preparing for a mystical-contemplative pilgrimage in europe

Jano Pavuk, modified 4 Years ago at 9/15/20 2:03 AM
Created 4 Years ago at 9/13/20 7:56 AM

preparing for a mystical-contemplative pilgrimage in europe

Posts: 53 Join Date: 11/6/17 Recent Posts
dear friends,

I am in late stages of preparing for an open ended pilgrimage / journey. "Goal" is to meet and meditate with deep mystical-contemplative-meditation practicioners around Europe. Learn anything I can from them. And be of service to whoever I can be along the way.

I am writing these words here, so that anybody who entertains similar ideas - or feels inspired by a project like this one - can reach out, and connect. Or partake in whatever way they feel like. I will be thankful for all encouragment, advice, questions that will help me better understand that this actually entails, help with preparations for the journey. Maybe even joining me for some part of the journey. I am also happy to hear you sharing your own exprience or dreams of doing something like this.

Let's see what - if anything - happens after publishing this : )

I love people, so in my world the pilgrimage is more about meeting living beings than visiting places. Meeting, talking to, meditating with, maybe even getting blessings from (for lack of a better terms) any extraordinarily kind human beings - does not matter if they reached this Kindness by deep life-long contemplation or service to others - who have experienced so called ultimate reality - for the lack of better concept.

Contemplatives from whatever (non)tradition it will be possible to get in touch with. For beyond words and concepts there are no traditions. Only It. Only Everything. So I was told : )

Think people like this gentleman ( I understand that it will be hard or even impossible to meet some of them. But hopefull not all of them. And I am not talking about the latest epidemic. That is just one of many technical problems. Some, I am sure, don't even feel like being found and met. Others will be walled off by well meaning gate keepers. And some I will just never encounter.

I am well aware this will not be easy. But why would it be? And why would one even expect it to be easy? : )

And of course, I also deeply enjoy places that somehow are able to meditate you. I am very happy to visit as many of them as the road will allow. Places where dedicated practicioners have been practicing. Places where significant mystical experiences took place. Places that are still inhabited by these folks...or not.

Please feel free to reach out here, or any other way (email, facebook, whatsapp), I should have my contact details filled out in my profile.

Looking forward to whatever will come out of this. And I am sure it will be just fine. It's all just a big cosmic joke - and some endless Love - in th end  : )

May good things happen to any and all



This journey been on my mind for a decade. Virtually since I first come across meditation. And somehow now is when the idea has rippened and decided to go forth. Most of it will be done by car. At least in the first phase.I am quite fluent in several meditation and cosmological paradigms, models, and techniques. I don't do maps much, and I do not think in discreet milestones, but I know some insights and results occured along the way.

I am deeply deeply thankful to Daniel for his friendly non-teaching approach and true presence that significantly contributed to many of my most important shifts. I appreciate Shinzen for some parts of his re-conceptualizations of meditation practice. And, I am glad to understand the scientific and therapeutic aspects of mindfulness fthrough the lens of university of oxford mindfulness teacher training. And I absolutely acknowledge any dedicated seeker of the mystical and spiritual throughout the history and present - and any other being as well for that matter : )

edit 15/09/20 - grammar and wording
J W, modified 4 Years ago at 9/14/20 10:30 AM
Created 4 Years ago at 9/14/20 10:30 AM

RE: preparing for a mystical-contemplative pilgrimage in europe

Posts: 771 Join Date: 2/11/20 Recent Posts
That's awesome Jano, sounds like a good plan. I've spent a good amount of time on the road over the past several years and can say for me it's been life-changing for the better.

My experience has been that the road is solitary much more often than not, especially if you're travelling alone. It's a good goal to plan for meet-ups but (especially right now) you may find yourself without company most of the time.  Are you planning on keeping a daily practice on the road?  That's one thing I have noticed, if you are driving many hours a day, sometimes that can throw off a daily meditation schedule.  

I think you are spot on about visiting locations with spiritual/mystical significance.  I recently took a trip and visited several national parks in the US and was totally blown away by the awesomeness of some of the natural beauty there.  I would definitely recommend seeing some cool nature or something and just sit in the awesomeness of that emoticon Not that you are asking for recommendations or anything emoticon  Hope it goes well though, keep us posted!
Linda ”Polly Ester” Ö, modified 4 Years ago at 9/15/20 12:36 AM
Created 4 Years ago at 9/15/20 12:36 AM

RE: preparing for a mystical-contemplative pilgrimage in europe

Posts: 7135 Join Date: 12/8/18 Recent Posts
I would love to hear about that journey, especially since I live in Europe (Sweden) and might actually be able to go to some of the places if the pandemic situation ever changes for the better. I hear so much about places in America and Asia, but I don't see myself going there any time soon because of my financial situation and well... because flying isn't really what the climate needs right now. Many parts of Europe can still be reached by train from here, after all. 
Jano Pavuk, modified 4 Years ago at 9/15/20 2:43 AM
Created 4 Years ago at 9/15/20 2:40 AM

RE: preparing for a mystical-contemplative pilgrimage in europe

Posts: 53 Join Date: 11/6/17 Recent Posts
LOVE nature, JW. Some places are really able to meditate me just thanks to their sheer natural beauty.

Have you ever been to a desert for longer? I am very tempted to spend some time there. We do not do many extensive arid places here in Europe. Except for few patches like Tabernas in south-east Spain, but that might be more than good enough to test drive my desert-dreams. 

And I am keep my daily practice up and running whereve I go - it's a home away from home - formal sits included - which I think is what you mean when you say "daily practice". If anything, I am going to do even more of it. 

At the same time, I am guessing, "service" will gradually become my main meditation over the course of the journey.
J W, modified 4 Years ago at 9/15/20 12:32 PM
Created 4 Years ago at 9/15/20 12:32 PM

RE: preparing for a mystical-contemplative pilgrimage in europe

Posts: 771 Join Date: 2/11/20 Recent Posts
Jano Pavuk:
LOVE nature, JW. Some places are really able to meditate me just thanks to their sheer natural beauty.

Have you ever been to a desert for longer? I am very tempted to spend some time there. We do not do many extensive arid places here in Europe. Except for few patches like Tabernas in south-east Spain, but that might be more than good enough to test drive my desert-dreams. 

And I am keep my daily practice up and running whereve I go - it's a home away from home - formal sits included - which I think is what you mean when you say "daily practice". If anything, I am going to do even more of it. 

At the same time, I am guessing, "service" will gradually become my main meditation over the course of the journey.
Oh yeah, my wife and I just spent the last 6 weeks around the Taos, New Mexico area, and around Utah/Arizona, which is an arid landscape kind of similar to what I imagine Turkey or southern Spain to be like... there is definitely something mystical and magical about the desert, nothing really like it.

What we don't have in the US is hardly any man-made structures older than a couple hundred years at most!  Well... in the Southwest, there are some ruins from the native people that are quite old even by European standards (as old as 1200ad), but many were closed due to the pandemic.  I would love to travel Europe and see some of the ancient sites.  Maybe once things get normal again! emoticon
