Actually Free Roll-call

Johannes Bugenhagen, modified 13 Years ago at 11/4/10 4:36 AM
Created 13 Years ago at 11/4/10 4:36 AM

Actually Free Roll-call

Posts: 19 Join Date: 11/3/10 Recent Posts
I can't help but notice that Peter, one of the old actualist folks, and part of the AF Trust, has been mostly silent for the past many years, even though he used to be a prolific writer.

Vineeto, after a few salutory and self-congratulatory statements after her supposed actual freedom, is nowhere to be seen.

Also, I see that amongst the new ones, Tarin is by far stepping ahead of Richard due to both a better acquaintance with Buddhism, and a more empathetic understanding of his co-respondents. He seems to understand quickly what the other person is trying to say, whereas most interactions with Richard are examples of pedantic debate.

Richard is quickly becoming irrelevant. That may not be bad news, all considered, given his style of interaction.

Also, it seems Richard announced a few more close associates as having become Actually Free (Tom/Pamela). I wonder why they have never corresponded about how they achieved "actual freedom". Whether by practicing Actualism, or through some other means.
John Mitchell, modified 13 Years ago at 11/4/10 6:06 AM
Created 13 Years ago at 11/4/10 6:06 AM

RE: Actually Free Roll-call

Posts: 33 Join Date: 10/15/10 Recent Posts
Johannes Bugenhagen:
I can't help but notice that Peter, one of the old actualist folks, and part of the AF Trust, has been mostly silent for the past many years, even though he used to be a prolific writer.

Vineeto, after a few salutory and self-congratulatory statements after her supposed actual freedom, is nowhere to be seen.

Also, I see that amongst the new ones, Tarin is by far stepping ahead of Richard due to both a better acquaintance with Buddhism, and a more empathetic understanding of his co-respondents. He seems to understand quickly what the other person is trying to say, whereas most interactions with Richard are examples of pedantic debate.

Richard is quickly becoming irrelevant. That may not be bad news, all considered, given his style of interaction.

Also, it seems Richard announced a few more close associates as having become Actually Free (Tom/Pamela). I wonder why they have never corresponded about how they achieved "actual freedom". Whether by practicing Actualism, or through some other means.

Perhaps the abovementioned individuals, being mature adults and being Actually Free, are undertaking those projects that best advance happiness & harmlessness for the rest of us.

Every time I read it, I am grateful for the work that resulted in the website . I am still amazed and delighted that the AFT website exists for all human beings who are genuine in their intent to track down what it means to be happy.

Daniel Johnson, modified 13 Years ago at 11/4/10 3:36 PM
Created 13 Years ago at 11/4/10 3:36 PM

RE: Actually Free Roll-call

Posts: 401 Join Date: 12/16/09 Recent Posts
Johannes Bugenhagen:
Richard is quickly becoming irrelevant. That may not be bad news, all considered, given his style of interaction.

I read through the AF website quite often and am astounded to continue finding new nuggets of insight over and over and over again. I enjoy his style of interaction and find him quite relevant. His understanding of the human condition is remarkable. This must, then, be simply a matter of personal opinion.
Johannes Bugenhagen, modified 13 Years ago at 11/9/10 7:02 AM
Created 13 Years ago at 11/9/10 7:02 AM

RE: Actually Free Roll-call

Posts: 19 Join Date: 11/3/10 Recent Posts
What about the following question?

Also, it seems Richard announced a few more close associates as having become Actually Free (Tom/Pamela). I wonder why they have never corresponded about how they achieved "actual freedom". Whether by practicing Actualism, or through some other means.

It seems Stephanie (spelling?) didn't practice it much, but got free after dreaming of having sex with Richard, no? What about Tarin? Did he practice HAIETMOBA? What about Tom, Pamela, Grace, Justine (?), and others?
tarin greco, modified 13 Years ago at 11/9/10 8:27 AM
Created 13 Years ago at 11/9/10 8:27 AM

RE: Actually Free Roll-call

Posts: 658 Join Date: 5/14/09 Recent Posts
Johannes Bugenhagen:
What about Tarin? Did he practice HAIETMOBA?

yes... assiduously. i wouldn't recommend it to others otherwise.


on another note though:

as, of the 10 posts you've written to the dho actualism/actual freedom forum so far, all have been dedicated to speculative debate and ad hominem abuse (even going so far as to selectively copy-paste ad hominem abuse previously dished out elsewhere by others), and nowhere in them have you made any mention of your own practice or what results it has brought you, it might be appropriate for me (as a moderator here) to now ask: why are you posting on this forum, 'johannes'? what is your purpose? what do you intend to accomplish?

or, more specifically[1]:
Daniel M. Ingram:

[as] this is a site about practice and positive results and friends helping each other do to that ... [what] do you have that is positive, productive, leads to beneficial results, transforms consciousness in some beneficial way, and would be practical, able to be practiced, and is reproducible that you yourself can verify because you have done it, beyond simply delight in the role of the diligent and pernicious skeptic, which clearly compels you to write post after post after post?

What have you got that is of value beyond this that relates to hardcore meditation and consciousness transformation and deep insight and what freedoms can be had?

as it is stated in the very first paragraph on this site's front page[2]:

The Dharma Overground is a ... place where everything related to the support of practice may flourish, including where to go on retreats, what techniques may lead to what, an in depth look at the maps of possible states and stages, discussions about how to determine what experience was what, and in general anything that has to do with actually practicing rather than what typically occurs in standard meditation circles.

...please keep your contributions in accordance with the dho site guidelines.

the yahoo 'actualist freedom' group/mailing list, on the other hand, has no such guidelines and so would be a better place to explore the non-practice-related issues you've brought up. if you would like to carry on with these discussions, please take them there.

site mod
Johannes Bugenhagen, modified 13 Years ago at 11/9/10 8:45 AM
Created 13 Years ago at 11/9/10 8:45 AM

RE: Actually Free Roll-call

Posts: 19 Join Date: 11/3/10 Recent Posts
Sometimes, before commencing on a journey, it is wise to ascertain the truth about the destination. Just my opinion.

Of course, you have reached (I guess), so no argument with you.

By the way, an experiential question: By what method or practice have you ascertained your state to be permanent and irrevocable, i.e. worthy of being called "actual freedom" instead of a PCE (which in some accounts can last upto 5 months, or maybe even more).

tarin greco:
Johannes Bugenhagen:
What about Tarin? Did he practice HAIETMOBA?

yes... assiduously. i wouldn't recommend it to others otherwise.


on another note though:

as, of the 10 posts you've written to the dho actualism/actual freedom forum so far, all have been dedicated to speculative debate and ad hominem abuse (even going so far as to selectively copy-paste ad hominem abuse previously dished out elsewhere by others), and nowhere in them have you made any mention of your own practice or what results it has brought you, it might be appropriate for me (as a moderator here) to now ask: why are you posting on this forum, 'johannes'? what is your purpose? what do you intend to accomplish?

or, more specifically[1]:
Daniel M. Ingram:

[as] this is a site about practice and positive results and friends helping each other do to that ... [what] do you have that is positive, productive, leads to beneficial results, transforms consciousness in some beneficial way, and would be practical, able to be practiced, and is reproducible that you yourself can verify because you have done it, beyond simply delight in the role of the diligent and pernicious skeptic, which clearly compels you to write post after post after post?

What have you got that is of value beyond this that relates to hardcore meditation and consciousness transformation and deep insight and what freedoms can be had?

as it is stated in the very first paragraph on this site's front page[2]:

The Dharma Overground is a ... place where everything related to the support of practice may flourish, including where to go on retreats, what techniques may lead to what, an in depth look at the maps of possible states and stages, discussions about how to determine what experience was what, and in general anything that has to do with actually practicing rather than what typically occurs in standard meditation circles.

...please keep your contributions in accordance with the dho site guidelines.

the yahoo 'actualist freedom' group/mailing list, on the other hand, has no such guidelines and so would be a better place to explore the non-practice-related issues you've brought up. if you would like to carry on with these discussions, please take them there.

site mod
tarin greco, modified 13 Years ago at 11/9/10 9:28 AM
Created 13 Years ago at 11/9/10 9:28 AM

RE: Actually Free Roll-call

Posts: 658 Join Date: 5/14/09 Recent Posts
Johannes Bugenhagen:
Sometimes, before commencing on a journey, it is wise to ascertain the truth about the destination. Just my opinion.

and you are entitled to it.. yet discussion on this forum is chiefly for those who have already ascertained enough to set forth.

Johannes Bugenhagen:

Of course, you have reached (I guess), so no argument with you.

what i have reached is an actual freedom (which is an experientially verifiable absence of being, upon which dependently arises fear, malice, and sorrow)... yet there is so much more to discover (such as what this actual world of people and creatures and things is all about, what causes and conditions prevail here, and what the experience of living it uninterruptedly day-to-day is like).

Johannes Bugenhagen:

By the way, an experiential question: By what method or practice have you ascertained your state to be permanent and irrevocable, i.e. worthy of being called "actual freedom" instead of a PCE (which in some accounts can last upto 5 months, or maybe even more).

by neither method nor practice; i have ascertained my present state to differ from the pce in the following ways:
  • in the utterly unexpected and unprecedented entrance to the condition and the complete break with what came before (whereas 'i' more often than not knew that 'i' was approaching a pce and the approaches had become predictable);
  • in how, in this condition, there is no sense of question about 'how long' the experience will last, even upon direct reflection (the question is obviated by the absence of that which would seek - and had previously sought - its stability);
  • in how, qualitatively speaking, the pce pales in comparison to it (to use an analogy, it is the difference between the sun peeking out from behind a cloud in winter and a clear blue summer sky);
  • in how i finally have an understanding of just what 'being' was all along... which i did not have before, and which could not have come about without the direct experience of its extinction (no matter how much 'i' tried to wrap my mind around the issue).

my questions in my previous post (including the ones borrowed from dan) still stand, should you ever choose to answer them.
