Jhana and visualization practices - Discussion
Jhana and visualization practices
Jhana and visualization practices | Andy | 5/22/21 1:53 PM |
RE: Jhana and visualization practices | Jim Smith | 5/23/21 12:27 AM |
Andy, modified 3 Years ago at 5/22/21 1:53 PM
Created 3 Years ago at 5/22/21 1:53 PM
Jhana and visualization practices
Posts: 37 Join Date: 12/1/19 Recent Posts
Has anyone here ever tried diety visualization or any other type of visualization practice while in jhana? I just tried this, and while it does tend to weaken absoprtion, it seems there could be some interesting utility to this.
Jim Smith, modified 3 Years ago at 5/23/21 12:27 AM
Created 3 Years ago at 5/23/21 12:25 AM
RE: Jhana and visualization practices
Posts: 1780 Join Date: 1/17/15 Recent PostsAndy
Has anyone here ever tried diety visualization or any other type of visualization practice while in jhana? I just tried this, and while it does tend to weaken absoprtion, it seems there could be some interesting utility to this.
Has anyone here ever tried diety visualization or any other type of visualization practice while in jhana? I just tried this, and while it does tend to weaken absoprtion, it seems there could be some interesting utility to this.
I do something related but not visualization, just connecting with God (whatever your conception of God is just hold that concept in your mind - for some people it could be a mental image, for me it's just the idea of the entity that the word "God" brings to mind).
I do this sometimes for jhana, sometimes for metta.
It's interesting to send out metta and have 1000 times more coming back at you than you send out.