a strange experience

fabrice tom, modified 4 Years ago at 4/12/20 10:54 AM
Created 4 Years ago at 4/12/20 10:50 AM

a strange experience

Posts: 59 Join Date: 4/12/20 Recent Posts
hi all

First i just want to let you know that i never post on this forum
and   that English is not my native language, so please excuse my 
French ;-)

i practice meditation quite a lot ( 3 to 5 h/day), went to many
retreat too ( like the SN Goenka one) but now  focus more on jhanas (
similar to the one taught by L.Brasington)

To my experience those jhanas are not only mental altered state
of consciousness but also very physical one where all body sensations
disappears or let say are replaced by some kind of energetic feeling
going all over the body, i  can now easily go into the "materials one "
but  have difficulty to clearly identify immaterial one which seems to
me more like  some kind of declination of the 4 th jhana.

Anyway  i had a very strange and new experiencefor me  lately and this
is why i came here ( not very easy to find information of that sort ), i
was in what i would identify as the 7 jhana ( nothingness ) a "jhana
feeling"that i quite like. While i was very focus,  my perceptions slowly slip and i
found myself in what could be the 8 jhana, not sure , the feeling i had 
remind me a very odd experience i had decades ago in India in Goa, i
went off the road with my bike( no light on the bike but it was full
moon ) , not very fast but strangely i fainted, then i enter a dark
space, absolutely dark and i had no sense of self  at all even though i
didn't realise it on the first place, my consciousness was very clear, i
then saw some kind of "multidimensional train light" which appears to
be kaleidoscope of life  and after what seems to be quite a long time i
realised that "I" wasn't there, i could watch those potential life but
"mine", couldn't be find, i was 22 years old and i really, really freak
out and finally wake up.

This is this kind of feeling i had  during that meditation ( 
by the way this souvenir hadn't appeared in a very long time)
fortunately this time i was perfectly  at ease with the no self feeling,
it was like returning in that space and realising that it is a really
good space to rest, then without any warning everything just SHUT OFF,
like an underwater blast, i just had the time to "think": wow! then , no
more mind, no perceptions of anything physical, sounds ( birds sounds
from my window ceased immediately), etc , just nothing except some sort
of bare consciousness , then the "current" came back, i immediately
focus on sounds because i was still feeling very little but slowly i
could hear the birds again.I just would like to know if any of you can explain this kind
of shut off , i ( partly ) read the book of Daniel Ingram speaking about
Nirodha Samapatti but frankly i don't know...

Also, at the risk of shocking some of you i would like to add
that i am not really  into that "enlightenment path " way of thinking , i
do not aim toward arahantship, i practice meditation for very personal
purpose, rather like an athlete would practice his sport, also i little
like a scientist would use his body as a guinea pig and  also to enhance
my lucid dreaming practice so i you can provide some very practical
information rather than "spiritual one" i would be grateful...thanks a lot

Tim Farrington, modified 4 Years ago at 4/22/20 7:14 AM
Created 4 Years ago at 4/22/20 7:01 AM

RE: a strange experience

Posts: 2464 Join Date: 6/13/11 Recent Posts
fabrice tom:
hi all

First i just want to let you know that i never post on this forum
and   that English is not my native language, so please excuse my 
French ;-)


Bonjours, Fabrice, et bienvenue au Dharma Overground! Votre anglais est bien meilleur que mon français, et vous vous faites admirablement clair, sauf bien sûr que je ne pourrais pas comprendre beaucoup de ce que vous disiez si je parlais couramment toutes les langues sur terre.

Also, at the risk of shocking some of you i would like to add that i am not really  into that "enlightenment path " way of thinking , i do not aim toward arahantship, i practice meditation for very personal purpose, rather like an athlete would practice his sport, also i little like a scientist would use his body as a guinea pig and  also to enhance my lucid dreaming practice so i you can provide some very practical information rather than "spiritual one" i would be grateful...thanks a lot

Thank you for saying at least one thing I could understand in either English or French! The rest is way above my pay grade, as the American idiom goes--- out of my league, above my head, too rich for me--- comprenez vous?

I too practice meditation not for the usual reasons, but out of absolute and utter desperation.

Encore une fois, bienvenue à DhO. Il y a beaucoup de gens ici qui vous trouveront fascinant et vous parleront correctement. J'espère que vous resterez ici et que vous apprécierez la merveilleuse conversation à venir.

with metta, tim

Linda ”Polly Ester” Ö, modified 4 Years ago at 4/22/20 7:43 AM
Created 4 Years ago at 4/22/20 7:42 AM

RE: a strange experience

Posts: 7135 Join Date: 12/8/18 Recent Posts
You might want to read Daniel's reply in this thread: https://www.dharmaoverground.org/discussion/-/message_boards/message/20239836
