressive of opinions, etc.
So what im thinking is somehow if i change these, it may cause smoother flow of energy in those chakras and the pain will lessen, or the sensations won't be that intense.
ill be open to counseling for PTSD if symptoms persist many thanks.
I'm thinking its just the reaction of the dark night that triggers all this and if I just work on that then I can learn to sail it smoothly. The trouble is of backsliding back everytime equanimity is reached.
I guess i'll just see if I can react better also.
DAVIDU: how did ptsd affect ur practice if i may ask, was it the thought patterns, that came up? In my case, i don't see thought patterns, but the exact feelings and fear/panic stress/disgust. but not necessarily images
khara: i will try to change my personality like mentioned above. I havnt worked with chakra centers, but ill look into that. do you recommend any places to start looking about it?
As of now, I've started to do more yoga in the morning and i think there are also exercises that help these particular chakras.
Greco: will bear in mind 5 faculties. the times that i got thru it ok, it was concentration that got me. just sticking with it a little longer and not taking it personally.
The trauma becomes a problem if its beyond my skill level significantly, however I was able to get past the dark night a few times, sitting with it and not fainting and getting into equanimity. It was however a wake up call to balance my life on the attitudes that those chakras did associate with, and work on my relationships with other people, the world and my thoughts, based on my imbalances. I.e. i tend to be too aversive, lack confidence, too repressive of emotions, and desire, and also too expressive of opinions, etc.
So what im thinking is somehow if i change these, it may cause smoother flow of energy in those chakras and the pain will lessen, or the sensations won't be that intense.
ill be open to counseling for PTSD if symptoms persist many thanks.
I'm thinking its just the reaction of the dark night that triggers all this and if I just work on that then I can learn to sail it smoothly. The trouble is of backsliding back everytime equanimity is reached.
I guess i'll just see if I can react better also.
DAVIDU: how did ptsd affect ur practice if i may ask, was it the thought patterns, that came up? In my case, i don't see thought patterns, but the exact feelings and fear/panic stress/disgust. but not necessarily images
khara: i will try to change my personality like mentioned above. I havnt worked with chakra centers, but ill look into that. do you recommend any places to start looking about it?
As of now, I've started to do more yoga in the morning and i think there are also exercises that help these particular chakras.
Greco: will bear in mind 5 faculties. the times that i got thru it ok, it was concentration that got me. just sticking with it a little longer and not taking it personally.
Hokai Sobol, modified 15 Years ago at 6/25/09 4:48 AM
Created 15 Years ago at 6/25/09 4:48 AM
RE: Chakra Pain from Dark night
Posts: 4 Join Date: 4/30/09 Recent Posts
Apart from talking to a trauma specialist, I'd suggest you have a look at these articles by Shinzen Young, and check some of the methods he offers to work with pain and discomfort in meditation. Here's the list:
A Synopsis of Shinzen Young’s book "Break Through Pain"
Working With Physical Discomfort During Meditation
A Pain-Processing Algorithm
Also, check this diagram of panic cycle:
Hope this helps to clarify the situation.
A Synopsis of Shinzen Young’s book "Break Through Pain"
Working With Physical Discomfort During Meditation
A Pain-Processing Algorithm
Also, check this diagram of panic cycle:
Hope this helps to clarify the situation.
Tina Hamilton, modified 15 Years ago at 6/25/09 4:10 PM
Created 15 Years ago at 6/25/09 4:10 PM
RE: Chakra Pain from Dark night
Posts: 0 Join Date: 8/22/09 Recent Posts
You said some key things that seem particularly relevant. I'm a firm believer in building a strong foundation in ones practice. Assess your skill level with complete honesty... if you feel that you're going beyond your skill level, then perhaps it would be of benefit to move a little slower. There's really no need to rush through stages and processes. You now see areas in your life that you feel it would be good to make adjustments. That sounds like an excellent starting point.
Now, about the chakra info.: Chakra centers are basically energy centers that reflect ones mental/emotional health, physical health, and subtle body (energy) health. They are a moderately complex system that is often oversimplified in many New Age books and websites. Since you're not familiar with chakra work, it might be better to just utilize some basic breath work techniques that can be practiced both during meditation, and during regular everyday activities.
Emotions and breath have a direct correlation. Breath and various other physical body regulators and emotions share the same regulatory area in the brain (the hypothalmus). Hence, breathwork can be immensly beneficial. And, this kinda fits in with articles by Shinzen Young that 'Hokai' referred you to. If you look at the diagram of panic cycle, one of the things listed is hypoxia. And I think he mentioned breath in the other articles.
Now, about the chakra info.: Chakra centers are basically energy centers that reflect ones mental/emotional health, physical health, and subtle body (energy) health. They are a moderately complex system that is often oversimplified in many New Age books and websites. Since you're not familiar with chakra work, it might be better to just utilize some basic breath work techniques that can be practiced both during meditation, and during regular everyday activities.
Emotions and breath have a direct correlation. Breath and various other physical body regulators and emotions share the same regulatory area in the brain (the hypothalmus). Hence, breathwork can be immensly beneficial. And, this kinda fits in with articles by Shinzen Young that 'Hokai' referred you to. If you look at the diagram of panic cycle, one of the things listed is hypoxia. And I think he mentioned breath in the other articles.
Tina Hamilton, modified 15 Years ago at 6/25/09 4:28 PM
Created 15 Years ago at 6/25/09 4:28 PM
RE: Chakra Pain from Dark night
Posts: 0 Join Date: 8/22/09 Recent Posts
Unfortunately, I'm not at my own computer at the moment, so I don't have a list of resources at hand. However, you can do a google search for "deep yogic breath" (also called a "three part breath"), or "qigong embryonic breathing" - that should be enough to get you started.
You mentioned that you also do yoga (I'm assuming you're meaning yoga asanas/postures). A few postures that come to mind at the moment that are helpful: Corpse posture, Child Pose, and any of the back bending postures.
I also agree with what Tarin (theprisonergreco) said:
"keep developing the 5 faculties (attention, dedication, wisdom, energy, concentration), keeping a mind out to balance them. use good opportunities to do this in your every day life, if you're already gonna be spending so much time thinking about this stuff. and while you're in formal practice, practice hard, and do it completely consistently and constantly. observation of the 3 characteristics..."
Let me know if you want more info on the breathwork stuff, I'd be happy to describe some techniques in a private message.
You mentioned that you also do yoga (I'm assuming you're meaning yoga asanas/postures). A few postures that come to mind at the moment that are helpful: Corpse posture, Child Pose, and any of the back bending postures.
I also agree with what Tarin (theprisonergreco) said:
"keep developing the 5 faculties (attention, dedication, wisdom, energy, concentration), keeping a mind out to balance them. use good opportunities to do this in your every day life, if you're already gonna be spending so much time thinking about this stuff. and while you're in formal practice, practice hard, and do it completely consistently and constantly. observation of the 3 characteristics..."
Let me know if you want more info on the breathwork stuff, I'd be happy to describe some techniques in a private message.
David U, modified 15 Years ago at 6/26/09 3:44 PM
Created 15 Years ago at 6/26/09 3:44 PM
RE: Chakra Pain from Dark night
Posts: 0 Join Date: 8/22/09 Recent Posts
"how did ptsd affect ur practice if i may ask, was it the thought patterns, that came up? In my case, i don't see thought patterns, but the exact feelings and fear/panic stress/disgust. but not necessarily images"
I had the same thing with feelings without thoughts, Mindful. Sometimes it is called dissociation, and it can become a habit for people who have experienced traumas. In other words, we learn to disconnect our minds from our bodies, and end up living in this disconnected fashion. I have responded in detail about my experiences via PM. Very happy to have you here.
I also really like Hokai's Shinzen links. Great resources. And Khara's tips also sound good. Mindful exercise of any sort can be great for getting back into the body (where we all belong, haha).
I had the same thing with feelings without thoughts, Mindful. Sometimes it is called dissociation, and it can become a habit for people who have experienced traumas. In other words, we learn to disconnect our minds from our bodies, and end up living in this disconnected fashion. I have responded in detail about my experiences via PM. Very happy to have you here.
I also really like Hokai's Shinzen links. Great resources. And Khara's tips also sound good. Mindful exercise of any sort can be great for getting back into the body (where we all belong, haha).
Dark Night Yogi, modified 15 Years ago at 7/4/09 4:12 AM
Created 15 Years ago at 7/4/09 4:12 AM
RE: Chakra Pain from Dark night
Posts: 138 Join Date: 8/25/09 Recent Posts
thanks again all.
hokai, great links. i've tried them now and its not that hard, it works great. thanks.
khara, thanks for the tips im taking it.
the pains fortunately have gotten less, at least for now.
David, i didn't really think of it like that, now that you pointed it out, thanks. I never really worked on the Ptsd. Im asking around for counselors now. Though, just awareness and mindfulness is already a big help with it.
hokai, great links. i've tried them now and its not that hard, it works great. thanks.
khara, thanks for the tips im taking it.
the pains fortunately have gotten less, at least for now.
David, i didn't really think of it like that, now that you pointed it out, thanks. I never really worked on the Ptsd. Im asking around for counselors now. Though, just awareness and mindfulness is already a big help with it.
Tina Hamilton, modified 15 Years ago at 7/5/09 9:33 AM
Created 15 Years ago at 7/5/09 9:33 AM
RE: Chakra Pain from Dark night
Posts: 0 Join Date: 8/22/09 Recent PostsDavid U, modified 15 Years ago at 7/6/09 4:32 PM
Created 15 Years ago at 7/6/09 4:32 PM
RE: Chakra Pain from Dark night
Posts: 0 Join Date: 8/22/09 Recent Posts
Again, I just want to echo Khara's comment. Very glad to hear you are going for balance in your practice and life.
Also, glad to hear the pain is subsiding.
Also, glad to hear the pain is subsiding.
Dark Night Yogi, modified 15 Years ago at 9/4/09 8:14 PM
Created 15 Years ago at 9/4/09 8:14 PM
RE: Chakra Pain from Dark night
Posts: 138 Join Date: 8/25/09 Recent Posts
hello. I noticed that there seems to be new pain in most times around when i am in A&P territory.
There were days where the whole body felt very fragile and sensitive, like the nerve of a pulled-out tooth (sorry for the visual image)
and some where the pain seemed to be spreading under the skin, but throughout the body, limbs and center.
i realize now the first time i was approaching A&P from the 3characteristics prior to 1st path. I used to complain after eating cabbage or other leafy vegetables that my whole body hurt and my nerves were sensitive, even stepping on the floor hurt.
So what i guess is happening is: My energy channels were all blocked, and still are until now. And as the A&P's bring in even more and more energy flow, pain will come if more unblocking needs to take place.
I'm hoping that pain will eventually stop, when no more unblocking needs to take place.
Now though, the pain is more bearable and its no longer a 'problem' = )
One time i thought that I may have had permanent nerve damage, and that i would be experiencing the same pain constantly throughout life. Glad to know thats probably not the case.
There were days where the whole body felt very fragile and sensitive, like the nerve of a pulled-out tooth (sorry for the visual image)
and some where the pain seemed to be spreading under the skin, but throughout the body, limbs and center.
i realize now the first time i was approaching A&P from the 3characteristics prior to 1st path. I used to complain after eating cabbage or other leafy vegetables that my whole body hurt and my nerves were sensitive, even stepping on the floor hurt.
So what i guess is happening is: My energy channels were all blocked, and still are until now. And as the A&P's bring in even more and more energy flow, pain will come if more unblocking needs to take place.
I'm hoping that pain will eventually stop, when no more unblocking needs to take place.
Now though, the pain is more bearable and its no longer a 'problem' = )
One time i thought that I may have had permanent nerve damage, and that i would be experiencing the same pain constantly throughout life. Glad to know thats probably not the case.