RE: Is this A&P?

Tommy M, modified 12 Years ago at 12/4/11 4:39 PM
Created 12 Years ago at 12/4/11 4:39 PM

RE: Is this A&P?

Posts: 1199 Join Date: 11/12/10 Recent Posts
hi adam,

sounds likely that it could have been A&P-related, if so then it would make sense, in terms of the progress of insight, that you've entered knowledge of dissolution. the symptoms you've described do sound similar in my experience, but when it comes to techniques for making progress then there's plenty of options ranging from anapanasati to Mahasi noting.

i'm assuming you're aiming towards enlightenment?

It was very deep and peaceful, and for a split second I didn't feel that I had a self. And just as fast as it happened the room was back.

what happened to that self? where is it?

One unusual thing is that when I am in wide angle vision (a technique for awareness taught to me at a wilderness type school), my reality shifts. If I focus in on something it is there, but focus more broadly and colors start to act weird, objects leave trails, and even seem to be breathing or pulsating.

that's fine, just observe it if it happens and don't let yourself get caught up in anything. use that "wide angle vision" and observe the whole sense field, see if there's anything being given undue attention or being pushed away.

i notice you mention some of the "pursuits you once enjoyed". don't worry if you find it more difficult to avoid those things, if you really do find that you're able to live better without them then you'll be able to deal with phases like this more easily but don't beat yourself up if you want to eat some sweets or to sleep in a bed. austerity is not required to get enlightened! if measures such as those you've taken are helpful and useful to you then go for it, but don't let them become hindrances in themselves.

how's your practice right now? would you mind saying a bit more about the sort of stuff you're noticing?

welcome to the DhO!