Mahasi noting in equanimity nana - Discussion
Mahasi noting in equanimity nana
Zero, modified 4 Years ago at 8/19/20 3:17 PM
Created 4 Years ago at 8/19/20 3:17 PM
Mahasi noting in equanimity nana
Posts: 68 Join Date: 2/21/18 Recent Posts
I've been using mahasi noting with great success up into equanimity. I'm a bit confused if noting will take me all the way to fruition. I've read reports of people dropping noting in equanimity, but I find myself falling into reobservation. Must I take a more choiceless awareness approach whilst in equanimity? Surrender seems to be important and noting doesn't really feel like surrender. I mean noting has gotten me this far how do I know when to abandon it to make the final jump?
Pepe ·, modified 4 Years ago at 8/19/20 5:27 PM
Created 4 Years ago at 8/19/20 5:26 PM
RE: Mahasi noting in equanimity nana
Posts: 765 Join Date: 9/26/18 Recent Posts
I'm in EQ and so far I had to adjust my noting/noticing practices very often, regarding speed, scope of attention, variety of labels, depth of concentration, etc. In general, you tend to have a wider attention in a choiceless awareness mode, but the thing is that you'll probably revisit all previous stages though (within an EQ 'bubble'), so all the tools that have proven useful before will be handy in EQ too.
There are tons of materials regarding EQ in Shargol's posts compilation.
There are tons of materials regarding EQ in Shargol's posts compilation.
Niels Lyngsø, modified 4 Years ago at 8/19/20 6:54 PM
Created 4 Years ago at 8/19/20 6:54 PM
RE: Mahasi noting in equanimity nana
Posts: 414 Join Date: 11/15/19 Recent Posts
I totally agree with Pepe (and I am in EQ too). Nobody can tell you when to switch from noting to noticing (or back to noting again, or to an adjusted form of noting). It is a matter of trial and error. Each yogi has to fine-tune the technique(s) for them selves. Apart from shargrol's helpful remarks, you could check out the practice logs of other yogis who are in the same territory as you and see how they/we struggle to find solutions to the very important questions you pose. Good luck!

Dustin, modified 4 Years ago at 8/19/20 8:44 PM
Created 4 Years ago at 8/19/20 8:40 PM
RE: Mahasi noting in equanimity nana
Posts: 148 Join Date: 12/28/17 Recent Posts
I spent a lot of time falling back to reobservstion thinking I shouldn't be falling back and then going at it again and again until I realized I was missing insights in reobservation. The biggest insight was that I don't need to be anywhere in the future. I need to be right where I am. The other thing is I believe the mind will let you know when to stop noting. It's like an instinct at some point your done and it all starts to come together. One thing I was told also was practice 10 minutes longer each sit and see if the will move you on.
Pepe ·, modified 4 Years ago at 8/19/20 8:55 PM
Created 4 Years ago at 8/19/20 8:55 PM
RE: Mahasi noting in equanimity nana
Posts: 765 Join Date: 9/26/18 Recent Posts
Check Niels practice log, is pure gold. Also, a summary of Daniel Ingram's Seven Factors of Awakening.
Zero, modified 4 Years ago at 8/19/20 11:42 PM
Created 4 Years ago at 8/19/20 11:42 PM
RE: Mahasi noting in equanimity nana
Posts: 68 Join Date: 2/21/18 Recent Posts
Thank you all. You weren't kidding Pepe, Niels practice log is fantastic. Shargol dropping alot of gold nuggets in there and Niels log is so clear and direct. Very useful to see how he so skillfully pivots and dances with his present moment on the cushion.