
Jeff Grove, modified 13 Years ago at 10/26/10 5:22 PM
Created 13 Years ago at 10/26/10 5:13 PM


Posts: 310 Join Date: 8/24/09 Recent Posts
There is no reason why you should limit your investigation of HAIETMOBA to the waking states only. In fact valuable insight into the self in action can be made transitioning through the dream states to the awakening states.

There are a number of phases we pass through when we sleep. By making a resolution to remember our dreams as well as keeping a dream journal we can start to recognise the different distinct levels of experience we assoicate with different types of dreams. Types of dreams include Lucid, Dreams with clear identity and Normal Dreams.

Lucid dreams are dreams in which you are aware that you are dreaming (awareness watching awareness).

Dreams with a clear identity are those dreams were we clearly identify with the character in the dream and the experience is as real as our daytime awareness. Examples of these are dreams in which we have projected into such as wet dreams, nightmares etc. These dreams are easily recalled upon waking.

Then we have dreams that we normally experince the most often. These dreams are similar to our daytime day dreaming were we are lost in our dreams.

An important transition of experience is the hypnopompic state leading out of sleep to full consciousness. Have you ever woke to stare out at the beauty of the world in wide eye wonder and in that moment there is a palapable stillness. Chances are that this is a Pure Conscious Experince (PCE) and if not at least an Exellance Experience (EE) that you can use to set the bar to recall on the way to PCE.

Keep a Dream Journal
Make a resolution to remember your dreams
Cultivate the habit of asking yourself HAIETMOBA throughout the day

Each morning, immediately upon waking remember HAIETMOBA

Once you are fully conscious review the dream in your head for about twenty seconds. Immediately after, begin writing it down. At first, your dream diary will likely contain short sentences of one dream. For one, this will develop you ability to remember your dreams.

This exercise helps investigate the self in action as the self goes into abyenace so does the dreams
Martin M, modified 13 Years ago at 10/26/10 6:50 PM
Created 13 Years ago at 10/26/10 6:50 PM

RE: Dreams

Posts: 91 Join Date: 9/3/09 Recent Posts
Interesting idea Jeff.
Only heard of the hypnagogic state before in relation to lucid dreaming.
A quick scan on wikipedia revealed:

The hypnagogic state is rational waking cognition trying to make sense of non-linear images and associations; the hypnopompic state is emotional and credulous dreaming cognition trying to make sense of real world stolidity.

I wonder why this emotional state should be inducive to PCE´s though?

Guess it´s time to pick up my lucid dreaming practice and find out.
Jeff Grove, modified 13 Years ago at 10/26/10 10:44 PM
Created 13 Years ago at 10/26/10 9:47 PM

RE: Dreams

Posts: 310 Join Date: 8/24/09 Recent Posts
Martin M:
Interesting idea Jeff.
Only heard of the hypnagogic state before in relation to lucid dreaming.
A quick scan on wikipedia revealed:

The hypnagogic state is rational waking cognition trying to make sense of non-linear images and associations; the hypnopompic state is emotional and credulous dreaming cognition trying to make sense of real world stolidity.

I wonder why this emotional state should be inducive to PCE´s though?

Guess it´s time to pick up my lucid dreaming practice and find out.

Hi Martin,

wikipedia - A hypnopompic state (or hypnopomp) is the state of consciousness leading out of sleep, Its twin is the hypnagogic state at sleep onset; though often conflated, the two states are not identical

Usually you will transition through this state but sometimes when you wake the self will be in abeyance for a time you just stare out at the world in wonder. There is no conscious experience, no internal chatter no stir of passion, this is likely a PCE. If there is any hint of an emotional state it will likely be an EE.

Lucid Dreaming is a self experience
Dream with clear identity is a self experience
Normal dreaming is a self experience

Even though they are dreams you can still investigate the self in action and HAIETMOBA.

But for people who can't recall a PCE perhaps they remember a time when they have just woke to clean clear perception of the world.
