Goenka A&P?

A man Not there yet, modified 12 Years ago at 12/20/11 1:48 PM
Created 12 Years ago at 12/20/11 1:48 PM

Goenka A&P?

Posts: 23 Join Date: 12/10/11 Recent Posts
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"I can't get any motivation to practice. In the beginning of November I went to a Goenka retreat and got to A&P (body sensations breaking up into vibrations, caffeine-like high, otherwise nothing special)."

Is that what A&P is? In June 2007 I went to a Goenka retreat, and just like all the other ppl at the retreat we all (I assume) had that experience as the body scanning technique was practiced, because the instructors are specific in asking everyone if the body sensations had broken up into smaller ones that were very tiny and free flowing. I had not actually thought I had gone through A&P yet.