Inner Spontaneous Sound as Support

StillJustJames, modified 4 Years ago at 6/8/20 1:42 PM
Created 6 Years ago at 1/6/19 4:02 AM

Inner Spontaneous Sound as Support

Posts: 3 Join Date: 1/6/19 Recent Posts
There is a book being published on, "Tranquillity's Secret," on the subject of the use of inner spontaneous sound as support for meditation. 

The book is a big one, nearly 800 pages in paperback format. It’s that big because it is a collection of related writings: a set of meditation practices which are fairly simple, but which require detailed instructions since they are being communicated via text and not one-on-one guidance. However, the practices use this unusual support in place of the breath—which is the more common, but deficient in particular ways, support today. This then necessitates an explanation of the support’s uniqueness, part of which entails detailed quotations from current and ancient writings and related explanations, on this particular meditation support. But these all come from various spiritual traditions, and none of them are framed within our modern mechanistic materialism, thus there is a necessity to explain how how things differ from how they are understood today, in order that the reader understand exactly what they are using. So it’s part philosophy, part science, part practice, and part historical documentation.

Inner spontaneous sound is also known by the following names and expressions in various religions and spiritual traditions: Abstract Sound, Anāhata Nāda, Astral sound, Chönyid kyi rangdra (or Chos Nyid Kyi Rang Sgra), Dharmata Swayambhu Nada, Divine Tremoring, Eternal Sound, Holy Stream of Sound, Inner Sacred Sound, Music of the Spheres, Nada-Brahman, Omkara Dhvarni, Primordial Sound, Resonance of Emptiness, Sawt-e-sarmad, Sacred Sound, Shabda Brahman, Sound of Creation, Sound of Silence (also Thunder of Silence), Soundless Sound, Transcendental Sound, Unborn Sound, Unstruck Sound, and The Word of God.
Linda ”Polly Ester” Ö, modified 6 Years ago at 1/20/19 8:14 AM
Created 6 Years ago at 1/20/19 8:14 AM

RE: Inner Spontaneous Sound as Support

Posts: 7135 Join Date: 12/8/18 Recent Posts
This seems interesting. Thanks!
StillJustJames, modified 6 Years ago at 1/21/19 3:50 AM
Created 6 Years ago at 1/21/19 3:50 AM

RE: Inner Spontaneous Sound as Support

Posts: 3 Join Date: 1/6/19 Recent Posts
Thank you. I hope you find it useful.
StillJustJames, modified 4 Years ago at 6/8/20 1:41 PM
Created 4 Years ago at 6/8/20 1:41 PM

RE: Inner Spontaneous Sound as Support

Posts: 3 Join Date: 1/6/19 Recent Posts
A Universal Direct Path to Enlightenment
Showing how Plotinus, Jigme Lingpa, Xu Yun, Avalokitasvara & the Buddha described the same necessary meditation moves to reach enlightenment

And for those that are interested in the rest:
Tranquillity’s Secret
The Heroic Path to Great Responsiveness and Complete Enlightenment Using Sound
