Profound Thanks

Eddie Z, modified 5 Years ago at 6/23/19 9:15 AM
Created 5 Years ago at 6/23/19 9:15 AM

Profound Thanks

Posts: 15 Join Date: 6/3/19 Recent Posts
I wasn't quite sure where to put this, so I thought that here would be good.

I just wanted to take a moment to express my profound thanks to Daniel Ingram for writing Mastering the Core Teachings of the Buddha.

My background is actually primarily in Western Occultism, which I've been practicing for over a couple decades. I've had numerous moments of profound ecstasis and experiences of deep quiet over the years, but a little over a year ago, I had an experience that was very much outside of the range of things that have happened before. I wasn't exactly sure what it was, but it was deeply impactful. I knew that it was something I needed to explore and understand, but I didn't have the language to know what to ask for.

I was fortunate in that I have a number of friends deeply practiced in various schools of Buddhism, and they just happened to be talking about MCTB, and highly recommended it. I decided to get a copy and read it, and that's when everything started to fall into place. It gave everything I had experienced a context, clarified a number of things that occurred, and gave me a language with which I could discuss what occurred with my friends.

It was profoundly helpful, and gave me a set of new tools and practices with which I could deepen my work and exploration.

So basically, thank you! This has really helped me to move forward!
