Is being enlightened anything like being Ricky Fitts from American Beauty?

Jinxed P, modified 12 Years ago at 4/11/12 10:30 PM
Created 12 Years ago at 4/11/12 10:30 PM

Is being enlightened anything like being Ricky Fitts from American Beauty?

Posts: 347 Join Date: 8/29/11 Recent Posts

Now obviously the big thing about enlightenment is the breakdown of subject/object duality..and Ricky Fitts never comments on that..but...

I've heard people say that after reaching enlightenment, that seeing everyday things, especially nature, as awe inspiring, and beautiful.

Would you guys agree?

Is there a little enlightenment in Ricky Fitts?

An overwhelming sense of beauty in the world..

A lack of concern of what other people think..

Never being afraid? ( I don't mean getting chased by a tiger, but your normal worry)

Are there any other movie characters that capture the enlightened experience?
This Good Self, modified 12 Years ago at 4/12/12 2:57 AM
Created 12 Years ago at 4/12/12 2:57 AM

RE: Is being enlightened anything like being Ricky Fitts from American Beau

Posts: 946 Join Date: 3/9/10 Recent Posts
Jinxed P:

Are there any other movie characters that capture the enlightened experience?

Not sure about the enlightenment bit, but I'd say most good movies have something dharma-related in them.

Star Wars
Fight Club
Truman Show
fivebells , modified 12 Years ago at 4/12/12 7:17 AM
Created 12 Years ago at 4/12/12 7:17 AM

RE: Is being enlightened anything like being Ricky Fitts from American Beau

Posts: 563 Join Date: 2/25/11 Recent Posts
Jinxed P:
...the big thing about enlightenment is the breakdown of subject/object duality..and Ricky Fitts never comments on that..
It's a very pretty speech and filled with metta, but actually, it contains a lot of implicit subject/object duality, and it's not just a matter of linguistic convenience.

"...this incredibly benevolent force that wanted me to know there was no reason to be afraid..." describes the relationship between him and the force.

"I need to remember..." Relationship to memory and maintenance of a desired mental state.

"I feel like I can't take it... and my heart is just going to cave in." Relationship to an overwhelming mental state.

Also, I don't know that an awake mind would disconnect from someone by telling him a wounding lie.
tom moylan, modified 12 Years ago at 4/12/12 7:52 AM
Created 12 Years ago at 4/12/12 7:52 AM

RE: Is being enlightened anything like being Ricky Fitts from American Beau

Posts: 896 Join Date: 3/7/11 Recent Posts
hey Jinxed,
ricky was cool. yes, there is enlightenment in him. in his crew cut marine father too, in his catatonic mother and even in me! (i hope).

ricky toked, which could be one reason for his laissez faire charisma but he also mentioned, as i recall, some kind of a mental breakdown (i don't like the nomenclature). if i were to tip on either one of these i would say that the breakdown would be the more likely of the two to have tripped him into a wider perspective space..rather a breakthrough than a breakdown.

but..whatever ... keep practising.
Jinxed P, modified 12 Years ago at 4/12/12 8:36 AM
Created 12 Years ago at 4/12/12 8:36 AM

RE: Is being enlightened anything like being Ricky Fitts from American Beau

Posts: 347 Join Date: 8/29/11 Recent Posts
I guess the question I am really getting at is do you people who are enlightened feel an overwhelming sense of beauty in nature?

Is there also a kind of detached nihilism, as in where Ricky finds Lester's dead body and looks in awe at the beauty of the scene.
Dauphin Supple Chirp, modified 12 Years ago at 4/12/12 1:03 PM
Created 12 Years ago at 4/12/12 1:03 PM

RE: Is being enlightened anything like being Ricky Fitts from American Beau

Posts: 154 Join Date: 3/15/11 Recent Posts
Jinxed P:
Are there any other movie characters that capture the enlightened experience?

Yes, the character Kevin Spacey plays in the movie. emoticon Not really, though. I have never smoked weed, but I'm pretty sure, given the choice between cessation and weed, I would pick cessation even if I knew weed first hand.
Pål S, modified 12 Years ago at 4/12/12 1:42 PM
Created 12 Years ago at 4/12/12 1:42 PM

RE: Is being enlightened anything like being Ricky Fitts from American Beau

Posts: 196 Join Date: 8/16/10 Recent Posts
Some related stuff...

Like CCC mentioned, Fight Club is all about Dark Night->Stream-entry. It's not a coincidence "where is my mind" is playing at the end.

Some of my favorites:

Sherlock discovers emotions

Hugo's dream

The Torah explained (recommended movie)
Jane Laurel Carrington, modified 12 Years ago at 4/12/12 2:55 PM
Created 12 Years ago at 4/12/12 2:55 PM

RE: Is being enlightened anything like being Ricky Fitts from American Beau

Posts: 196 Join Date: 12/29/10 Recent Posts
I'm intrigued that you would ask this question. When I saw this movie years ago I was overwhelmed by it; it was a kind of "religious experience" for me, but there was a lot of emotional content to the response (deep sobbing, a sense of pain in the awareness of how beautiful and fragile everything is). The Ricky Fitts character attracted and fascinated me, but I don't think he was enlightened. As other posters have pointed out, he told destructive lies, he was high a lot of the time, and I would add that he violated other people's privacy with his incessant videotaping. On the other hand he showed an unusual sense of detachment and compassion, and seemed to have more insight than the rest of the people around him. He saw beneath the surface of things. Plus the end of the movie, which was what really grabbed me, suggests that the life we ordinarily lead is a veil over reality, and Ricky's disattached interest in Lester's death seemed to grasp that.
This Good Self, modified 12 Years ago at 5/13/12 6:14 AM
Created 12 Years ago at 5/13/12 6:14 AM

RE: Is being enlightened anything like being Ricky Fitts from American Beau

Posts: 946 Join Date: 3/9/10 Recent Posts

I hope you all enjoy seeing this again. Be sure to read Hughes' thoughts in the commentary section. Beautiful music.
wylo , modified 12 Years ago at 5/13/12 7:45 AM
Created 12 Years ago at 5/13/12 7:22 AM

RE: Is being enlightened anything like being Ricky Fitts from American Beau

Posts: 166 Join Date: 11/18/11 Recent Posts
Ill try answer the question in my own experience, I dont speak for "enlightenment" as such because theres so many different takes on it, and my take wasnt necessarily MCTB 1st path, until later on.

But for me , yes it was one of the most prominent things about it, in fact I began to use it as a measure of how "deep" I was in my awakening, but that was just me being a bit silly and naive I think.
It also might be to do with your personality , or how deep in your own thoughts you were prior to it.
What I mean by that is, I used to go outside for a cigarette before my perceptual shift, but Id stand out there and mull over my thoughts, I found it quite enjoyable, usually it was just pointless over excited dreaming about the future, after awakening, I went out for a cigarette, and because of the complete silence inside I found myself just looking at stuff, like trees blowing , sound of a gate creeking, wind etc. This came and went for a about a year (although I gave up the cigs emoticon ), but after what I believe is MCTB 1st path its been the case I would say about 80/90% of the time. But sometimes you just dont have time to stand there and look at nature.

Again though, it might be a personality thing, maybe I ponder or look into that kind of thing more than others, or perhaps its how the awakening hit me personally, in that , because it was the first thing I noticed , Ive sort of held onto it more than others.
I think it the effect is directly proportional to how silent the mind is, I would imagine an "unenlightened" person could do some some serious concentration for a few hours, step outside and get a good glimpse, if just for a few minutes of what we're talking about here.
Trees, the effects of wind on plants etc, and cars moving have been the things I found interesting to look at, not rubbish to be honest, that said , during REALLY peaceful moments, yes even a bag blowing can be really nice to look at, and has that sense of beauty you mention.
All this stuff is just experience thoguh, it doesnt particularly mean anything other than that the mind is not consuming your attention (in my opinion), and certainly doesnt act as a pointer.
