After floater practice.... seeing bright shimmering dots

(D Z) Dhru Val, modified 12 Years ago at 6/22/12 11:16 PM
Created 12 Years ago at 6/22/12 11:03 PM

After floater practice.... seeing bright shimmering dots

Posts: 346 Join Date: 9/18/11 Recent Posts
There is a phenomenon I sometimes notice after doing eye floater practice agains't a blue sky.

There is a white haze and all of a sudden something amazing becomes distinctly visible.

These identical looking bright blue dots, a whole lot of them, appear every where in the sky. They are smaller than floater, identically round, shimmering white, and moving faster in seemingly random squiggly directions.

They look quite amazing.

Wondering if there is a name for this phenomenon withing the spiritual traditions ? And anything else that can be done to further practice ?

The scientific name is Blue Field Entopic Phenomenon, but I am wondering if there is a spiritual name for this. And anyway to integrate into pracitice, other than being really cool to look at.

Edit: Found this weird website that seems to revolve around seeing these things
Nikolai , modified 12 Years ago at 6/22/12 11:16 PM
Created 12 Years ago at 6/22/12 11:14 PM

RE: After floater practice.... seeing bright shimmering dots

Posts: 1677 Join Date: 1/23/10 Recent Posts
D Z:
There is a phenomenon I sometimes notice after doing eye floater practice agains't a blue sky.

There is a white haze and all of a sudden something amazing becomes distinctly visible.

These identical looking bright blue dots, a whole lot of them, appear every where in the sky. They are smaller than floater, identically round, shimmering white, and moving faster in seemingly random squiggly directions.

They look quite amazing,even heavenly.

Wondering if there is a name for this phenomenon withing the spiritual traditions ? And anything else that can be done to further practice ?

The scientific name is Blue Field Entopic Phenomenon, but I am wondering if there is a spiritual name for this. And anyway to integrate into pracitice, other than being really cool to look at.

Yeh, I get squiggly globules of light, really minute and on mass throughout the vision igniting and shooting off in all directions. I notice that they move with the eye movement so I long ago stopped thinking they were actual things in the sky. I remember when i was young I thought they were bugs flying in the sky. I once read about them ages ago in the new agey book 'The Celestine Prophecy' . You could learn not let the mind follow them instead train the mind to let go of them and see them peripherally and as panoramic as humanly possible.

Here are some people talking about something similar:
Tommy M, modified 12 Years ago at 6/23/12 4:04 PM
Created 12 Years ago at 6/23/12 3:58 PM

RE: After floater practice.... seeing bright shimmering dots

Posts: 1199 Join Date: 11/12/10 Recent Posts
I've noticed that for a long time, it started happening after I had some sort of satori-like experience around ten years ago; I was on a plane going to London and saw the entire world become those shimmering flickering lights, I now think it was a direct experience of impermanence as "I" vanished into this eternal interplay of colour and light while the physical world remained as it was. It's difficult to describe it properly now as it was so long ago, but it was after it that I could see these lights constantly dancing around the visual field.

I've never really gave it much significance after a while, and I also noticed that it stopped completely, or at least as far as I've noticed, when in a "pure consciousness experience". Interesting stuff though!

Edited to add....Holy shit! I'd forgotten about Wilhelm Reich and his "orgone" stuff, that's a really, really interesting area to look into. His books were burned by the US government in the 50's, his work was quite amazing and what he was talking about could have potentially allowed for a far better understanding of human experience.
(D Z) Dhru Val, modified 12 Years ago at 6/28/12 11:09 PM
Created 12 Years ago at 6/28/12 11:09 PM

RE: After floater practice.... seeing bright shimmering dots

Posts: 346 Join Date: 9/18/11 Recent Posts
Thanks that clears it up.

On another note, the floaters can be pretty stablized at times, but I don't see a rainbow around them or anything. Just some mild refraction of light like one might see on a glass of water.

Is this normal or does further appreciation result in more vivid colors ?
Nikolai , modified 12 Years ago at 6/29/12 12:21 AM
Created 12 Years ago at 6/29/12 12:01 AM

RE: After floater practice.... seeing bright shimmering dots

Posts: 1677 Join Date: 1/23/10 Recent Posts
D Z:
Thanks that clears it up.

On another note, the floaters can be pretty stablized at times, but I don't see a rainbow around them or anything. Just some mild refraction of light like one might see on a glass of water.

Is this normal or does further appreciation result in more vivid colors ?

You have to let go even further of expectations and continue to practice letting go of the lunging consciousness that wants to see rainbows for the rainbow refracted light to actually present to be seen. Tricky stuff. One must let go of the desire to experience the desired experience for the experience to be experienced.

EDIT: The more the mind is curious about what is being experienced, the more wonder and 'don't know' mind is cultivated and the more the mind is inclined to drop the habitual tendencies to crave and avert from phenomena via such phenomena being objectified and run through the memory banks to be 'known' as some 'thing' to avert from or crave.

The more wonder and curiosity take craving and aversion''s place, the more details are seen of the phenomena being experienced. In the visual field, understanding how to drop the lunging consciousness tendency to simply accept what floaters are presenting and being naturally cognised sans the lunging consciousness (which simply leads to frustration in the floaters case as the floaters that have become the object of the lunging consciousness keep moving away from that lunging) leads to understanding how such a consciousness is never satisfying and its cessation is freedom from much tension.

The lesson of the lunging consciousness fabricating an object to lunge on is that it sucks balls. You drop that tendency and other floaters present in the visual field not seen previously. The lightning globules mentioned above also present themselves. When more details present such as refracted light within refracted light within refrac...etc etc, they present because one has dropped that lunging consciousness tendency that was never satisfying and have allowed for natural cognition of aspects of the visual field previously ignored by the mentioned lunging consciousness.

My 2 cents.
Jeff Grove, modified 12 Years ago at 7/2/12 9:24 PM
Created 12 Years ago at 7/2/12 9:23 PM

RE: After floater practice.... seeing bright shimmering dots

Posts: 310 Join Date: 8/24/09 Recent Posts
Posted by Peter Jackson from the Dzogchen practice group -

The Map

I want to share how the whole thing fits together from the Dzogchen point of view and my experience regarding awareness, energy, mind, self and liberation. From engaging in various methods from several different traditions, I have enough experience to write about the whole process from beginning to end. I am not saying that one has to engage in meditation or energy practices. But I will teach whatever is necessary so that what I am sharing below can be realized by anyone. There are many remedies for various "stuck points". But we have to all be using the same map or at least be familiar with it. What I am sharing here I don't believe you will be able to find very available on the open market. Most is considered to be the secret teachings of Tibetan Dzogchen, not broadly known. If interested, we can work through specific Dzogchen practices that trigger the Clear Light of Awareness to become revealed in consciousness.

Here's how it works: at first the person is seeking to find his enlightened nature within their own consciousness. They may receive a pointing out instruction regarding the nature of "changeless awareness". But they may only understand intellectually that their identity is not the body or mind. There was no total shift in perspective. This gives them a certain degree of relaxation as though the intellect had acquired its goal of understanding, it can now relax. But that intellectual insight does not drive deep enough into the energy contraction remaining in the subtle body and physical body, hence it is short lived. There was just a flash of insight but no total transformation of the self-contraction and mind. By recognizing that subtle flash of insight again and again, and learning to rest as just being the naked "observingess" in all experience, thoughts and mental engagement become more calm and less captivating. As a result our inner subtle body of chakras, channels and subtle energy called chi or prana, all begin to relax and expand. It is the energy contraction within the inner subtle body that gives the "feeling" of being a localized self within and as a body. We're not talking about the concept of self now, we are talking about how its "feels" on a sensory level. When the inner subtle body relaxes, because the mind relaxes, we experience a "feeling" of expansiveness, greater clarity, and well-being.

Understanding gives us insight but may have no affect on the "feeling tone" of inner experience. We "get it" but no bliss or stable joy. Hence meditation may help in bringing the mind into a more calm state, and that is a good thing because the rest follows organically.

This would normally be a model of yoga where the goal is calming and clarification of the mind and a deep relaxing of the body. In yoga when this is accomplished, the inner channels and chakras will expand and open. If this relaxing process is allowed to continue, eventually subtle energies will begin to flow from the bottom of the spine to the crown that may result in kundalini enlightenment. That is considered the end of the path in yoga. However in Tibetan Dzogchen, that is where our practice begins.

When the chakras are fully relaxed, open and expansive, another more subtle energy body is revealed within. It's the inner Body of Light or Clear Light. It's much more subtle than the chakras and subtle energy channels of subtle body. Prana, chi or kundalini does not flow in these subtle light channels, only Clear Light. The channels are themselves crystalline and transparent. The main crystal channel, called "Kati" in Tibetan, flows from the innermost center of the heart chakra, up through the central channel into the brain. It arcs forward and splits into two channels ending at the very center of the pupils. The Clear Light is centered in the heart chakra, the seat of Being. Clear Light Awareness is "seated" in the brain. It is the innermost center of the crown chakra. When the Light Channels are completely relaxed, the Clear Light in the heart will reflect upward and shine out the eyes. Other Light Channels flow upward filling the entire area of the brain. As the Clear Light is reflected into the brain through the microscopic network of Light Channels, consciousness is transformed into Clear Light Awareness. We feel utterly transparent and free of any sense of localization or physical identity when this happens. Our Awareness seems poised within our eyes and our skull seems transparent. The Self-Knowing Wisdom of Clear Light is suddenly revealed as the very nature of Clear Light Itself. All doubts are absent and there is no self in Clear Light Awareness as the mind and consciousness have been transformed into Clear Light as well. In Tibetan this state of being is called "Rigpa" which means both awareness and its wisdom. This is our goal in practice.

By remaining relaxed completely, the Light Channels will remain open and our state will continue to be the Beingness of Clear Light Awareness. As the Clear Light continues to flow into the Light Channels in the brain, it will eventually begin to overflow downward into the entire body, revealing the body to be transparent as well. The outer world will still be visible but clearly transparent like a giant crystal hologram floating in space. "Inside and outside" well no longer apply, nor do center or fringe. So we simply rest as what we are. When the mind begins to engage in thinking and conceptualizing again, that subtle mental grasping is enough of a contraction to cause the very delicate Light Channels to close. When that happens the lights go out, so to speak. Then we drop the concepts and mental grasping, and just deeply relax until the Light Channels blossom again. Our goal is to find ourselves always fully relaxed as Clear Light Awareness. We are simply relaxed in our Natural State, timelessly free, radiating intrinsic compassion, love and spontaneous creativity within the Natural Bliss of our own Being. Remember we are only modifying our energy, the Clear Light of Awareness is always unchanging, but its aura of energy can contract and give a sense of localization. That contraction and localization is only an "experience" and in no way modifies our Beingness. But I think we prefer the open state as opposed to the contracted… but our essential Beingness enjoys it all as pure play.

Not everyone has to engage in any type of practice in order to open the Light Channels. Many people already see from their heart, as the Clear Light of Awarenesss. They respond really well to pointers to Awareness. Also those whose Light Channels are somewhat open can really benefit from pointing out methods. But those that are really contracted and "shut in", some work may need to be done first, like meditation, therapy or chakra work. But once the full arising of Clear Light Awareness occurs, that occurrence becomes one's reference of practice. It may first occur from just a simple pointing out as to the true nature of awareness. Or it may take months or years of preliminary work to relieve the contraction. Its not that Awareness can be obstacled by anything, but rather that its Wisdom and Self-Recognition does not occur in the contracted state. That Wisdom Energy has transformed into mind and self. That's why when the self-mind-energy dissolves, the Wisdom is automatically known. The Wisdom Energy was compressed and transformed into dualistic mind by the intense gravity of the "I" concept. All the energy becomes contracted around the "I" concept. No "I" concept, no contraction. No contraction, sheer bliss…
(D Z) Dhru Val, modified 12 Years ago at 7/3/12 11:08 PM
Created 12 Years ago at 7/3/12 11:06 PM

RE: After floater practice.... seeing bright shimmering dots

Posts: 346 Join Date: 9/18/11 Recent Posts
Nikolai .:
D Z:
Thanks that clears it up.

On another note, the floaters can be pretty stablized at times, but I don't see a rainbow around them or anything. Just some mild refraction of light like one might see on a glass of water.

Is this normal or does further appreciation result in more vivid colors ?

You have to let go even further of expectations and continue to practice letting go of the lunging consciousness that wants to see rainbows for the rainbow refracted light to actually present to be seen. Tricky stuff. One must let go of the desire to experience the desired experience for the experience to be experienced.

EDIT: The more the mind is curious about what is being experienced, the more wonder and 'don't know' mind is cultivated and the more the mind is inclined to drop the habitual tendencies to crave and avert from phenomena via such phenomena being objectified and run through the memory banks to be 'known' as some 'thing' to avert from or crave.

The more wonder and curiosity take craving and aversion''s place, the more details are seen of the phenomena being experienced. In the visual field, understanding how to drop the lunging consciousness tendency to simply accept what floaters are presenting and being naturally cognised sans the lunging consciousness (which simply leads to frustration in the floaters case as the floaters that have become the object of the lunging consciousness keep moving away from that lunging) leads to understanding how such a consciousness is never satisfying and its cessation is freedom from much tension.

The lesson of the lunging consciousness fabricating an object to lunge on is that it sucks balls. You drop that tendency and other floaters present in the visual field not seen previously. The lightning globules mentioned above also present themselves. When more details present such as refracted light within refracted light within refrac...etc etc, they present because one has dropped that lunging consciousness tendency that was never satisfying and have allowed for natural cognition of aspects of the visual field previously ignored by the mentioned lunging consciousness.

My 2 cents.

OK. I think I know what you are referring to here, and yea it definitely happens. Please let me know if I am off track...

In the context of floater practice, there is a grasping that results from the movement and idiosyncratic relation to the rest of the visual field that causes the mind to grasp at the floaters. In this process of grasping there is some sort of attachment to the object, and some sort of imagined dualistic relationship between the self and the object.

In the context of day to day life this happens for many many activities. It seems to be how the mind creates the self and the world from something much more basic.

Today during sky gazing I tried to see the floaters as just vision rather than abberations in the visual field. Seemed to be moderately successful.

In that I was able to see more floaters in a broader swath of the visual field, and also there was seemingly more refraction of light noticable.
(D Z) Dhru Val, modified 12 Years ago at 7/3/12 11:18 PM
Created 12 Years ago at 7/3/12 11:18 PM

RE: After floater practice.... seeing bright shimmering dots

Posts: 346 Join Date: 9/18/11 Recent Posts
Looks very interesting, But I am finding it hard to understand this map, perhaps due to lack of experience with kundalani pracitce. Though I have experienced those types of subtle energies are felt as a result of other practices.

Is Kundalani enlghtenment similar to MCTB 4th path ? Or AF ? Or is it something different altogether ?

The Bliss and Joy seems to be different from the ordinary satisfaction I experience at present. So I am assuming that the clear light stuff is something different altogether. But I can subjectively feel that my eyes are connected to the chest.
Jeff Grove, modified 12 Years ago at 7/4/12 11:05 PM
Created 12 Years ago at 7/4/12 10:06 PM

RE: After floater practice.... seeing bright shimmering dots

Posts: 310 Join Date: 8/24/09 Recent Posts
Dont know if kundalini enlightenment is the same as MCTB 4th Path or AF. Each use different descriptions

Some of the steps in the practice, depending on the teaching they are different

Breath practices
- learn how to breath first off naturally with the diaphram, this will increase your vitality, chi, energy, higher frequency, subtle awareness what ever you want to call it
- reverse breath
- yoga breath 1:4:2
- vase breathing as in gTummo

This will purify the channels, karma

When done correctly this will seal the body mind and lines of tension will develop, you usually see the dantain represented as # - Line of tension - nose to between the balls and anus, line of tension around the girdle - you will get the idea
from here you can start drawing the chi in from outside through the skin along a line of tension out from the dantain, you can start to absorb the natural elements, chi = awareness, you can start to expand your awareness beyond feel the energy/vibration of the earth and how other people push/pull on your energy when you come near ( have verified thru my own practice)

Strecthing Practice
Some type of qigong, yoga - again this body is chi/awareness and this works the facia creating space

Standing Practice
Stillness practice and the movement of chi thru the body. Feel a ball of energy up on leg out the opposite arm over to the other arm down the opposite leg

The chakras are assoicated with different sounds, some sounds move chi/awareness into the chakra, some vibrate the chakra, some move the chi out

Transmission of Teachings

Any form of insight practice
Rushen - external and internal

Posture for Togel
There are postures recommended which are the same postures they recommend in death. Once you get going posture isnt essential

Once the central channel opens, channels cleared, energy is higher the flow through these subtle Kati channels may be experienced. In the Tibetan traditions there are said to be anywhere betweeen 4 and 6 channels (can't quite remember) but these are associated with different stages of progress and functions. Names such as lasso lamp, the lamp of the pristine absolute nature, the lamp of the empty bindu, and the lamp of self-arisen wisdom. There is a difference between Nyingpa and Dzogchen

Dark Practices

Then near the end there is a fasting phase - state of bigu where the meditator will eat nothing but these herbal pellets that have been infused with chi/awareness/prayed over

Jalu/Rainbow Body

Heres a different description from the "Holistic Vision" Newsletter

Nestor's teaching: the structure of consciousness and the inner sense

Nestor's statements about eye floaters differ significantly from the ophthalmologic explanation: for him, these spheres and strings emerged from consciousness; they form a coherent structure on which we project our material world like on a screen; they are directly connected with our will; and ultimately, our pure egoless consciousness fits into one such sphere in this structure.
Whether our eye floaters have a material counterpart in the eye (or the brain) is irrelevant to Nestor. For him, we see these spheres and strings not with our eyes but with an “inner sense” or the “third eye”, as he sometimes calls it. He characterizes this inner sense as an eye that gradually opens up through the withdrawal of the external senses as experienced in concentration exercises. Therefore, initial symptoms of floaters indicate the beginning of the opening of the third eye. The degree of openness of the third eye depends on the average consciousness of a society of a given time and culture, but also on individual efforts. The fact that many people see floaters in our contemporary Western societies means, according to Nestor, that many people already have a connection to their inner sense – even if they don’t work with it consciously.

With such statements, Nestor ascribes an extraordinary meaning to the visual phenomena called “floaters”: they are a spiritual phenomenon, and thus a directly perceptible starting point for our own spiritual development, for the realization of the world and of our true selves. But what made Nestor utter such claims? First, he emphasizes that his statements about the spheres and strings are grounded in his own seeing. In this regard, it is important to understand that his description of the spheres and strings differs from the one of most other people. He doesn’t see isolated small dots and strings that drift away permanently, but large, bright spheres and tubes which he is able to hold in suspension and, therefore, to see clearly. His claim to deal with what is commonly called “floaters” is based on his experience of the transformation of the small movable dots and strings into large spheres and tubes.

The zoom effect and the layers of consciousness

According to Nestor, this transformation is connected to his consciousness development which, in turn, results from a specific lifestyle, including an ethical attitude, a natural and balanced diet, physical exercises, breathing exercises, concentration and meditation practices, as well as ritually altered states of consciousness. This way of life leads to the accumulation of energy and to the opening up of the body. That way, a seer is no longer forced to give off his energy solely through bodily and mental actions, but is able to release it directly as a relaxing prickle or ecstasy into the environment.
If this energy release is intense enough, the visual perception changes: in the moment of ecstasy, an object perceived shines up and “zooms in” abruptly. Thus, the visual field of a seer (the “picture”) shows less of the world, but the objects looked at appear bigger, more focused, luminous and colorful. This observation is the reason for Nestor to assume that our visual system consists of several “layers” lined up one after another on which those processes are enacted that we collectively call “our world”. Each layer corresponds to a specific state of consciousness, showing each time the same “world”, which is, however, seen and experienced very differently. Basically, human beings are able to experience the whole spectrum of consciousness, but because of our education our focus is fixed on a single layer, shared by most people. The lifestyle and the bodily and mental exercises of a seer dissolve this fixation and allows for a penetration of these layers. Any individual capable of changing his or her visual perception and consciousness by focusing on unfamiliar layers is, in Nestor’s term, a “seer”.

The process of “seeing” is goal-oriented insofar as the seer acts to increase his energy metabolism both, in the short term and in the longer term to bring about more intense states of consciousness and to see the “picture” closer and more detailed; this process is experienced as a forward movement within the shining structure. This means that a seer, gradually or abruptly, penetrates the layers of consciousness, and, in the long term, that he focuses on new spheres that appear in the upper and rear part of the “picture”. Nestor calls this spiritual and visual forward movement “the path in the shining structure”.

The constellation of spheres and the “source”

The path in the shining structure is a path of reduction: in the beginning we see a large quantity of dots and strings which move before our eyes without any recognizable order or obvious meaning. After the “leap into the left side of consciousness”, i.e. the first ecstasy of a human being that releases a great amount of energy and zooms in the picture and the structure to a large extent, the spheres of a seer become increasingly less but bigger. The seer recognizes that his spheres are arranged in a constellation revealing fundamental principles that we find in both, nature and culture.

Besides this constellation there’s a second phenomenon that makes the shining structure meaningful: the “beginning of being” or “source”. It’s a sphere at the end of the path in the shining structure. According to Nestor, this is the sphere into which we enter, both when falling asleep and when dying. The entering into this sphere means to become one with the structure, and therefore to become one with the whole picture. Nestor’s path is thus a mystical path: the seer believes that we lost the primordial unity with the picture in the process of embodiment and of becoming individual and separate personalities. The way in the shining structure leads back to this unity. The intention of a seer is to approach this last sphere and, if possible, to enter it consciously and before physical death.
This Good Self, modified 12 Years ago at 7/5/12 1:53 AM
Created 12 Years ago at 7/5/12 1:53 AM

RE: After floater practice.... seeing bright shimmering dots

Posts: 946 Join Date: 3/9/10 Recent Posts
Floaters + flashing lights can = retinal detachment.

Check your 3rd chakra isn't over/under active, as this opens to the eyes.
Nikolai , modified 12 Years ago at 7/5/12 4:25 AM
Created 12 Years ago at 7/5/12 4:25 AM

RE: After floater practice.... seeing bright shimmering dots

Posts: 1677 Join Date: 1/23/10 Recent Posts
D Z:

In the context of floater practice, there is a grasping that results from the movement and idiosyncratic relation to the rest of the visual field that causes the mind to grasp at the floaters. In this process of grasping there is some sort of attachment to the object, and some sort of imagined dualistic relationship between the self and the object.

In the context of day to day life this happens for many many activities. It seems to be how the mind creates the self and the world from something much more basic.

Yeh, that grasping occurs at all the sense doors. So what is learnt via the visual field can be applied to all the once eventually.
Jeff Grove, modified 12 Years ago at 7/8/12 6:19 PM
Created 12 Years ago at 7/8/12 6:14 PM

RE: After floater practice.... seeing bright shimmering dots

Posts: 310 Join Date: 8/24/09 Recent Posts
D Z:

The Bliss and Joy seems to be different from the ordinary satisfaction I experience at present.

bliss is the pristine clarity of actuality - this will make sense when you experience it.
the dualisitc experience is only a dull, out of focus reflection of what is as energy is sphyonned off into fabrications

C C C:
Floaters + flashing lights can = retinal detachment.

Check your 3rd chakra isn't over/under active, as this opens to the eyes.

Interested to hear how do you suggest you check your 3rd chakra is over/under active?
This Good Self, modified 12 Years ago at 7/9/12 12:57 AM
Created 12 Years ago at 7/9/12 12:56 AM

RE: After floater practice.... seeing bright shimmering dots

Posts: 946 Join Date: 3/9/10 Recent Posts
Jeff Grove:

Interested to hear how do you suggest you check your 3rd chakra is over/under active?

To me the defining characteristics of a healthy 3rd chakra show up in people who:
- make decisions easily
- act boldly
- are free of shame
- take risks
- have a warm personality
- are able to meet challenges

- aggressive, demanding
- manipulative, deceitful
- stubborn, competitive, arrogant
- driving ambition

- cold in body and emotions
- weak willed
- poor self-discipline
- passive
- victim mentality
- weak willed
Tommy M, modified 12 Years ago at 7/9/12 5:05 PM
Created 12 Years ago at 7/9/12 5:05 PM

RE: After floater practice.... seeing bright shimmering dots

Posts: 1199 Join Date: 11/12/10 Recent Posts
(D Z) Dhru Val, modified 12 Years ago at 7/21/12 2:28 AM
Created 12 Years ago at 7/21/12 2:28 AM

RE: After floater practice.... seeing bright shimmering dots

Posts: 346 Join Date: 9/18/11 Recent Posts
Haven't ignored this.

Still working on putting it into practice. Will report back with results soon.
