Meditation from Cold Start to Complete Mastery (MCSCM) [self-link]

M L, modified 1 Month ago at 12/30/24 10:10 AM
Created 1 Month ago at 12/30/24 10:10 AM

Meditation from Cold Start to Complete Mastery (MCSCM) [self-link]

Posts: 91 Join Date: 8/22/09 Recent Posts
I take the liberty of promoting my continuously-updated book once every year or three, and it's that time again.

Here it is:

I look at most meditation systems as being "depth-first":
  1. attain
  2. clean up, integrate
  3. repeat
My meditation system is "breadth-first":
  1. integrate / clean up
  2. attainments inexorably happen as relatively clean, intermittent byproducts
  3. continue / no obvious cycling
Breadth-first systems tend to be viewed suspiciously because it's easy to get lost and go in circles forever, but my system is explicitly designed to mitigate that risk.

Here are some things people have written about my system (some parts endorsed, some not, but 100% gratefully acknowledged and appreciated):

Here is the source and commit log of :

May this be helpful and not harmful.
Chris M, modified 1 Month ago at 12/30/24 12:51 PM
Created 1 Month ago at 12/30/24 12:44 PM

RE: Meditation from Cold Start to Complete Mastery (MCSCM) [self-link]

Posts: 5647 Join Date: 1/26/13 Recent Posts
Read the review of Mark's book - definitely worth a look before you jump into the whole thing:

Also, here's Mark's blog:
