RE: In Belgium (Ghent)

Nerdspeak D, modified 1 Year ago at 10/24/23 4:58 PM
Created 1 Year ago at 10/24/23 4:58 PM

In Belgium (Ghent)

Posts: 7 Join Date: 5/24/21 Recent Posts
I have been practicing for a long time but mostly kept to myself as I found Western dharma communities a bit cringe.

That said, I've decided to become a bit more sociable about practice because whenever I go to retreats, I enjoy the afterglow and temporary friendships created by the group discussions, so if anyone is in Belgium, feel free to post ITT and maybe we can have a non-cringe meetup at some point emoticon

There is quite a nice center in Riviere that is Francophone, which is good for me since I speak French well, but I haven't found much on the Flemish side that is conducted in English, and I don't speak Dutch at all. If anyone is aware of anything in Ghent or Antwerp that is Anglo- or Francophone, I would be curious. 

Worst case I'll keep going to Riviere, but it's a bit of a trek. 
wout andre Marlier, modified 1 Year ago at 10/27/23 2:47 AM
Created 1 Year ago at 10/27/23 2:47 AM

RE: In Belgium (Ghent)

Post: 1 Join Date: 5/10/10 Recent Posts

I live in Ghent. Meeting would be nice. Been practicing since 2004 (Goenka scanning). Noting since 2019 (Ajahn Tong) and also interested in Self-Inquiry (based upon the stuff from Awakening to Reality blog/Group.

Best wishes
