The scintillating blue raspberry

David Matte, modified 4 Years ago at 1/28/21 8:56 AM
Created 4 Years ago at 1/28/21 8:13 AM

The scintillating blue raspberry

Posts: 109 Join Date: 8/3/19 Recent Posts
Greetings everyone!

Just wanted to share my strange experience with you all.

I was practising the lite jhanas and after finishing a sit in very restful, withdrawn, and concentrated 4th jhana, I decided to try Kasina practice just for the fun of seeing what would happen.

​​​​​​​I got out a LED candle that I use for a kasina, made the room dark, and concentrated on the red LED for a minute or two. My concentration was locked on solid. Turned off the LED, closed my eyes, saw a clear coloured dot after-image, which transformed into very weird spinning shapes and vague images, morphing into little creatures resembling video game bitmap sprites. They seemed to have a life of their own, going about stuff, making strange movements up and down, transforming into other small creatures.
I opened my eyes, concentrated on the LED for a minute, close my eyes. After-image dot was clear as a bell, stable, colour was quite beautiful orange-red. Same sequence. Dot transformed into strange creatures, some which seemed to have a sinister vibe. I am not afraid because at this point I am noticing a lot of bliss come on, piti & sukha pervading my body, but I am solely concentrated on the moving after-images.

Then out of this visual scene is a small circle with a beautiful blue colour. I give it attention and it slowly transforms into the most amazing object I've ever seen. I've done a lot of psychedelics in the past but this visual was insane. It was the most beautiful blue colour, translucent, illuminated from within, like a scintillating gemstone, and shaped like a raspberry. It was phenomenal. Blue 3D spinning raspberry, sharp detail, bright, like something out of a DMT trip. It was growing in size. Bliss and rapture is getting quite strong, my heat beat is racing, bright light and energy.  I open my eyes because I feel a bit concerned about what is happening perhaps because this is quite different and not what I was expecting.  I stop the practise and am concerned I am not going to get to sleep now with all the rapture and energy moving through my body. I am now standing and walking around with piti and sukha like electricity flowing over my body. I can only wonder, what in the world was that?!?
Tim Farrington, modified 4 Years ago at 1/29/21 3:50 AM
Created 4 Years ago at 1/29/21 3:50 AM

RE: The scintillating blue raspberry

Posts: 2464 Join Date: 6/13/11 Recent Posts
Hi David, 

I spent some time in a Muktananda ashram in the eighties, and if you had reported this experience there, you would have been a big fucking deal, lol.  He describes the high experience of "the Blue Pearl," as the manifestation of infinitie consciousness, in a number a places in his writings, and spends a whole chapter on encountering, stabilizing, and realizing it in his autobiography, "Play of Consciousness."

​​​​​​​In a blue nutshell:

a brilliant blue light, the size of a tiny seed, that appears to the meditator whose energy has been awakened. The Blue Pearl is the subtle abode of the inner Self.
                      - Swami Muktananda, Does Death Really Exist?, p. 36

You see similar stuff about a scintillating blue raspberry in a number of other traditions--- BLUE PEARL ~ REFERENCES OF INTEREST (

Basically, it means you are a Siddha, amigo! I bow at your lotus feet.
David Matte, modified 4 Years ago at 1/29/21 3:18 PM
Created 4 Years ago at 1/29/21 3:18 PM

RE: The scintillating blue raspberry

Posts: 109 Join Date: 8/3/19 Recent Posts
Woah. It definitely appeared divine and significant. I have to admit though, I'm reluctant to interpret it as "the subtle abode of the inner Self" (whatever that means :/) . It is interesting how other traditions recognize a similar vision , and searching Google , many reports of people seeing beautiful spherical blue objects. 
Hector L, modified 4 Years ago at 1/30/21 1:30 PM
Created 4 Years ago at 1/30/21 1:30 PM

RE: The scintillating blue raspberry

Posts: 155 Join Date: 5/9/20 Recent Posts
I think we discussed these elsewhere, hae1en pointed to a neuro science paper about hexagonal grid cells.
It's like the 4th screen in the fire kasina book right? Realer than real, higher resolution than normal optical imagery?
Someone mentioned Indra's net, then I followed the mythology and fell off the deep end lol.
David Matte, modified 4 Years ago at 1/30/21 5:03 PM
Created 4 Years ago at 1/30/21 5:02 PM

RE: The scintillating blue raspberry

Posts: 109 Join Date: 8/3/19 Recent Posts
I think we discussed these elsewhere, hae1en pointed to a neuro science paper about hexagonal grid cells.
It's like the 4th screen in the fire kasina book right? Realer than real, higher resolution than normal optical imagery?
Someone mentioned Indra's net, then I followed the mythology and fell off the deep
end lol.

I haven't gone that deep with Kasina practice previously, but according to the description of 4th screen, it sounds like that. The image looked more real and detailed than anything in ordinary consciousness.
