Essence of Actual Freedom

Pål S, modified 14 Years ago at 1/8/11 1:15 PM
Created 14 Years ago at 1/8/11 1:13 PM

Essence of Actual Freedom

Posts: 196 Join Date: 8/16/10 Recent Posts
Some time ago I stumbled across a post on the AF trust website where "SUBSCRIBER NO. 4" mentioned the following:

March 28 2010
SUBSCRIBER NO. 4 to Vineeto: You know me through my surface mail dated 2nd May 2009, wherein I had requested your kind permission for the then enclosed attachment ‘ESSENCE OF ACTUAL FREEDOM’ to be printed and freely shared with others. Your written permission was granted vide your letter dated 19th May 2009. The printing of the book is still pending due to lack of financial resource.

This book is apparently endorsed by Richard:

RICHARD: I appreciate your tribute ... I was very pleased indeed, when you sent your manuscript last year for publishing permission, to find that somebody completely unknown to me had been able to successfully distil the essence of my millions of words – scattered hither and thither throughout a near-labyrinth of a website – into twenty-five thousand succinct words.

I searched the web for more information on it, but other than this correspondence no reference is obtainable. Anybody know anything about this book?

ManZ A, modified 14 Years ago at 1/8/11 10:51 PM
Created 14 Years ago at 1/8/11 10:51 PM

RE: Essence of Actual Freedom

Posts: 105 Join Date: 1/12/10 Recent Posts
Ah yeah I came across this too, but couldn't find the book. Maybe it got canned or something.
, modified 14 Years ago at 1/8/11 11:26 PM
Created 14 Years ago at 1/8/11 11:26 PM

RE: Essence of Actual Freedom

Posts: 385 Join Date: 8/11/10 Recent Posts
Hi Paul -

no book, but I applied your outside-in offline suggestion in a long ping pong game with my partner. Thoughts/commentary/feelings on and on and on, scarcely an actual moment in two hours. Small white ball, endless internal chatter, attitude. Amazing. Very efficient. Thanks.
Pål S, modified 14 Years ago at 1/9/11 4:34 AM
Created 14 Years ago at 1/9/11 4:34 AM

RE: Essence of Actual Freedom

Posts: 196 Join Date: 8/16/10 Recent Posts
Since "NO 4" says that it is to be freely distributed I would think an online (ebook/pdf/kindle/etc) release would be possible even if printing still lacks funding. Have no idea how to get in contact with "NO 4" though so guess we'll have to wait. It's a shame such a book isn't it circulation, especially since the AF trust website is currently the only original source for material, and it tends to repel more people than it attracts.
tarin greco, modified 14 Years ago at 1/9/11 7:27 AM
Created 14 Years ago at 1/9/11 7:27 AM

RE: Essence of Actual Freedom

Posts: 658 Join Date: 5/14/09 Recent Posts
the last i had heard, 'no 4' decided to not publish for private reasons.
Heather MacDonald, modified 13 Years ago at 5/1/11 6:29 PM
Created 13 Years ago at 5/1/11 6:29 PM

RE: Essence of Actual Freedom

Posts: 31 Join Date: 3/31/11 Recent Posts
The whole Actual Freedom site is a bit of a mess. The navigation and lay out of the site is utterly dreadful, there is absolutely no reason to use such a small font size. Why Richard doesn't/didn't just issue an eBook I don't know, as for the other with their "private reasons" for not going public... ha, ha, ha.

The whole Actual Freedom message (?) is so superficial as to be laughable. The verbose writing reflects only one who wants to impress, not express. Really whatever Richard & Co are trying to communicate, they do so very poorly. They use the old carrot and stick methodology from the outset... it smacks of poor sales copy, so desperate in its attempt to convince that it totally lacks conviction.

Of course you can purchase Richard or Peter's book for some $54.00, or why not go the whole hog and buy Richard's Journal + the 3 DVD's for only $145.00 (price includes postage - wow).
, modified 13 Years ago at 5/1/11 6:53 PM
Created 13 Years ago at 5/1/11 6:52 PM

RE: Essence of Actual Freedom

Posts: 385 Join Date: 8/11/10 Recent Posts
Hi Heather -

Welcome to the DhO. It is quite practice-oriented. Do you practice some technic/method/school of thought/autodidacticism?

Heather MacDonald
The navigation and lay out of the site is utterly dreadful, there is absolutely no reason to use such a small font size.

You and Benedict Carey agree on font size: it is apparently unrelated to learning.

However, studies linked in that article do indicate that the harder it is to learn something (including complexity/serif-ness of font) gives the learner better learning: the struggling learner appears to have less confidence and works harder to learn, the eased learner seems to develop false confidence and applies less effort/repetition in learning. So, technically, the AF trust site may need to improve its difficulty of interaction.

You write:
"The whole Actual Freedom message (?) is so superficial as to be laughable. "

Why? A sock is superficial and useful.

What sentences and words do you find as to be laughable?

Are you actually laughing? If not, then what is "to be laughable" with "so superficial" meaning?
Beoman Claudiu Dragon Emu Fire Golem, modified 13 Years ago at 5/1/11 8:10 PM
Created 13 Years ago at 5/1/11 8:10 PM

RE: Essence of Actual Freedom

Posts: 2227 Join Date: 10/27/10 Recent Posts
Heather MacDonald:
...The navigation and lay out of the site is utterly dreadful...
yeah it isn't too great. nowadays i access the site by googling " topic name" and find the links from there. i haven't seen the homepage in a while and i don't want to.
Heather MacDonald:
...there is absolutely no reason to use such a small font size...

i think that bothered me too; i held down CTRL and scrolled my mouse wheel up until the font size grew to a reasonable size
Heather MacDonald, modified 13 Years ago at 5/3/11 6:08 PM
Created 13 Years ago at 5/3/11 5:59 PM

RE: Essence of Actual Freedom

Posts: 31 Join Date: 3/31/11 Recent Posts
katy s:
Hi Heather -

Welcome to the DhO. It is quite practice-oriented. Do you practice some technic/method/school of thought/autodidacticism?

Hiya Katy, I suppose the latter term would suffice... self learning, no technique - no dogma.

katy s:
You write:
"The whole Actual Freedom message (?) is so superficial as to be laughable. "

Why? A sock is superficial and useful.

What sentences and words do you find as to be laughable?

Are you actually laughing? If not, then what is "to be laughable" with "so superficial" meaning?

I'd suggest that a sock is a sock, other attributes are unnecessary.

As for the laughable and superficial reference... for anyone not familiar with the Actaul Freedim site, I landed on this page... Actual Freedom and from thereon it was just like, what is this guy rambling on about. Maybe it's me, maybe not, but I'm open to discussion. It would probably be more practical to take it chapter by chapter as I'd like to go through the whole page but have limited time.

Richard begins... "This Web Page is for anyone sufficiently motivated to explore into just what constitutes the Human Condition. It is about what one human being searched for in his own life and the discoveries he has made ... and what other peoples have done about ameliorating their present situation. All the articles on these pages should be sufficiently challenging to stimulate, inspire and initiate some preliminary investigation and discussion and, although the articles are specifically of interest to the spiritual aspirant who wishes to further their search into the area that lies beyond enlightenment (and any other form of an altered state of consciousness), the general tone of the text will be of immense appeal to any one interested in all matters pertaining to consciousness studies.

We are all fellow human beings who find ourselves here in the world as it was when we were born. We find war, murder, torture, rape, domestic violence and corruption to be endemic – we notice that it is intrinsic to the human condition – and we set out to discover why this is so. We find sadness, loneliness, sorrow, grief, depression and suicide to be a global incidence – we gather that it is also inherent to the human condition – and we want to know why. We all report to each other as to the nature of our discoveries for we are all well-meaning and seek to find a way out of this mess that we have landed in. Whether one believes in re-incarnation or not, we are all living this particular life for the very first time, and we wish to make sense of it. It is a challenge and the adventure of a life-time to enquire and to uncover, to seek and to find, to explore and to discover. All this being alive business is actually happening and we are totally involved in living it out ... whether we take the back seat or not, we are all still doing it.

I, for one, am not taking the back seat ... because it is indeed possible for any human being to be totally free from the human condition".

I found ameliorating very funny as it just stopped me dead my tracks. A competent communicator would have used an alternative such as - improve, as that would not impede the flow of the reader. It is typical of those who have philosophical pretensions to abuse the English language so as to appear other than they actually are. A simplified version gives the message continuity and clarity, a clarity that the average person can appreciate.

This line I found curious... "the spiritual aspirant who wishes to further their search into the area that lies beyond enlightenment (and any other form of an altered state of consciousness)".

Can there be "an area beyond enlightenment" or does he just mean after enlightenment? Also, he suggests that enlightenment is just another altered state of consciousness. Again, can that be, as consciousness is clearly a creation of our conditioning and of the way our body has come together. A simple example is colour perception. Some see colours differently due to the structure of their eyes. Another example is our approach to sexuality. Most are brought up to believe in the male/female union. Male/male or female/female is considered abnormal, and male/male/female, female/female/male is considered even more strange. Same goes for race or colour of skin. But that's cultural consciousness for ya.

From what I gather enlightenment is actually the transcending of the limitations of all forms of consciousness; whether physical, psychological or spiritual. Maybe I've just been talking to the wrong guyemoticon

Why do so many focus only on the bad stuff... "We find war, murder, torture, rape, domestic violence and corruption to be endemic – we notice that it is intrinsic to the human condition – and we set out to discover why this is so. We find sadness, loneliness, sorrow, grief, depression and suicide to be a global incidence – we gather that it is also inherent to the human condition – and we want to know why".

We also find nurturing, laughter, pleasure, sharing, helping, empathy, gentleness, trust, etc, and these are pandemic, inherent aspects of the human being. So we wonder why? Well, it isn't so strange is it?

The war that has been raing on is obviously the pursuit of power. A pursuit which covers every aspect of human interaction, but not all. It is the simple non violent actions that we ought to really focus on and understand why. Just because most of human history is littered with dominance and destruction, doesn't necessarily write us off.

These are all just states of mind and/or body, either a state of disarray or a state of relative order. The causes of our states of mind and body can be many. There have been experiments giving the violent vitamins and their violent impulse subsides. There have been experiments giving the violent counselling, their violence subsides. There have been experiments with the violent practising meditation, the violence subsides. So we can't be too superficial about an essential problem which humanity has ignored for so long. If we face it, we'll understand it - totally.

How "intrinsic" and/or "inherent" is all the bad stuff to the human condition. I'd say it isn't intrinsic nor inherent at all, that gets us off on the wrong foot. I'd say, look at the conditions which give rise to the madness. Which came first? Can we know? Yep, it's a bit of a chicken and egg scenario, however we can solve this one.

When people are born into violence, hate, etc, obviously they are going to think it normal, and that is the essence, they think it. Thinking can change, there is no set pattern. Nothing intrinsic. But then isn't Richard saying this too when he ends with... "I, for one, am not taking the back seat ... because it is indeed possible for any human being to be totally free from the human condition". Maybe he just doesn't understand what intrinsic implies or thought it would add a little drama. But words have to be use correctly, otherwise they mislead and then where are we?
Beoman Claudiu Dragon Emu Fire Golem, modified 13 Years ago at 5/3/11 6:59 PM
Created 13 Years ago at 5/3/11 6:59 PM

RE: Essence of Actual Freedom

Posts: 2227 Join Date: 10/27/10 Recent Posts
What is your interest in posting on this forum? (What are you looking to learn/accomplish?)
Heather MacDonald, modified 13 Years ago at 5/4/11 5:38 PM
Created 13 Years ago at 5/4/11 5:38 PM

RE: Essence of Actual Freedom

Posts: 31 Join Date: 3/31/11 Recent Posts
Beoman Claudiu Dragon Emu Fire Golem:
What is your interest in posting on this forum? (What are you looking to learn/accomplish?)

Just curious about the Actual Freedom method/claims, wanting to clarify. Seems Richard & Co have given up their public forum and I found this one to be active.
Beoman Claudiu Dragon Emu Fire Golem, modified 13 Years ago at 5/5/11 11:44 AM
Created 13 Years ago at 5/5/11 10:27 AM

RE: Essence of Actual Freedom

Posts: 2227 Join Date: 10/27/10 Recent Posts
Heather MacDonald:
This line I found curious... "the spiritual aspirant who wishes to further their search into the area that lies beyond enlightenment (and any other form of an altered state of consciousness)".

Can there be "an area beyond enlightenment" or does he just mean after enlightenment?
From what I gather enlightenment is actually the transcending of the limitations of all forms of consciousness; whether physical, psychological or spiritual. Maybe I've just been talking to the wrong guyemoticon

Well, there are enlightened folk here and at KFD (Kenneth Folk Dharma) that seem to still be meditating and looking for stuff to do, so it seems there is... as well as enlightened folk who went on to attain an Actual Freedom, so it seems something different than or superseding what people consider enlightenment nowadays (which may or may not be what it was considered to be in, for example, the Buddha's time).

Heather MacDonald:
So we can't be too superficial about an essential problem which humanity has ignored for so long. If we face it, we'll understand it - totally.
and that's what the actualist method is designed to get one to do.. understand your human nature so thoroughly that it disappears.

Heather MacDonald:
How "intrinsic" and/or "inherent" is all the bad stuff to the human condition. I'd say it isn't intrinsic nor inherent at all, that gets us off on the wrong foot. I'd say, look at the conditions which give rise to the madness. Which came first? Can we know? Yep, it's a bit of a chicken and egg scenario, however we can solve this one.

When people are born into violence, hate, etc, obviously they are going to think it normal, and that is the essence, they think it. Thinking can change, there is no set pattern. Nothing intrinsic.

it's not the social conditioning that is the issue, it's human nature itself.
The instinctual passions are the very energy source of the rudimentary animal self ... the base consciousness of ‘self’ and ‘other’ that all sentient beings have. The human animal – with its unique ability to be aware of its own death – transforms this ‘reptilian brain’ rudimentary core of ‘being’ (an animal ‘self’) into being a feeling ‘me’ (as soul in the heart) and the ‘feeler’ then infiltrates into thought to become the ‘thinker’ ... a thinking ‘I’ (as ego in the head). No other animal can do this. That this process is aided and abetted by the human beings who were already on this planet when one was born – which is conditioning and programming and is part and parcel of the socialising process – is but the tip of the iceberg and not the main issue at all. All the different types of conditioning are well-meant endeavours by countless peoples over countless aeons to seek to curb the instinctual passions. Now, while most people paddle around on the surface and re-arrange the conditioning to ease their lot somewhat, some people – seeking to be free of all human conditioning – fondly imagine that by putting on a face-mask and snorkel that they have gone deep-sea diving with a scuba outfit ... deep into the human condition. [link]

Heather MacDonald:
But then isn't Richard saying this too when he ends with... "I, for one, am not taking the back seat ... because it is indeed possible for any human being to be totally free from the human condition". Maybe he just doesn't understand what intrinsic implies or thought it would add a little drama. But words have to be use correctly, otherwise they mislead and then where are we?

all the bad stuff (and the good stuff[1]) is intrinsic to the human condition. you can't have the human condition without the bad stuff. so he advocates being totally free from the human condition - removing it completely. the bad stuff is still intrinsic to the human condition.. it's just that you can exist as a human being without being subject to the human condition. in other words, having human nature is not intrinsic to being consciously aware as a flesh&blood body.

[1] EDIT: see below for clarification.
Jane Laurel Carrington, modified 13 Years ago at 5/5/11 11:28 AM
Created 13 Years ago at 5/5/11 11:28 AM

RE: Essence of Actual Freedom

Posts: 196 Join Date: 12/29/10 Recent Posts

all the bad stuff (and the good stuff) is intrinsic to the human condition. you can't have the human condition without the bad stuff. so he advocates being totally free from it - removing it completely. the bad stuff is still intrinsic.. it's just that you can exist as a human being without being subject to the human condition.

Friendly query: so then the good stuff is gone as well? I am going to make a guess that it depends on what you mean by "good stuff"--are you saying it's *all* stuff and it all goes?
Beoman Claudiu Dragon Emu Fire Golem, modified 13 Years ago at 5/5/11 11:48 AM
Created 13 Years ago at 5/5/11 11:38 AM

RE: Essence of Actual Freedom

Posts: 2227 Join Date: 10/27/10 Recent Posts
Jane Laurel Carrington:
Friendly query: so then the good stuff is gone as well? I am going to make a guess that it depends on what you mean by "good stuff"--are you saying it's *all* stuff and it all goes?

ah sorry, i was being imprecise. by 'good stuff' i meant 'good feelings' like love, pride, nurture, etc.. by 'bad stuff' i meant 'bad feelings' like sadness, fear, aggression, etc.

at first, it might seem like a negative thing... love, for example, feels good and seems nice, so we would miss it going away. but really, love only feels good because it covers up something negative - a feeling of separation or loneliness. we imagine that without love, we'll feel lonely and separate. yet, by removing the cause for feeling lonely and separate, there's no feeling lonely and separate, and there's no need for love as an antidote, since there's no problem in the first place.

in other words, the 'good feelings' are also 'bad stuff', since they depend on things which are sources of suffering to exist (and are often sources of suffering themselves).
Jane Laurel Carrington, modified 13 Years ago at 5/5/11 11:50 AM
Created 13 Years ago at 5/5/11 11:50 AM

RE: Essence of Actual Freedom

Posts: 196 Join Date: 12/29/10 Recent Posts
Thanks--I thought so. Best, Laurel
J Koperumcholan , modified 13 Years ago at 12/17/11 11:09 PM
Created 13 Years ago at 12/17/11 11:09 PM

RE: Essence of Actual Freedom

Posts: 3 Join Date: 10/20/10 Recent Posts
Pål S.
Posts: 106
Join Date: 8/16/10

Recent Posts Essence of Actual Freedom

1/8/11 1:15 PM Reply Reply with Quote .Some time ago I stumbled across a post on the AF trust website where "SUBSCRIBER NO. 4" mentioned the following:

March 28 2010
SUBSCRIBER NO. 4 to Vineeto: You know me through my surface mail dated 2nd May 2009, wherein I had requested your kind permission for the then enclosed attachment ‘ESSENCE OF ACTUAL FREEDOM’ to be printed and freely shared with others. Your written permission was granted vide your letter dated 19th May 2009. The printing of the book is still pending due to lack of financial resource.

This book is apparently endorsed by Richard:

RICHARD: I appreciate your tribute ... I was very pleased indeed, when you sent your manuscript last year for publishing permission, to find that somebody completely unknown to me had been able to successfully distil the essence of my millions of words – scattered hither and thither throughout a near-labyrinth of a website – into twenty-five thousand succinct words.

I searched the web for more information on it, but other than this correspondence no reference is obtainable. Anybody know anything about this book?




Myself D. Justine, the above mentioned Correspondent No.4, with Richard of Actual Freedom. We tried to publish my
Essence of Actual Freedom, in a book form. That venture failed because AFT was not in a position to publish it as the
Trust publication. Richard told me I can publish it on my own. I am keen that it should not be sold for a cost. Because it contains the priceless wqisdom of Actual Freedom. Now, I would like to offer it to the dharmaoverground as my gift to the
humanity. By the way, you must be knowing that Richard declared me to be the 3rd man to have become actually free from the instinctual passions in his website as, 'The Long Awaited Announcement'. I am sending the small book (perhaps a booklet) as an enclosure to this mail. My request is, this can be used by anyone as it is, without any alterations or trying for any commercial benefit.
An Eternal Now, modified 13 Years ago at 12/18/11 5:19 AM
Created 13 Years ago at 12/18/11 5:19 AM

RE: Essence of Actual Freedom

Posts: 638 Join Date: 9/15/09 Recent Posts
J. Koperumcholan .:


Myself D. Justine, the above mentioned Correspondent No.4, with Richard of Actual Freedom. We tried to publish my
Essence of Actual Freedom, in a book form. That venture failed because AFT was not in a position to publish it as the
Trust publication. Richard told me I can publish it on my own. I am keen that it should not be sold for a cost. Because it contains the priceless wqisdom of Actual Freedom. Now, I would like to offer it to the dharmaoverground as my gift to the
humanity. By the way, you must be knowing that Richard declared me to be the 3rd man to have become actually free from the instinctual passions in his website as, 'The Long Awaited Announcement'. I am sending the small book (perhaps a booklet) as an enclosure to this mail. My request is, this can be used by anyone as it is, without any alterations or trying for any commercial benefit.
Thank you for making this valuable guide available for seekers at no cost. As a suggestion: would you consider posting it on (a popular platform for sharing documents online)?
J Koperumcholan , modified 13 Years ago at 12/19/11 6:08 PM
Created 13 Years ago at 12/19/11 6:08 PM

RE: Essence of Actual Freedom

Posts: 3 Join Date: 10/20/10 Recent Posts
Hi An Eternal Now,

Thanks for your suggestion of publishing in I will let you know my decision soon.


Beoman Claudiu Dragon Emu Fire Golem, modified 13 Years ago at 12/19/11 6:10 PM
Created 13 Years ago at 12/19/11 6:10 PM

RE: Essence of Actual Freedom

Posts: 2227 Join Date: 10/27/10 Recent Posts
J. Koperumcholan .:
I am sending the small book (perhaps a booklet) as an enclosure to this mail. My request is, this can be used by anyone as it is, without any alterations or trying for any commercial benefit.

I'm a bit confused - as an enclosure to which mail was the small book/booklet sent?

I was very interested when I heard such a book was being created, and a bit sorry to see that nothing had come of it. I'd be glad to see the book being freely distributed - thanks for your efforts!
J Koperumcholan , modified 13 Years ago at 12/19/11 6:41 PM
Created 13 Years ago at 12/19/11 6:41 PM

RE: Essence of Actual Freedom

Posts: 3 Join Date: 10/20/10 Recent Posts

There was a technical problem. The book is yet to be sent. Certainly it is for free view. Yesterday
someone suggested of the book can be uploaded to Once I make it public without proper
legality it can be altered or may go for commercial use. Now I feel the technical issue was in a way good
and now I have time to decide its proper despatch.
Mail Delivery Subsystem

5:53 AM (14 minutes ago)

to me
Delivery to the following recipient failed permanently:

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Google tried to deliver your message, but it was rejected by the recipient domain. We recommend contacting the other email provider for further information about the cause of this error. The error that the other server returned was: 550 550 #5.1.0 Address rejected (state 14).

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19 Dec 2011 16:23:48 -0800 (PST)
Received: by with HTTP; Mon, 19 Dec 2011 16:23:48 -0800 (PST)
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Date: Tue, 20 Dec 2011 05:53:48 +0530
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Subject: Re: [Books and Websites] RE: Essence of Actual Freedom
From: J Koperumcholan <>
To: Dharma Overground <>
Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary=bcaec54b4742b7346e04b47b14d9
Beoman Claudiu Dragon Emu Fire Golem, modified 13 Years ago at 12/19/11 6:59 PM
Created 13 Years ago at 12/19/11 6:56 PM

RE: Essence of Actual Freedom

Posts: 2227 Join Date: 10/27/10 Recent Posts
J. Koperumcholan .:

There was a technical problem. The book is yet to be sent. Certainly it is for free view. Yesterday
someone suggested of the book can be uploaded to Once I make it public without proper
legality it can be altered or may go for commercial use. Now I feel the technical issue was in a way good
and now I have time to decide its proper despatch.

It appears that that email address does not exist. Who are/were you attempting to email this book to?

In terms of legality, you might like to take a look at these Creative Commons licenses. (Note that I don't have much experience with licenses so you will have to do further research on the matter.)
