Coronavirus + Dharma - Discussion
Coronavirus + Dharma
J W, modified 4 Years ago at 3/30/20 12:35 PM
Created 4 Years ago at 3/30/20 12:35 PM
Coronavirus + Dharma
Posts: 689 Join Date: 2/11/20 Recent Posts
I know this may be a sensitive topic right now, but I am wondering if anyone has come across any important insights in the context of coronavirus and how it relates to the Dharma. I feel that it is important that we try to learn from this, it may not be the most impactful event of our lifetimes, but it feels like it has been the most impactful so far, for me.
A quote that I keep coming back to, from one of my classes a week or so ago, paraphrasing:
"Whether coronavirus ends up being a good thing or a bad thing is up to us"
(Us being Everyone. Our perception and reaction/intention to the virus and in the aftermath of the virus being the catalysts)
I think there's some very profound lessons in equanimity, impermanence, and suffering here. Hoping that someone on here can put it into words better than I can
A quote that I keep coming back to, from one of my classes a week or so ago, paraphrasing:
"Whether coronavirus ends up being a good thing or a bad thing is up to us"
(Us being Everyone. Our perception and reaction/intention to the virus and in the aftermath of the virus being the catalysts)
I think there's some very profound lessons in equanimity, impermanence, and suffering here. Hoping that someone on here can put it into words better than I can
BrunoA, modified 4 Years ago at 3/30/20 1:48 PM
Created 4 Years ago at 3/30/20 1:48 PM
RE: Coronavirus + Dharma
Posts: 13 Join Date: 1/16/20 Recent PostsJohn W:
I know this may be a sensitive topic right now, but I am wondering if anyone has come across any important insights in the context of coronavirus and how it relates to the Dharma. I feel that it is important that we try to learn from this, it may not be the most impactful event of our lifetimes, but it feels like it has been the most impactful so far, for me.
A quote that I keep coming back to, from one of my classes a week or so ago, paraphrasing:
"Whether coronavirus ends up being a good thing or a bad thing is up to us"
(Us being Everyone. Our perception and reaction/intention to the virus and in the aftermath of the virus being the catalysts)
I think there's some very profound lessons in equanimity, impermanence, and suffering here. Hoping that someone on here can put it into words better than I can
A quote that I keep coming back to, from one of my classes a week or so ago, paraphrasing:
"Whether coronavirus ends up being a good thing or a bad thing is up to us"
(Us being Everyone. Our perception and reaction/intention to the virus and in the aftermath of the virus being the catalysts)
I think there's some very profound lessons in equanimity, impermanence, and suffering here. Hoping that someone on here can put it into words better than I can
Accepting the stuff and feeling it...
At the same time, it's more evidence that it's futile to try to be in control (i.e.: i'm postponing meditation retreat by second time). So I'm relaxing my mind to just stop believing I know what I need for my spiritual growth and just chill with experience as it is.
Pawel K, modified 4 Years ago at 3/30/20 5:01 PM
Created 4 Years ago at 3/30/20 5:01 PM
RE: Coronavirus + Dharma
Posts: 1172 Join Date: 2/22/20 Recent Posts
Due to this whole corona paranoja and lockdowns for last two weeks I am trying to be much more aware of all the internal stuff that is happening in my body.
I communicated with my minions... my own cells (with my DNA) and also all the fluffy bacteria ... about life, cars and stuff
And also about little but numerous visitors that are most likely to come if not already there and that is would be in minions best interrest that I survived it all without major damages and without the need to go visit hospital... I also let them use central nervous system resources and encouraged them to identify, no need for deception.
As for corona viruses themseves... probably better not to communicate any insights on these on public spaces XD
I communicated with my minions... my own cells (with my DNA) and also all the fluffy bacteria ... about life, cars and stuff
And also about little but numerous visitors that are most likely to come if not already there and that is would be in minions best interrest that I survived it all without major damages and without the need to go visit hospital... I also let them use central nervous system resources and encouraged them to identify, no need for deception.
As for corona viruses themseves... probably better not to communicate any insights on these on public spaces XD
Sigma Tropic, modified 4 Years ago at 3/30/20 11:54 PM
Created 4 Years ago at 3/30/20 11:54 PM
RE: Coronavirus + Dharma
Posts: 368 Join Date: 6/27/17 Recent Posts
Interconnectedness. This transfer of genetic information connects literally every person on the planet to the very other person on the planet, through either contracting the virus itself, or hearing about it on the news, losing one's job because of it, etc. We are all one process.
Although it's a bit simplistic to boil it down this way, the entity known as "coronavirus" started in China and in a couple short months arrived at my front door through the simple fact of interconnectedness. Theres a chain of uncovered coughs and dirty hands connecting me and you and every one of us. Etc. Its really quite awesome and fascinating when you think about it.
Although it's a bit simplistic to boil it down this way, the entity known as "coronavirus" started in China and in a couple short months arrived at my front door through the simple fact of interconnectedness. Theres a chain of uncovered coughs and dirty hands connecting me and you and every one of us. Etc. Its really quite awesome and fascinating when you think about it.
Jim Smith, modified 4 Years ago at 3/31/20 7:19 AM
Created 4 Years ago at 3/31/20 7:05 AM
RE: Coronavirus + Dharma
Posts: 1780 Join Date: 1/17/15 Recent Posts
I posted this on my practice log:
I have been saying on these forums that I like samatha meditation because it helps reduce suffering today, not sometime in the future ... maybe. Now more than ever that is a big benefit from this type of meditation.
Jim Smith:
I am feeling very grateful today for the ability to find tranquility while the world is going crazy.
This is helpful too: Turning off Stress
And these videos:
Tai Chi:
This is helpful too: Turning off Stress
And these videos:
Tai Chi:
I have been saying on these forums that I like samatha meditation because it helps reduce suffering today, not sometime in the future ... maybe. Now more than ever that is a big benefit from this type of meditation.
Ward Law, modified 4 Years ago at 4/1/20 9:39 AM
Created 4 Years ago at 4/1/20 9:39 AM
RE: Coronavirus + Dharma
Posts: 123 Join Date: 9/7/15 Recent Posts
This may not be the profound lesson you are looking for, but one lesson that's in plain sight as we all try to avoid getting sick: people are habitually quite un-mindful and are having a very hard time booting up mindfulness. Observe our leaders unconsciously touching their faces and standing close to their subordinates as they lecture the rest of us on social distancing. Observe your neighbors in the grocery store as they unknowingly contaminate their clothes, purses, credit cards, etc. with their gloved hands. Before going to the store, plan each step of how you will avoid contaminating yourself and your possessions; then, if you are mindful, you will probably catch yourself in a risky act that you didn't foresee.
J W, modified 4 Years ago at 4/2/20 1:36 PM
Created 4 Years ago at 4/2/20 1:36 PM
RE: Coronavirus + Dharma
Posts: 689 Join Date: 2/11/20 Recent Posts
All very interesting things to think about. I also think it's pretty crazy how as a planet can be both so aware and also painfully oblivious at the same time (especially here in the USA). The technology which allows us to watch the lifecycle of a brand new virus and watch it grow in realtime is amazing, if you can take a step back from the horror of it. Reminds me of some of the stages of insight in that regard, we as a species have come a long way to be able to watch this 'formation' in such HQ detail. Yet, at the same time, you have so many people who willingly disregard all of the warnings and recommendations even when they are coming from within their own camp. Ignorance is suffering, suffering is ignorance.