Meditation, mindfulness and law of belief - Discussion
Meditation, mindfulness and law of belief
Saurabh Arvindbhai PARMAR, modified 3 Years ago at 6/1/21 4:10 PM
Created 3 Years ago at 6/1/21 4:10 PM
Meditation, mindfulness and law of belief
Posts: 6 Join Date: 12/14/20 Recent Posts
Yes.i can see them differently.
but all those law of belief preacher and teachers all seem to advocate meditation and mindfulness.
So my basic questions is anyone of here who are deeo in meditation,have you ever seen any difficult or next to impossible menifestation of your come true after meditation?
Or say any of here have developed any ability to tap in to those so called abundance of subconscious mind and make your servant if infinite abundance?
Please forgive me if this is the way off topic question.
but all those law of belief preacher and teachers all seem to advocate meditation and mindfulness.
So my basic questions is anyone of here who are deeo in meditation,have you ever seen any difficult or next to impossible menifestation of your come true after meditation?
Or say any of here have developed any ability to tap in to those so called abundance of subconscious mind and make your servant if infinite abundance?
Please forgive me if this is the way off topic question.
Jim Smith, modified 3 Years ago at 6/1/21 5:03 PM
Created 3 Years ago at 6/1/21 4:25 PM
RE: Meditation, mindfulness and law of belief
Posts: 1830 Join Date: 1/17/15 Recent PostsSaurabh Arvindbhai PARMAR
Yes.i can see them differently.
but all those law of belief preacher and teachers all seem to advocate meditation and mindfulness.
So my basic questions is anyone of here who are deeo in meditation,have you ever seen any difficult or next to impossible menifestation of your come true after meditation?
Or say any of here have developed any ability to tap in to those so called abundance of subconscious mind and make your servant if infinite abundance?
Please forgive me if this is the way off topic question.
Yes.i can see them differently.
but all those law of belief preacher and teachers all seem to advocate meditation and mindfulness.
So my basic questions is anyone of here who are deeo in meditation,have you ever seen any difficult or next to impossible menifestation of your come true after meditation?
Or say any of here have developed any ability to tap in to those so called abundance of subconscious mind and make your servant if infinite abundance?
Please forgive me if this is the way off topic question.
I have used the law of belief and one time when it worked I asked someone, who broke rules to help me without me ever asking them to, why they did it. They got a glassy eyed look and said, "I don't know". After that I stopped using the law of belief because I realized it was influencing people without their consent in ways I had no control over or knowledge of and I thought that would be very bad karma to do that, sort of like black magic. However sometimes when I want something very strongly and I think about it a lot I find I have used the law of belief accidentally. I don't know what to do about that. I try not to think about bad things happening to people.
To use the law of belief, strong concentration on your belief helps, so meditation is a good practice to help you concentrate your mind on your belief. Meditation can also help you develop non attachment so your thoughts are pure and will reduce the influence of your negative thoughts on other people (ill will).
But I don't see the results come immediately after a meditation session like a genii or a fairy godmother granting you a wish. It's more like working on a project that can take weeks or months. And the results may come at an unexpected time.
The results are proportional to your effort.
Therefore a safe way to get "magic" help, in my opinion, is to pray (to whatever you feel comfortable with, God, the universe, your unconscious mind etc.) and ask to be shown how to do something. Then put in a strong effort to accomplish your goal. I worked as an engineer for many years and this often did work like "magic" when a solution to an impossible problem would come to me immeditately. Then I had to work out the details or implement the solution etc myself.
The universe is like a simulation, not running on a computer, but running in consciousness (God, by definition). The law of belief is a way to influence the simulation directly like changing the computer program or using the user interface.
Max Planck
(Nobel Prize for Physics)
I regard consciousness as fundamental. I regard matter as derivative from consciousness. We cannot get behind consciousness. Everything that we talk about, everything that we regard as existing, postulates consciousness. As quoted in The Observer (25 January 1931)
Erwin Schrödinger
(Nobel Prize for Physics)
"Consciousness cannot be accounted for in physical terms. For consciousness is absolutely fundamental. It cannot be accounted for in terms of anything else."
Wolfgang Pauli
(Nobel Prize for Physics)
Lacking an aptitude or interest in experimental work, many theorists have earned a reputation for accidentally breaking experimental equipment. Pauli was exceptional in this regard: it was said that he was such a good theorist that any experiments would self-destruct simply because he was in the vicinity. For fear of the Pauli effect, the experimental physicist Otto Stern banned Pauli from his laboratory in Hamburg despite their friendship.[1]
The Pauli effect, if it were real, would be classified as a "macro-psychokinetic" phenomenon. Wolfgang Pauli was convinced that the effect named after him was real.
The beginning of the universe, the fine-tuning of the universe to support life, and the failure of multiverse theories to explain this, demonstrates the existence of a transcendent designer and creator of the universe.
You might have heard it said that "we are all one". What does that mean? The quotes below explain it. These quotes from: an ancient text, an advanced meditator, a near-death experiencer, a spirit communicating through an evidential mediums, a materialist atheist , Christian scripture, Christian theologians, a Native American medicine man, a Jewish Scholar of the Kabbalah, and a Sufi philosopher, all describe something very similar:...
Acts 17:28: "'In him we live and move and have our being.'"
Colossians 1:17: "And he is before all things, and in him all things hold together."
John 14:20: "In that day you will know that I am in my Father, and you in me, and I in you."
Saurabh Arvindbhai PARMAR, modified 3 Years ago at 6/1/21 5:31 PM
Created 3 Years ago at 6/1/21 5:31 PM
RE: Meditation, mindfulness and law of belief
Posts: 6 Join Date: 12/14/20 Recent Posts
Wow.this is amazing.i now know something else.
what if i just want to end my external life struggle by wanting to use LOB and then moving to more focused meditative life?
Like i have fixated my monthly income to support me and my family and then do meditation for rest of the time.
Whats Daniel thought?
what if i just want to end my external life struggle by wanting to use LOB and then moving to more focused meditative life?
Like i have fixated my monthly income to support me and my family and then do meditation for rest of the time.
Whats Daniel thought?