RE: JW's Third Log - Discussion
RE: JW's Third Log
J W, modified 2 Months ago at 11/18/24 11:26 PM
Created 2 Months ago at 11/18/24 11:26 PM
JW's Third Log
Posts: 771 Join Date: 2/11/20 Recent Posts
Okay, well here I am, starting another log. Why am I starting a new log? Well, a few reasons that I can think of.
Let me start with a brief background of my practice history. I started meditating right around the start of the pandemic, or a little bit before. I found out about MCTB and DhO pretty quickly and got pretty *ahem* zealously involved in the DhO for a while during that time, and was meditating quite a bit - several hours a day for a period of a few years.
About a year ago, I went on a 10 day solo retreat, had a really profound experience of 'thisness', and felt like I really had gotten what I wanted out of meditation. Stream Entry? I have spent virtually no time in sitting meditation since that retreat. And yet, I can recall the feeling of 'this' quite vividly, still. I get frustrated (see below), but deep down things feel more okay than they ever have (even though the 'external' world very much seems less okay than it's ever been).
Lately though, I've felt a renewed desire to start meditating again. My mind has been foggy, I find myself stumbling over words. I get frustrated with my programming job, which often feels like I'm staring into the void for hours on end. I get frustrated with the world, and I get run down and flustered by big city life.
Can meditation help me feel less frustrated, my mind more clear, and quick?
I also feel a desire to simply write and talk about meditation again. I have 0 people in my life that I can really talk to about meditation. Unfortunately I find it to be a somewhat taboo subject out on the streets. Oh well.
And then, there's the old 'accountability'. If I say in public "I'm gonna start meditating", well then by golly, I better do it, right??
(We'll see how that goes ;) )
Ok - Where do I go from here?
My first instinct tells me to keep it simple.
Only instructions to myself:
Focus on the breath.
If a thought arises, or a feeling, or a sound, simply notice it, and return to the breath.
Look for any aspect of 'thisness' - see if I can concentrate on it and intensify it.
Let me start with a brief background of my practice history. I started meditating right around the start of the pandemic, or a little bit before. I found out about MCTB and DhO pretty quickly and got pretty *ahem* zealously involved in the DhO for a while during that time, and was meditating quite a bit - several hours a day for a period of a few years.
About a year ago, I went on a 10 day solo retreat, had a really profound experience of 'thisness', and felt like I really had gotten what I wanted out of meditation. Stream Entry? I have spent virtually no time in sitting meditation since that retreat. And yet, I can recall the feeling of 'this' quite vividly, still. I get frustrated (see below), but deep down things feel more okay than they ever have (even though the 'external' world very much seems less okay than it's ever been).
Lately though, I've felt a renewed desire to start meditating again. My mind has been foggy, I find myself stumbling over words. I get frustrated with my programming job, which often feels like I'm staring into the void for hours on end. I get frustrated with the world, and I get run down and flustered by big city life.
Can meditation help me feel less frustrated, my mind more clear, and quick?
I also feel a desire to simply write and talk about meditation again. I have 0 people in my life that I can really talk to about meditation. Unfortunately I find it to be a somewhat taboo subject out on the streets. Oh well.
And then, there's the old 'accountability'. If I say in public "I'm gonna start meditating", well then by golly, I better do it, right??
(We'll see how that goes ;) )
Ok - Where do I go from here?
My first instinct tells me to keep it simple.
Only instructions to myself:
Focus on the breath.
If a thought arises, or a feeling, or a sound, simply notice it, and return to the breath.
Look for any aspect of 'thisness' - see if I can concentrate on it and intensify it.
J W, modified 2 Months ago at 11/18/24 11:58 PM
Created 2 Months ago at 11/18/24 11:58 PM
RE: JW's Third Log
Posts: 771 Join Date: 2/11/20 Recent Posts
-My thoughts have become stickier than i remember.
First goal with meditation:
Clean up some of that stick/stank
@15 minute mark - "The Drop" - the mind relaxes outward into EQ. This time it was pretty subtle and sort of happened in a series of small waves, each sort of increasing the relaxation.
Lots of tingling throughout the body for the whole sit. Is tingling the same as Piti?
Sitting here now after 25 minutes, and feeling pretty relaxed. Going to go play some music now!
-My thoughts have become stickier than i remember.
First goal with meditation:
Clean up some of that stick/stank
@15 minute mark - "The Drop" - the mind relaxes outward into EQ. This time it was pretty subtle and sort of happened in a series of small waves, each sort of increasing the relaxation.
Lots of tingling throughout the body for the whole sit. Is tingling the same as Piti?
Sitting here now after 25 minutes, and feeling pretty relaxed. Going to go play some music now!
Bahiya Baby, modified 2 Months ago at 11/19/24 12:09 AM
Created 2 Months ago at 11/19/24 12:09 AM
RE: JW's Third Log
Posts: 971 Join Date: 5/26/23 Recent PostsJ W, modified 2 Months ago at 11/20/24 9:44 PM
Created 2 Months ago at 11/20/24 9:44 PM
RE: JW's Third Log
Posts: 771 Join Date: 2/11/20 Recent Posts
Thanks B.B.!
I was just searching through my notes and I found these that I took from 2022, during one of my calls with Dreamwalker, as I was writing down his instructions.
I found his advice to be super helpful back then, and reading back now after a couple of years, still super clear and helpful.
I'm not sure if maybe there's somewhere else I should post this, for preservation.
We also talked a good amount about 3rd path 'mini' attainments and how to get them. I'm going from memory, but, the training was very focused on the sense doors. The mini-attainments essentially had to do with the unlocking of the various sense doors, and combinations of sense doors. There are a few specific excersizes he recommended. I believe there is a post where DW details this, in his Framework of Awakening - for some of the sense doors there were several mini-attainments, especially with the sight door. His Framework of Awakening post goes into more detail.
1. Pay attention to meditation itself - what jhana am i in and what happens during the shiftquickly get to cutting edge and push boulder2. Skip anything before equanimity. All nanas repeated in equanimity
Concentration on intensity - breathe lessSurfing fine edge of where it’s slightly uncomfortable and then big breath when you need to
1st Jhana - 5 mins
2nd Jhana - top of swingset. Stop breathing shallow, go to stomach, making bubble of pleasure 5 mins
3rd Jhana - relax into it, don’t have to cultivate so much
4th Jhana - equanimity - noticing
Hi-EQ - sleepy, hypnogogic
Anything that seems like You - Permanent - Satisfies - lock onto until the bottom (emptiness)
At the bottom there’s a gap between sensations - drop into the gap into subconscious
Expansiveness behind as well
Any time subconscious gets close to getting deleted, it will make up fear stories - “feeling in”Speed of thought, awareness, attention system
Results in between jhana
I was just searching through my notes and I found these that I took from 2022, during one of my calls with Dreamwalker, as I was writing down his instructions.
I found his advice to be super helpful back then, and reading back now after a couple of years, still super clear and helpful.
I'm not sure if maybe there's somewhere else I should post this, for preservation.
We also talked a good amount about 3rd path 'mini' attainments and how to get them. I'm going from memory, but, the training was very focused on the sense doors. The mini-attainments essentially had to do with the unlocking of the various sense doors, and combinations of sense doors. There are a few specific excersizes he recommended. I believe there is a post where DW details this, in his Framework of Awakening - for some of the sense doors there were several mini-attainments, especially with the sight door. His Framework of Awakening post goes into more detail.
1. Pay attention to meditation itself - what jhana am i in and what happens during the shiftquickly get to cutting edge and push boulder2. Skip anything before equanimity. All nanas repeated in equanimity
Concentration on intensity - breathe lessSurfing fine edge of where it’s slightly uncomfortable and then big breath when you need to
1st Jhana - 5 mins
2nd Jhana - top of swingset. Stop breathing shallow, go to stomach, making bubble of pleasure 5 mins
3rd Jhana - relax into it, don’t have to cultivate so much
4th Jhana - equanimity - noticing
Hi-EQ - sleepy, hypnogogic
Anything that seems like You - Permanent - Satisfies - lock onto until the bottom (emptiness)
At the bottom there’s a gap between sensations - drop into the gap into subconscious
Expansiveness behind as well
Any time subconscious gets close to getting deleted, it will make up fear stories - “feeling in”Speed of thought, awareness, attention system
Results in between jhana
J W, modified 2 Months ago at 11/20/24 9:47 PM
Created 2 Months ago at 11/20/24 9:47 PM
RE: JW's Third Log
Posts: 771 Join Date: 2/11/20 Recent Posts
Meditation notes:
Too tired to meditate yesterday. I recently switched medicines for my insomnia, which didn’t work out very well so I had to switch back to the quetiapine which works reasonably well.Feeling much better today.
Insomnia can be a great teacher of impermanence and subjectivity- if you want a guaranteed way to go to DN territory, just don’t sleep for a couple of days. Everything sucks, etc. Then, watch as your universe transforms after you get a good night’s sleep. It’s like a magic trick, amazing!
Today notes:I just cut an onion and my eyes were burning.
When sitting, it’s more pleasant when well rested. Attention is softer and more relaxed.
If you haven’t noticed, I love sleeping. One of the joys of life. And I absolutely love dreaming. Just thinking about dreaming gives hints of rapture and bliss. J2/J3 flavor?
There was a subtle relaxing ‘drop’ into equanimity again this time at 15m- very faint.
And then there is ‘giddiness’ which is different than the rapture/bliss. More of a childlike excitement (which I think is more classic J2). 'top of the swingset' as described by DW.I should try to sit throughout the day and try to build and maintain concentration... just a question of finding the time.
Too tired to meditate yesterday. I recently switched medicines for my insomnia, which didn’t work out very well so I had to switch back to the quetiapine which works reasonably well.Feeling much better today.
Insomnia can be a great teacher of impermanence and subjectivity- if you want a guaranteed way to go to DN territory, just don’t sleep for a couple of days. Everything sucks, etc. Then, watch as your universe transforms after you get a good night’s sleep. It’s like a magic trick, amazing!
Today notes:I just cut an onion and my eyes were burning.
When sitting, it’s more pleasant when well rested. Attention is softer and more relaxed.
If you haven’t noticed, I love sleeping. One of the joys of life. And I absolutely love dreaming. Just thinking about dreaming gives hints of rapture and bliss. J2/J3 flavor?
There was a subtle relaxing ‘drop’ into equanimity again this time at 15m- very faint.
And then there is ‘giddiness’ which is different than the rapture/bliss. More of a childlike excitement (which I think is more classic J2). 'top of the swingset' as described by DW.I should try to sit throughout the day and try to build and maintain concentration... just a question of finding the time.
J W, modified 2 Months ago at 11/22/24 1:22 AM
Created 2 Months ago at 11/22/24 1:22 AM
RE: JW's Third Log
Posts: 771 Join Date: 2/11/20 Recent Posts
Last night I had my headphones on, listening to binaural beats (which is essentially just a drone). Consciousness dropped out for some time, (not completely though, there was a tiny thread of awareness still left), and then when I came back online, 'rebooted', there were weird hallucinatory sounds that I would hear on top of the drone as I came back into awareness. Perhaps J8, unfortunately no significant 'bliss wave' when I came back.
I think exploring the boundary between J3/J4 and also Vipassana J3/Samatha J3 is important for me right now. I tend to get stuck in DNs (vJ3) especially when sleep deprived. I notice how the automaticity of J3 can be more pleasant in samatha, and how you can sort of ride that automaticity into a more expansive, pleasant J4. Perhaps mastery of this transition can really help with my sleep cycles.
I think exploring the boundary between J3/J4 and also Vipassana J3/Samatha J3 is important for me right now. I tend to get stuck in DNs (vJ3) especially when sleep deprived. I notice how the automaticity of J3 can be more pleasant in samatha, and how you can sort of ride that automaticity into a more expansive, pleasant J4. Perhaps mastery of this transition can really help with my sleep cycles.
Papa Che Dusko, modified 2 Months ago at 11/24/24 5:36 PM
Created 2 Months ago at 11/24/24 5:36 PM
RE: JW's Third Log
Posts: 3350 Join Date: 3/1/20 Recent Posts
Best wishes JW!
My eldest son (8 yo) wants to meditate for some reason
I never asked him to do it but I did talk about my life and part of my life is also about meditation. So he asked me to buy him a Tibetan singing bowl and I did. Its almost 900g and sounds rather fine. He asked me how to meditate on sound so I told him to hit the bowl with a mallet and listen to its sound until it utterly fades away. Then hit it again and do the same ... for as long as he feels like. As a kid of course he does it for no more than 3 minutes at most
But it is a good practice. He likes it. He even built an altar for a metal Buddha his mother bought in Thailand back in her youth.
In the night time he asks me to tell him stories about the Buddha. So I tell him the story about Buddha's birth and also the story about how the Buddha left his father's castle and went to find the way to the end of suffering ... the 5 ascetics and then the jhana teachers and then ending up with noting the chain of events in his mind-experience and awakening as a result.
Now he is bored with that story and asks for another different story about the Buddha
but I don't know of any other story.
Not sure why I wrote this here
My eldest son (8 yo) wants to meditate for some reason

In the night time he asks me to tell him stories about the Buddha. So I tell him the story about Buddha's birth and also the story about how the Buddha left his father's castle and went to find the way to the end of suffering ... the 5 ascetics and then the jhana teachers and then ending up with noting the chain of events in his mind-experience and awakening as a result.
Now he is bored with that story and asks for another different story about the Buddha

Not sure why I wrote this here

Papa Che Dusko, modified 2 Months ago at 11/24/24 5:44 PM
Created 2 Months ago at 11/24/24 5:44 PM
RE: JW's Third Log
Posts: 3350 Join Date: 3/1/20 Recent Posts
I just remembered that Ive made a demo of this tibetan bowl for a friend of mine not that long ago! Here Ive uploaded it for you on YT.
J W, modified 2 Months ago at 11/25/24 6:53 PM
Created 2 Months ago at 11/25/24 6:53 PM
RE: JW's Third Log
Posts: 771 Join Date: 2/11/20 Recent Posts
Hey Papa Che, good to hear from you my man!
8 years old now... Wow!
That's cool that your son is interested in meditation, he must have seen you buzzing and caught some of your vibrations!
Surely lots of meaningful times together ahead of you. Maybe you can do a father-son retreat in Thailand someday! Or, maybe just a sit in the back yard. Hah!
The sound of the bell... where does it go? When does it stop?
8 years old now... Wow!
That's cool that your son is interested in meditation, he must have seen you buzzing and caught some of your vibrations!
Surely lots of meaningful times together ahead of you. Maybe you can do a father-son retreat in Thailand someday! Or, maybe just a sit in the back yard. Hah!
The sound of the bell... where does it go? When does it stop?
Papa Che Dusko, modified 2 Months ago at 11/25/24 7:10 PM
Created 2 Months ago at 11/25/24 7:10 PM
RE: JW's Third Log
Posts: 3350 Join Date: 3/1/20 Recent Posts

J W, modified 2 Months ago at 11/25/24 7:20 PM
Created 2 Months ago at 11/25/24 7:20 PM
RE: JW's Third Log
Posts: 771 Join Date: 2/11/20 Recent Posts
Sits have been pretty boring the last couple of days.
Circling back to the J3/J4 boundary. I do think this is an important transition to master, with so much to worry about, which can be overwhelming. I've gone down a couple of political doom spirals in recent days so have had plenty to work with sensations-wise.
There's a very J3 quality to the mind of, let's call it, 'doom-scrolling' or 'catastrophizing'.
Thoughts happen quickly, like rapid-fire, and there is an automaticity to them- they're hard to slow down or get rid of. Interestingly, they are also hard to finish, and for matter, where they start is obsured as well - seeming like they're coming at you from all sides, all at once. There's a sort of purgatorial quality to this lack of endpoint definition.
What I guess would be called vipassana or noting is a method to distance yourself from these thoughts emotionally, so that your only reaction to them is to obseve and label them - not ignoring them or denying them. This way the thoughts sort of lose their teeth and the mind can become more focused and calm, and the thoughts become just flickering sensations. You're noting the blinking of these sensations, which really is both the rising and the falling of these sensations.- I usually notice more of the 'start' of the sensation than the end (I think).
As I continue to note, eventually the mind sort of naturally just relaxes, outwardly, into a more spacious place which is the start of J4.
The phrase 'rise above' comes to mind. When people say this, it means essentially, don't be bothered, don't let it affect you, be undeterred and focused - but also implies there is a 'below' from which you must rise. This kind of reminds me of the transition from J3-J4. As you observe the rapid-fire thoughts of the DN, there is sort of a coolness and expansion that occurs, relief I guess, as you begin to move into equanimity.
Circling back to the J3/J4 boundary. I do think this is an important transition to master, with so much to worry about, which can be overwhelming. I've gone down a couple of political doom spirals in recent days so have had plenty to work with sensations-wise.
There's a very J3 quality to the mind of, let's call it, 'doom-scrolling' or 'catastrophizing'.
Thoughts happen quickly, like rapid-fire, and there is an automaticity to them- they're hard to slow down or get rid of. Interestingly, they are also hard to finish, and for matter, where they start is obsured as well - seeming like they're coming at you from all sides, all at once. There's a sort of purgatorial quality to this lack of endpoint definition.
What I guess would be called vipassana or noting is a method to distance yourself from these thoughts emotionally, so that your only reaction to them is to obseve and label them - not ignoring them or denying them. This way the thoughts sort of lose their teeth and the mind can become more focused and calm, and the thoughts become just flickering sensations. You're noting the blinking of these sensations, which really is both the rising and the falling of these sensations.- I usually notice more of the 'start' of the sensation than the end (I think).
As I continue to note, eventually the mind sort of naturally just relaxes, outwardly, into a more spacious place which is the start of J4.
The phrase 'rise above' comes to mind. When people say this, it means essentially, don't be bothered, don't let it affect you, be undeterred and focused - but also implies there is a 'below' from which you must rise. This kind of reminds me of the transition from J3-J4. As you observe the rapid-fire thoughts of the DN, there is sort of a coolness and expansion that occurs, relief I guess, as you begin to move into equanimity.
Bahiya Baby, modified 2 Months ago at 11/25/24 7:55 PM
Created 2 Months ago at 11/25/24 7:52 PM
RE: JW's Third Log
Posts: 971 Join Date: 5/26/23 Recent Posts
It is often the subjects we find most sticky that indicate the limits in our practice of impermanence.
All our thoughts, emotions and reactions are impermanent and not self, whether political or otherwise.
Not that one shouldn't be invested politically but when investment becomes identification, there in lies the crux of the problem, identification leads to suffering.
This, I fear, is a tremendously difficult lesson to learn. Thankfully with practice we can learn it slowly over time, we can get used to it a little as more and more of the clinging gives way. This does eventually lead us to much greater peace of mind, through and throughout life, through and throughout this world of suffering.
It does eventually recontextualize the world. We can learn to see the suffering in all beings, the neurosis and the strife that drives them. Once you really see that it's hard not to love them. Once you're open enough, relaxed enough, awake enough to love a broken world...
All our thoughts, emotions and reactions are impermanent and not self, whether political or otherwise.
Not that one shouldn't be invested politically but when investment becomes identification, there in lies the crux of the problem, identification leads to suffering.
This, I fear, is a tremendously difficult lesson to learn. Thankfully with practice we can learn it slowly over time, we can get used to it a little as more and more of the clinging gives way. This does eventually lead us to much greater peace of mind, through and throughout life, through and throughout this world of suffering.
It does eventually recontextualize the world. We can learn to see the suffering in all beings, the neurosis and the strife that drives them. Once you really see that it's hard not to love them. Once you're open enough, relaxed enough, awake enough to love a broken world...
J W, modified 2 Months ago at 11/26/24 3:10 AM
Created 2 Months ago at 11/26/24 3:08 AM
RE: JW's Third Log
Posts: 771 Join Date: 2/11/20 Recent Posts
It certainly does recontextualize things, I don't know how I would be able to process things without the training I've done so far. One of the reasons, as I remember, I was first motivated to start meditating a few years ago, was due to fear of not being able to navigate, or keep my sanity, in a world that felt like it was turning upside down. I think that it's really helped in that regard.
"Not that one shouldn't be invested politically but when investment becomes identification, there in lies the crux of the problem, identification leads to suffering"
That's exactly it, and this is most of what we refer to when we talk about 'politics', unfortunately. Maybe why good Buddhists make bad politicians
Through training and paying attention, you start to see things more as they are-
I see a world of ideologies and greedy manipulation, by the powers that be (and some quite obviously unwell very powerful individuals), of those ideological attachments. These attachments are reactionary in nature, so they grow stronger when the individual is afraid, angry, emotional. This is why fear tactics and divide/conquer are so effective, it evokes a primal fight or flight reflex that can be easily taken advantage of. And as sad and distressing that is, it's how it has always been, and probably how it will always be. The technologies change, the tactics get better, or worse, more or less effective, but the game is the same.
But, things can and do get better, and all said and done, our lives are pretty great relatively and the future is never certain, nor is it permanent. I wouldn't rather live in any other timeline!
Re: compassion. To be honest, most days my focus is just myself and those immediately close to me, in being the best and most present that I can. That's usually enough of a challenge, but youre right, expanding the Metta circle is important. But it has to start with yourself. One of the most basic teachings but really important. It is your own enlightenment that is the most effective way to improve the environment around you.
"Not that one shouldn't be invested politically but when investment becomes identification, there in lies the crux of the problem, identification leads to suffering"
That's exactly it, and this is most of what we refer to when we talk about 'politics', unfortunately. Maybe why good Buddhists make bad politicians

Through training and paying attention, you start to see things more as they are-
I see a world of ideologies and greedy manipulation, by the powers that be (and some quite obviously unwell very powerful individuals), of those ideological attachments. These attachments are reactionary in nature, so they grow stronger when the individual is afraid, angry, emotional. This is why fear tactics and divide/conquer are so effective, it evokes a primal fight or flight reflex that can be easily taken advantage of. And as sad and distressing that is, it's how it has always been, and probably how it will always be. The technologies change, the tactics get better, or worse, more or less effective, but the game is the same.
But, things can and do get better, and all said and done, our lives are pretty great relatively and the future is never certain, nor is it permanent. I wouldn't rather live in any other timeline!
Re: compassion. To be honest, most days my focus is just myself and those immediately close to me, in being the best and most present that I can. That's usually enough of a challenge, but youre right, expanding the Metta circle is important. But it has to start with yourself. One of the most basic teachings but really important. It is your own enlightenment that is the most effective way to improve the environment around you.
J W, modified 2 Months ago at 12/3/24 12:44 AM
Created 2 Months ago at 12/3/24 12:44 AM
RE: JW's Third Log
Posts: 771 Join Date: 2/11/20 Recent Posts
Too busy to meditate much the last few days. Although I keep getting strange experiences before sleep, every 2 or 3 nights seems like. Last time, I saw a flash of stars that felt like they was being burned into my retinas for a second. Then sometime later I came to, slowly realizing that something had happened, but wasn't sure what; strange surreal thoughts that I can't really now describe like I was coming to from out of a coma or something and gradually realizing where I was. I don't know what this is. It kind of reminds me of the descriptions of coming out of cessation but I didn't really get a bliss wave. Maybe retracing of earlier paths? Or just some sort of weird A&P? Sort of feels like waking up from a dreamy sleep but there was no dream, only confused recollections of one that never existed, and feels different from being asleep. Maybe it was just sleep, i dunno. I'll have to keep taking notes if this keeps happening.
Anyway, back to the compassion conversation. On a macro level, it's not that I don't feel any love for 'the general public', it's just more I guess what I would describe as mostly pity, mixed with a wishing love. I want people to be happy and free from suffering. It's like you're watching from afar someone running full speed toward the edge of a cliff, and you're thinking 'oh no, don't do that, please don't do it', but they are so eager to jump off the cliff, and you're so far away that there's nothing you can really do to stop them. As part of the recontextualization, you just see people suffering, and because you can see how selfish it is, it could easily turn you yourself towards feeling anger, which also would be selfish. I am constantly having to make the choice and the effort to not also be selfish. Hopefully that changes at some point.
Anyway, back to the compassion conversation. On a macro level, it's not that I don't feel any love for 'the general public', it's just more I guess what I would describe as mostly pity, mixed with a wishing love. I want people to be happy and free from suffering. It's like you're watching from afar someone running full speed toward the edge of a cliff, and you're thinking 'oh no, don't do that, please don't do it', but they are so eager to jump off the cliff, and you're so far away that there's nothing you can really do to stop them. As part of the recontextualization, you just see people suffering, and because you can see how selfish it is, it could easily turn you yourself towards feeling anger, which also would be selfish. I am constantly having to make the choice and the effort to not also be selfish. Hopefully that changes at some point.
Alley Faint Wurds, modified 2 Months ago at 12/3/24 2:26 PM
Created 2 Months ago at 12/3/24 2:26 PM
RE: JW's Third Log
Posts: 65 Join Date: 7/30/24 Recent Posts
Hah, I've definitely had periods of experiencing compassion in that way!
What would your idealized compassion be like?
What would your idealized compassion be like?
Martin V, modified 2 Months ago at 12/3/24 3:06 PM
Created 2 Months ago at 12/3/24 3:06 PM
RE: JW's Third Log
Posts: 1082 Join Date: 4/25/20 Recent Posts
Sometimes it is possible to see the suffering without the distance. Instead of saying, look what that person is doing, we might say, look what we are doing or, simply, look what is unfolding.
John L, modified 2 Months ago at 12/3/24 3:10 PM
Created 2 Months ago at 12/3/24 3:07 PM
RE: JW's Third Log
Posts: 98 Join Date: 3/26/24 Recent PostsI am constantly having to make the choice and the effort to not also be selfish. Hopefully that changes at some point.
“A few months after that realization, I went to see my teacher. I would always see her on Sunday mornings. We’d sit and meditate, she’d give a talk, we’d meditate a little more, and then we would all have breakfast together. This time when I sat down in that room with all of the other students, this sense of superiority arose in me. It really surprised me. Over time, I started calling it 'Superiority Man.'
I was sitting there in meditation, and all of a sudden Superiority Man arose. I looked around, and there was this sense that the other people in the room knew nothing. They didn’t know anything about the truth; they didn’t know anything about reality. I, on the other hand, had had this great realization. I was immediately horrified because, fortunately for me, I knew it wasn’t true. The realization itself had shown me that superiority is a total dream, an egoic fantasy. But that didn’t keep Superiority Man from making an appearance.
My mind was creating this great sense of superiority out of the facts of awakening. At the same time, there was a deeper knowing that the feeling had no basis in truth. I tried everything to get rid of Superiority Man. At first I just tried reminding myself that it wasn’t true, going back to that place inside where the superiority had no reality. And yet every time I would show up for meditation, week after week, this sense of superiority would arise.
I tried everything. First, I tried hating it to death. Then I tried loving it to death—accepting it and allowing it to be, in hope that it would go away. I would look at where it was coming from, why it was arising. As the weeks went by, I tried every strategy I could come up with to eliminate it, and all the strategies failed. Every Sunday morning I would show up, sit down, and Superiority Man would arise.
Finally, one morning, I realized that there was actually nothing I could do about Superiority Man. It was like being completely defeated. I realized I had tried everything to get rid of it, and nothing was working. There was nothing I could do.
It wasn’t a dismissal; it wasn’t like I was becoming blind to it. It was an authentic, sincere realization. It was a moment of utter defeat. I saw that it doesn’t matter how much I’ve realized, I can still be defeated. I can still have something arise within me that is not true, that I can’t actually get rid of, even after the awakening that happened.
I sat there and allowed myself to be defeated. I meditated for a while longer, then I got up with everyone else and we started to have breakfast. I noticed that when we all sat down to breakfast together, the sense of superiority lifted. It wasn’t because I suddenly understood something—there was no reason. I had realized that there was nothing I could do about it. Encountering the fact that I could not get rid of this arrogance, no matter what I tried, was one of the first experiences I had—and there would be many more—of the futility of personal will.
So if you find yourself feeling a sense of superiority after awakening, don’t try to push it away. Don’t try to push any negativity away. But don’t feed it, either.
Just see it for what it is. That’s the most important thing."
Papa Che Dusko, modified 2 Months ago at 12/3/24 6:53 PM
Created 2 Months ago at 12/3/24 6:53 PM
RE: JW's Third Log
Posts: 3350 Join Date: 3/1/20 Recent Posts
"Hopefully that changes at some point."
I bet it will! Fingers crossed!
"What would your idealized compassion be like?"
Nice one!

"What would your idealized compassion be like?"
Nice one!

J W, modified 2 Months ago at 12/3/24 11:35 PM
Created 2 Months ago at 12/3/24 11:33 PM
RE: JW's Third Log
Posts: 771 Join Date: 2/11/20 Recent Posts
Well, thanks for the replies everyone.
"Sometimes it is possible to see the suffering without the distance."
Heh! You don't say....
Only sometimes though?
The way i see it, if it is something, can't not be suffering.
I maybe gave off a snooty sort of impression like I'm sitting pretty and unaffected while others down below are struggling. But no, we're all in this big old mess together, for better or worse, one giant ball of massive shared trauma.
Even though, yes, I certainly can be a snob at times
especially when it comes to music...
"Here's a possibility (maybe true, maybe not): it won't change until you give up."
I'll read this again tomorrow when I have more time. My working assumption is that it won't ever completely change, meaning even the most enlightened beings have to wake up every day and recognize their own selfishness or pride, and make a choice to not act based of off that selfishness or superiority. I don't think those mental patterns ever stop happening completely, but they do get easier to see through as the selfing mechanisms lose their grip though insight and experience.
"Sometimes it is possible to see the suffering without the distance."
Heh! You don't say....

The way i see it, if it is something, can't not be suffering.
I maybe gave off a snooty sort of impression like I'm sitting pretty and unaffected while others down below are struggling. But no, we're all in this big old mess together, for better or worse, one giant ball of massive shared trauma.
Even though, yes, I certainly can be a snob at times

"Here's a possibility (maybe true, maybe not): it won't change until you give up."
I'll read this again tomorrow when I have more time. My working assumption is that it won't ever completely change, meaning even the most enlightened beings have to wake up every day and recognize their own selfishness or pride, and make a choice to not act based of off that selfishness or superiority. I don't think those mental patterns ever stop happening completely, but they do get easier to see through as the selfing mechanisms lose their grip though insight and experience.
J W, modified 2 Months ago at 12/3/24 11:34 PM
Created 2 Months ago at 12/3/24 11:34 PM
RE: JW's Third Log
Posts: 771 Join Date: 2/11/20 Recent Posts
"What would your idealized compassion be like?"
Hmm that's an interesting one, I'll have to think about that one
Hmm that's an interesting one, I'll have to think about that one
J W, modified 2 Months ago at 12/4/24 2:06 PM
Created 2 Months ago at 12/4/24 2:06 PM
RE: JW's Third Log
Posts: 771 Join Date: 2/11/20 Recent Posts
To answer the question,
"What would your idealized compassion be like?"
(I think what you mean is, "how would you define compassion" -- rather than "idealized" compassion, which would mean more like, a romanticized, unrealistic version of compassion)
My definition of compassion is just the literal translation of the word:
Middle English: via Old French from ecclesiastical Latin compassio(n- ), from compati ‘suffer with’.
Compassion is the empathizing with another's suffering; feeling another's hardship as your own.
"What would your idealized compassion be like?"
(I think what you mean is, "how would you define compassion" -- rather than "idealized" compassion, which would mean more like, a romanticized, unrealistic version of compassion)
My definition of compassion is just the literal translation of the word:
Middle English: via Old French from ecclesiastical Latin compassio(n- ), from compati ‘suffer with’.
Compassion is the empathizing with another's suffering; feeling another's hardship as your own.
Alley Faint Wurds, modified 2 Months ago at 12/4/24 2:24 PM
Created 2 Months ago at 12/4/24 2:24 PM
RE: JW's Third Log
Posts: 65 Join Date: 7/30/24 Recent Posts
Yeah, by "idealized" I meant what would a perfected and possible compassion be like, not some sort of unattainable ideal.
I use a similar definition yeah. I feel that it isn't really compassion if you aren't experiencing at least some shadow of the suffering.
Without that it's more like a rational wish for others not to suffer, but that alone can become an obstacle to really understanding what it is that you would wish for.
I use a similar definition yeah. I feel that it isn't really compassion if you aren't experiencing at least some shadow of the suffering.
Without that it's more like a rational wish for others not to suffer, but that alone can become an obstacle to really understanding what it is that you would wish for.
J W, modified 2 Months ago at 12/4/24 2:56 PM
Created 2 Months ago at 12/4/24 2:48 PM
RE: JW's Third Log
Posts: 771 Join Date: 2/11/20 Recent Posts
Superiority Man:
I like this anecdote.
I want to clarify my intention, because I sometimes jot stuff on here without thinking much about it and as a result, it comes across not as intended or not fully baked.
When I say:
"Hopefully that changes at some point."
Selfing--> the basic human/animal instinct to separate one's own experience from another's, to dilineate between 'subject' (self) and 'object' (other).
Grasping --> the contraction that occurs as a response to any sort of threat that challenges the notion of "me" as a permanent, absolute entity. Intellectually, this looks like 'rationalization' or worse, 'spiralling' - convincing (tricking) one's self that you are, in fact, everything you think you are or want to be. Anything your mind can do to solidify and strengthen the false self. Emotionally/physically, it comes up as fear, fight/flight, etc. This is the 'that' which I was referring to.
My first hope is that through practice, 'muscle memory' if you will, the process of recognizing the negative feedback loops, "breaking out of it" or abstracting from it, will become more automatic, and require less conscious effort over time.
Eventually, I think the subject/object delineation also collapses permanently, to where the self is not the central point but rather another object in the field of awareness. This is also something that I would like to happen.
I used to make up all of these stories about myself. I used to tell myself that I was The Greatest. Some sort of genius, the world didn't know what they were missing. Everyone else sucked, I was the best.
Really, that was 'grasping', a fabrication of a larger than life character, to mask what was really just an insecure, underdeveloped, lonely little boy.
Now, it's a lot easier to just see the sad, insecure, inadequate little boy (Which also is it's own sort of story, hah), feel the embarrassment, the shame, inferiority, in the pit of my stomach and accept it, nurture it. And then, I can actually develop and grow up. Not saying those patterns of grandiosity don't still show up, (and heck, there's even a time and place for grandiosity). But I'm definitely more aware of them when they do.
Anyway, feel like I'm getting a bit off topic here, and still haven't had much time to meditate last few days. It is good to clarify intentions though.
I like this anecdote.
I want to clarify my intention, because I sometimes jot stuff on here without thinking much about it and as a result, it comes across not as intended or not fully baked.
When I say:
"Hopefully that changes at some point."
Selfing--> the basic human/animal instinct to separate one's own experience from another's, to dilineate between 'subject' (self) and 'object' (other).
Grasping --> the contraction that occurs as a response to any sort of threat that challenges the notion of "me" as a permanent, absolute entity. Intellectually, this looks like 'rationalization' or worse, 'spiralling' - convincing (tricking) one's self that you are, in fact, everything you think you are or want to be. Anything your mind can do to solidify and strengthen the false self. Emotionally/physically, it comes up as fear, fight/flight, etc. This is the 'that' which I was referring to.
My first hope is that through practice, 'muscle memory' if you will, the process of recognizing the negative feedback loops, "breaking out of it" or abstracting from it, will become more automatic, and require less conscious effort over time.
Eventually, I think the subject/object delineation also collapses permanently, to where the self is not the central point but rather another object in the field of awareness. This is also something that I would like to happen.
I used to make up all of these stories about myself. I used to tell myself that I was The Greatest. Some sort of genius, the world didn't know what they were missing. Everyone else sucked, I was the best.
Really, that was 'grasping', a fabrication of a larger than life character, to mask what was really just an insecure, underdeveloped, lonely little boy.
Now, it's a lot easier to just see the sad, insecure, inadequate little boy (Which also is it's own sort of story, hah), feel the embarrassment, the shame, inferiority, in the pit of my stomach and accept it, nurture it. And then, I can actually develop and grow up. Not saying those patterns of grandiosity don't still show up, (and heck, there's even a time and place for grandiosity). But I'm definitely more aware of them when they do.
Anyway, feel like I'm getting a bit off topic here, and still haven't had much time to meditate last few days. It is good to clarify intentions though.
J W, modified 2 Months ago at 12/4/24 3:07 PM
Created 2 Months ago at 12/4/24 3:07 PM
RE: JW's Third Log
Posts: 771 Join Date: 2/11/20 Recent Posts
"Without that it's more like a rational wish for others not to suffer, but that alone can become an obstacle to really understanding what it is that you would wish for."
I agree.
-There is compassion,
-there is the desire for others to not suffer, and for yourself not to suffer,
-there is also the feeling of helplessness, but also acceptance, associated with the realization that there will always be suffering, and there's nothing you can do about it
And these are not incompatible things, they all kind of happen at the same time,
yes, how could one with for others to not suffer without truly knowing and feeling that same suffering (compassion)
This has been good for me, thanks!
I agree.
-There is compassion,
-there is the desire for others to not suffer, and for yourself not to suffer,
-there is also the feeling of helplessness, but also acceptance, associated with the realization that there will always be suffering, and there's nothing you can do about it
And these are not incompatible things, they all kind of happen at the same time,
yes, how could one with for others to not suffer without truly knowing and feeling that same suffering (compassion)
This has been good for me, thanks!
Martin V, modified 2 Months ago at 12/4/24 3:17 PM
Created 2 Months ago at 12/4/24 3:17 PM
RE: JW's Third Log
Posts: 1082 Join Date: 4/25/20 Recent PostsOnly sometimes though?
Yes, I suppose, more specifically, only in some circumstances, like everything else. But that is very different from never.
The way i see it, if it is something, can't not be suffering.
Is that to say that you don't believe that there can be an end to suffering?
... my working assumption is that it won't ever completely change, meaning even the most enlightened beings have to wake up every day and recognize their own selfishness or pride, and make a choice to not act based of off that selfishness or superiority. I don't think those mental patterns ever stop happening completely, but they do get easier to see through as the selfing mechanisms lose their grip though insight and experience.
Is it fair to say that, here also, you don't see a binary difference between being bound and being unbound?
J W, modified 2 Months ago at 12/4/24 4:40 PM
Created 2 Months ago at 12/4/24 4:25 PM
RE: JW's Third Log
Posts: 771 Join Date: 2/11/20 Recent Posts"Is that to say that you don't believe that there can be an end to suffering?"
- do I think it is possible for an individual to experience what is referred to in Buddhism as 'the cessation of suffering'?
Sure, I think it's a relatively well documented phenomenon that is indeed achievable:
Certainly not claiming to achieved nirodha samapatti or anything close to it, but I think I myself have had some experiences of cessation, and lots of people on DhO have as well.
-do I think that all suffering will end for every creature on earth (and potentially other planets and other universes)? No, I don't think that's realistically possible. There's always going to be suffering in the world.
-Do I think that achiving 'enlightenment' means that one no longer experiences pain or suffering in daily life, even if they for example can sit in nirodha sampatti for weeks at a time?
I don't know for certain, but I don't think so. There will always be pain and suffering, what changes though is how you see/feel that suffering, and how you react/respond to it.
But, now that I'm thinking about it, I do notice a flaw in my statement:
"The way i see it, if it is something, can't not be suffering."
Something can simply exist without implying any sort of suffering. Like, a rock, for example. More accurately, if there is consciousness, and emotional reactivity, there is some level of suffering. Keep in mind, the cessation of suffering is the cessation of consciousness.
... my working assumption is that it won't ever completely change, meaning even the most enlightened beings have to wake up every day and recognize their own selfishness or pride, and make a choice to not act based of off that selfishness or superiority. I don't think those mental patterns ever stop happening completely, but they do get easier to see through as the selfing mechanisms lose their grip though insight and experience."
" Is it fair to say that, here also, you don't see a binary difference between being bound and being unbound? "
" Is it fair to say that, here also, you don't see a binary difference between being bound and being unbound? "
I'm not sure I understand what you are asking... do I see a difference between being bound and being unbound? What do you mean by 'bound' and 'unbound'
J W, modified 2 Months ago at 12/4/24 6:45 PM
Created 2 Months ago at 12/4/24 6:40 PM
RE: JW's Third Log
Posts: 771 Join Date: 2/11/20 Recent Posts" Is it fair to say that, here also, you don't see a binary difference between being bound and being unbound? "
I'll attempt to answer what I think you're asking, though I'm not sure if you'll like the answer, because the answer is both yes and no.
Bound = more contracted, more tense
Unbound = less contracted, more relaxed
• Comparatively speaking, there is a binary difference in that one state has more obvious suffering, and the other has less obvious suffering. So you could say that one is 'better' than the other, if your measurement of 'better' is 'the obviousness of suffering'.
• But, in another sense, there is still an element of suffering present even in the states you might describe as 'unbound'. In this sense, all states are simply different points on a grayscale of suffering.
Papa Che Dusko, modified 2 Months ago at 12/5/24 7:12 AM
Created 2 Months ago at 12/5/24 7:12 AM
RE: JW's Third Log
Posts: 3350 Join Date: 3/1/20 Recent PostsMartin V, modified 2 Months ago at 12/5/24 11:31 AM
Created 2 Months ago at 12/5/24 11:31 AM
RE: JW's Third Log
Posts: 1082 Join Date: 4/25/20 Recent Posts
That's exactly what I was asking about. Thanks!
If you see suffering as a grayscale, then my comments above might not be that useful because, in a sense, there isn't much between people at different places on a grayscale to start with.
For me, it has sometimes been helpful to frame my feelings towards others in terms of all four brahmaviharas, rather than just compassion. I have heard it said that metta is like love a mother has for her young child, which can include feeling judgemental or even angry when she sees the child about to hurt themselves. Compassion is like the feeling a parent has for a school-age child who is experiencing difficulties, you are there with them, but you don't feel that you have to take over and protect them, as you would be a baby. Mudita (appreciative joy) is akin to the pride and happiness a parent feels when their young adult child achieves something on their own. Equanimity is the way a parent might feel when their children are fully grown and independent, trusting in their ability to navigate life. This gives us a range of healthy ways to relate to others, which can also allow a space for their inevitable suffering.
If you see suffering as a grayscale, then my comments above might not be that useful because, in a sense, there isn't much between people at different places on a grayscale to start with.
For me, it has sometimes been helpful to frame my feelings towards others in terms of all four brahmaviharas, rather than just compassion. I have heard it said that metta is like love a mother has for her young child, which can include feeling judgemental or even angry when she sees the child about to hurt themselves. Compassion is like the feeling a parent has for a school-age child who is experiencing difficulties, you are there with them, but you don't feel that you have to take over and protect them, as you would be a baby. Mudita (appreciative joy) is akin to the pride and happiness a parent feels when their young adult child achieves something on their own. Equanimity is the way a parent might feel when their children are fully grown and independent, trusting in their ability to navigate life. This gives us a range of healthy ways to relate to others, which can also allow a space for their inevitable suffering.
J W, modified 2 Months ago at 12/5/24 1:40 PM
Created 2 Months ago at 12/5/24 1:40 PM
RE: JW's Third Log
Posts: 771 Join Date: 2/11/20 Recent PostsJ W, modified 2 Months ago at 12/6/24 2:08 AM
Created 2 Months ago at 12/6/24 2:08 AM
RE: JW's Third Log
Posts: 771 Join Date: 2/11/20 Recent Posts
There are many days when I spend a good amount of time feeling utterly defeated, and today was one of them.
i really don't mind feeling defeated, in fact I'd probably choose it over feeling undefeated most of the time. I probably even wallow in it more than I should when it comes up. There's just such a richness to it. It makes such a soft bed for sitting in meditation or songwriting. like falling into a soft down comforter (J3 flavor)
i really don't mind feeling defeated, in fact I'd probably choose it over feeling undefeated most of the time. I probably even wallow in it more than I should when it comes up. There's just such a richness to it. It makes such a soft bed for sitting in meditation or songwriting. like falling into a soft down comforter (J3 flavor)
Papa Che Dusko, modified 2 Months ago at 12/6/24 6:37 AM
Created 2 Months ago at 12/6/24 6:37 AM
RE: JW's Third Log
Posts: 3350 Join Date: 3/1/20 Recent Posts
"Keep in mind, the cessation of suffering is the cessation of consciousness."
Let me be arrogant and correct your view here
The cessation of suffering is non-clinging.
Cessation of consciousness is mostly referred to as the path "moment".
Yes one can argue that there is no suffering when unconscious
hence the anaesthesia before the operation
But the cessation of suffering is the very seeing of this experience as it is and as such seems not-self, impermanent and unsatisfactory (to cling to) leading to ignorance being overpowered by wisdom which lets go of the clinging.
In other words, the experiences are seen as arise-passed , nirvana-ing. The experiencing itself is extinguishing the moment it arose.
And this leads to the question
Then what is that suffering that seems to go through time and feels as if it's happening to me and seems very real?
Now this is the journey post SE and needs a consistent non heroic daily practice. Honest curious inquiry for the benefit of all.
Best wishes JW!
Let me be arrogant and correct your view here

The cessation of suffering is non-clinging.
Cessation of consciousness is mostly referred to as the path "moment".
Yes one can argue that there is no suffering when unconscious

But the cessation of suffering is the very seeing of this experience as it is and as such seems not-self, impermanent and unsatisfactory (to cling to) leading to ignorance being overpowered by wisdom which lets go of the clinging.
In other words, the experiences are seen as arise-passed , nirvana-ing. The experiencing itself is extinguishing the moment it arose.
And this leads to the question

Best wishes JW!
J W, modified 2 Months ago at 12/6/24 4:08 PM
Created 2 Months ago at 12/6/24 4:08 PM
RE: JW's Third Log
Posts: 771 Join Date: 2/11/20 Recent Posts
Che, as you are aware I can come across as quite the arrogant arse especially when it comes to online forum-speak.
Don't worry about that. Actually, you don't seem like you're being arrogant at all
This is some good food for thought for me. Let me think about it.
For now let me leave this here:
"So, in emptiness, no form, No feeling, thought, or choice, Nor is there consciousness.
No eye, ear, nose, tongue, body, mind; No colour, sound, smell, taste, touch,
Or what the mind takes hold of, Nor even act of sensing.
No ignorance or end of it, Nor all that comes of ignorance;
No withering, no death, No end of them.
Nor is there pain, or cause of pain, Or cease in pain, or noble path To lead from pain;
Not even wisdom to attain! Attainment too is emptiness."
Don't worry about that. Actually, you don't seem like you're being arrogant at all

This is some good food for thought for me. Let me think about it.
For now let me leave this here:
"So, in emptiness, no form, No feeling, thought, or choice, Nor is there consciousness.
No eye, ear, nose, tongue, body, mind; No colour, sound, smell, taste, touch,
Or what the mind takes hold of, Nor even act of sensing.
No ignorance or end of it, Nor all that comes of ignorance;
No withering, no death, No end of them.
Nor is there pain, or cause of pain, Or cease in pain, or noble path To lead from pain;
Not even wisdom to attain! Attainment too is emptiness."
Papa Che Dusko, modified 2 Months ago at 12/6/24 6:11 PM
Created 2 Months ago at 12/6/24 6:08 PM
RE: JW's Third Log
Posts: 3350 Join Date: 3/1/20 Recent PostsJ W, modified 2 Months ago at 12/6/24 7:43 PM
Created 2 Months ago at 12/6/24 7:05 PM
RE: JW's Third Log
Posts: 771 Join Date: 2/11/20 Recent Posts
I think I get what you are saying, nirvana is samsara and vice versa. True.
But, if there is perception, there is clinging. Even in those sublime states where everything happens perfectly on it's own.
Clinging of course, is also empty, as is 'non-clinging', if such a thing exists.
Maybe I am confused about something? Or attached to a wrong view?
But, if there is perception, there is clinging. Even in those sublime states where everything happens perfectly on it's own.
Clinging of course, is also empty, as is 'non-clinging', if such a thing exists.
Maybe I am confused about something? Or attached to a wrong view?
J W, modified 2 Months ago at 12/6/24 8:00 PM
Created 2 Months ago at 12/6/24 8:00 PM
RE: JW's Third Log
Posts: 771 Join Date: 2/11/20 Recent Posts
"In other words, the experiences are seen as arise-passed , nirvana-ing. The experiencing itself is extinguishing the moment it arose.
And this leads to the question
Then what is that suffering that seems to go through time and feels as if it's happening to me and seems very real?
Now this is the journey post SE and needs a consistent non heroic daily practice. Honest curious inquiry for the benefit of all. "
Also, are you implying here that after SE, clinging no longer occurs? If so, I definitely am not a Stream Enterer. I cling to stuff all the time
Though, it's easier to recognize and easier to let go of than it used to, that's for sure.
This has really got me thinking Che, thanks!
And this leads to the question

Also, are you implying here that after SE, clinging no longer occurs? If so, I definitely am not a Stream Enterer. I cling to stuff all the time

Though, it's easier to recognize and easier to let go of than it used to, that's for sure.
This has really got me thinking Che, thanks!
Papa Che Dusko, modified 2 Months ago at 12/7/24 5:17 AM
Created 2 Months ago at 12/7/24 5:17 AM
RE: JW's Third Log
Posts: 3350 Join Date: 3/1/20 Recent Posts
Oh no!
Clinging gets amplified in SE! So much clinging! Crazy amounts of it!
It's all over the place! Ripe for the taking!
This is when the actual awakening work starts.
It's easier to go by a frame of 4 Paths and see each path realising one of the noble truths.
1st Path = Suffering exists
2nd Path = Clinging leads to Suffering
3rd Path = There is an 8th fold path leading to the end of clinging-suffering
4th Path = the end of clinging-suffering
If indeed you are post SE then I suggest establishing a daily practice when you are ready and get curious about the jhanic sensate exoerience. Mine was strongest in the visual field and also the in ear Nada sound was very pronounced and changing.
If you log in detail how these visuals change then we all could easier chime in on stuff and provide tips.
These days I too often read reports like this :
"I've entered jhana 1 and then 2 and then Jhana 3 and then the space was large and I was in Jhana 5 and then up and down and all around"
I find it's safer to keep to the sensate experience.
I wrote this reply in between feeding my kid and him pulling on my phone
I had to explain him what I was writing.

This is when the actual awakening work starts.
It's easier to go by a frame of 4 Paths and see each path realising one of the noble truths.
1st Path = Suffering exists
2nd Path = Clinging leads to Suffering
3rd Path = There is an 8th fold path leading to the end of clinging-suffering
4th Path = the end of clinging-suffering
If indeed you are post SE then I suggest establishing a daily practice when you are ready and get curious about the jhanic sensate exoerience. Mine was strongest in the visual field and also the in ear Nada sound was very pronounced and changing.
If you log in detail how these visuals change then we all could easier chime in on stuff and provide tips.
These days I too often read reports like this :
"I've entered jhana 1 and then 2 and then Jhana 3 and then the space was large and I was in Jhana 5 and then up and down and all around"

I find it's safer to keep to the sensate experience.
I wrote this reply in between feeding my kid and him pulling on my phone

shargrol, modified 2 Months ago at 12/7/24 6:26 AM
Created 2 Months ago at 12/7/24 6:26 AM
RE: JW's Third Log
Posts: 2832 Join Date: 2/8/16 Recent PostsJ W:
I think I get what you are saying, nirvana is samsara and vice versa. True. But, if there is perception, there is clinging. Even in those sublime states where everything happens perfectly on it's own. Clinging of course, is also empty, as is 'non-clinging', if such a thing exists. Maybe I am confused about something? Or attached to a wrong view?
Probably a wrong view, but talking about it doesn't matter... views only become clarified with actual viewing...
It is worthy of really really investigating in your actual experience: What _is_ this clinging-to-perception? How do we know that there is clinging? Where does this clinging occur when it happens? Where does clinging go when it ends? This is basically the entire path to awakening, the practical details are just finding methods to constructively spend time investigating this in your own experience.
J W, modified 2 Months ago at 12/7/24 4:58 PM
Created 2 Months ago at 12/7/24 4:58 PM
RE: JW's Third Log
Posts: 771 Join Date: 2/11/20 Recent Posts
"If indeed you are post SE then I suggest establishing a daily practice when you are ready and get curious about the jhanic sensate exoerience. Mine was strongest in the visual field and also the in ear Nada sound was very pronounced and changing.
If you log in detail how these visuals change then we all could easier chime in on stuff and provide tips. "
OK, this I can do! Even if it's just 20 minutes a day.
But how do I talk about it? The visual field has changed a lot for me and it's way more interesting than it was a few years ago. It's kind of hard to describe it but I can try.
The nada sound - that's the high pitched kind of sound, 'sound of the body'? What do I do with that?
I can kind of hear what you say about it changing, like if I focus on it, it can grow louder, different frequencies become more accentuated, etc.
I'll try my best!
If you log in detail how these visuals change then we all could easier chime in on stuff and provide tips. "
OK, this I can do! Even if it's just 20 minutes a day.
But how do I talk about it? The visual field has changed a lot for me and it's way more interesting than it was a few years ago. It's kind of hard to describe it but I can try.
The nada sound - that's the high pitched kind of sound, 'sound of the body'? What do I do with that?
I can kind of hear what you say about it changing, like if I focus on it, it can grow louder, different frequencies become more accentuated, etc.
I'll try my best!
Papa Che Dusko, modified 2 Months ago at 12/8/24 5:01 AM
Created 2 Months ago at 12/8/24 5:01 AM
RE: JW's Third Log
Posts: 3350 Join Date: 3/1/20 Recent Posts
Im not sure 20 minutes is enough to go through jhanic arch/s and especially to experience a certain "thing" happening post SE and most importantly while walking the 2nd path. (Im not diagnosing you btw, I have no idea where you are on your journey)
Not sure what you mean with the questions about how to describe your visual or audio or any other sensate experience
Its yours not mine. Get INTO it, and claim it, and report.
Best wishes!
Not sure what you mean with the questions about how to describe your visual or audio or any other sensate experience

Best wishes!
J W, modified 2 Months ago at 12/8/24 8:08 PM
Created 2 Months ago at 12/8/24 8:08 PM
RE: JW's Third Log
Posts: 771 Join Date: 2/11/20 Recent Posts
"Probably a wrong view, but talking about it doesn't matter... views only become clarified with actual viewing..."
Wrong view we'll call it then. And yes, I am probably getting ahead of myself, but just to clarify, what I was trying to say is that there is basically always some sort of 'clinging' going on in "experience". Maybe at a certain point later in the path, there is no longer any clinging at all? Again, getting ahead of myself. All I know for certain, is that in my experience right now, there is most definitely clinging
For me to brush up on my vocabulary:
Wrong view we'll call it then. And yes, I am probably getting ahead of myself, but just to clarify, what I was trying to say is that there is basically always some sort of 'clinging' going on in "experience". Maybe at a certain point later in the path, there is no longer any clinging at all? Again, getting ahead of myself. All I know for certain, is that in my experience right now, there is most definitely clinging

For me to brush up on my vocabulary:
J W, modified 2 Months ago at 12/8/24 9:25 PM
Created 2 Months ago at 12/8/24 9:24 PM
RE: JW's Third Log
Posts: 771 Join Date: 2/11/20 Recent Posts
"Not sure what you mean with the questions about how to describe your visual or audio or any other sensate experience
Its yours not mine. Get INTO it, and claim it, and report.
So, I have written about this a little bit in my last log. To put it as briefly as I can (and I will try to describe stuff in more detail later):
there is kind of like a static energy across all the senses (excluding, interesting, the smell-sense and the taste-sense).
Seeing, it's like 'visual snow. Touch-sense, it's tingling. Ear-sense, it's the nada sound.
This energy is always there, not in a way that is bothering at all, in fact, it can be quite pleasant. It's usually in the background and maybe very subtle, but all I have to do is pay attention to it, and it's there. I can amplify it, 'stir it up', if I want. In meditation, I can 'feel into, or relax into' this energy (mostly the touch-sense tingling) with the mind.
The visual sence specifically has a lot of more nuanced changes, that i'll try to detail out later when i have more time.
Meditation notes:
Yesterday, I was feeling pretty overwhelmed later in the day. Today, I was feeling blissful and carefree. When I sit, whatever emotion I am feeling just sort of dissolves into mostly neutral sensations, and I spend my meditation just feeling and observing and relaxing into those sensations, and there is a coolness as I let the sensations splash against my face and body like a garden hose. This is what I think of as "Jhana 3".
At some point I start to, I guess, get a little bored, and start asking questions. Yesterday, it was I think "who is feeling the sensations", which is sort of a recursive mobius-strip like that's kinda reflexively checking that seems to sit at the top of the spine/base of the brain. Today, I brought Shargol's question "What _is_ this clinging-to-perception?", which I interpreted as just "where is the most subtle clinging that I can find", which let me to the pit of the stomach, root and sacral chakras area, which seems to be where a lot of emotions sort of stem from, and they don't really arise for any particular reason, they're just there, and I just sort of observed that for a while, not judging but just feeling and relaxing into.
Eventually I started to notice strobing- when strobing occurs, to me it is a sign that I'm in EQ/high-EQ. So, I just started paying attention to the strobing, and just trying to 'lock into' it, which feels kind of like two notes approaching the same frequency, if you know what i mean. I like to call this "Skiptracing". I did a pretty poor job of locking in today, but that's kinda where my cutting edge is. I think where I probably need to go is, being able to lock into it for extended periods of time, and being able to do that ad hoc, whenever I want. That (extended period of locking in) happened a few of times i think, but not my some sort of reproducible method, it just happened on its own usually before sleep.

So, I have written about this a little bit in my last log. To put it as briefly as I can (and I will try to describe stuff in more detail later):
there is kind of like a static energy across all the senses (excluding, interesting, the smell-sense and the taste-sense).
Seeing, it's like 'visual snow. Touch-sense, it's tingling. Ear-sense, it's the nada sound.
This energy is always there, not in a way that is bothering at all, in fact, it can be quite pleasant. It's usually in the background and maybe very subtle, but all I have to do is pay attention to it, and it's there. I can amplify it, 'stir it up', if I want. In meditation, I can 'feel into, or relax into' this energy (mostly the touch-sense tingling) with the mind.
The visual sence specifically has a lot of more nuanced changes, that i'll try to detail out later when i have more time.
Meditation notes:
Yesterday, I was feeling pretty overwhelmed later in the day. Today, I was feeling blissful and carefree. When I sit, whatever emotion I am feeling just sort of dissolves into mostly neutral sensations, and I spend my meditation just feeling and observing and relaxing into those sensations, and there is a coolness as I let the sensations splash against my face and body like a garden hose. This is what I think of as "Jhana 3".
At some point I start to, I guess, get a little bored, and start asking questions. Yesterday, it was I think "who is feeling the sensations", which is sort of a recursive mobius-strip like that's kinda reflexively checking that seems to sit at the top of the spine/base of the brain. Today, I brought Shargol's question "What _is_ this clinging-to-perception?", which I interpreted as just "where is the most subtle clinging that I can find", which let me to the pit of the stomach, root and sacral chakras area, which seems to be where a lot of emotions sort of stem from, and they don't really arise for any particular reason, they're just there, and I just sort of observed that for a while, not judging but just feeling and relaxing into.
Eventually I started to notice strobing- when strobing occurs, to me it is a sign that I'm in EQ/high-EQ. So, I just started paying attention to the strobing, and just trying to 'lock into' it, which feels kind of like two notes approaching the same frequency, if you know what i mean. I like to call this "Skiptracing". I did a pretty poor job of locking in today, but that's kinda where my cutting edge is. I think where I probably need to go is, being able to lock into it for extended periods of time, and being able to do that ad hoc, whenever I want. That (extended period of locking in) happened a few of times i think, but not my some sort of reproducible method, it just happened on its own usually before sleep.
shargrol, modified 2 Months ago at 12/9/24 6:17 AM
Created 2 Months ago at 12/9/24 6:17 AM
RE: JW's Third Log
Posts: 2832 Join Date: 2/8/16 Recent PostsPapa Che Dusko, modified 2 Months ago at 12/9/24 7:19 AM
Created 2 Months ago at 12/9/24 7:18 AM
RE: JW's Third Log
Posts: 3350 Join Date: 3/1/20 Recent Posts
Nice! Yes I agree about extended sits. In my view for Vipassana to ripen 45 minutes minimum. For Jhana to ripen 30 minutes minimum but then carry on 15-20 more minutes for Vipassana as that's where it's at for us, me thinks.
J W, modified 2 Months ago at 12/11/24 4:19 PM
Created 2 Months ago at 12/11/24 4:13 PM
RE: JW's Third Log
Posts: 771 Join Date: 2/11/20 Recent Posts
Ok! You've inspired me Che, i've been sitting closer to an hour/hour and a half last couple of days. Probably won't be able to sit this long on many days, so I'll do it as long as I have time. Yesterday I sat for 90 minutes and wanted to keep going, but I'm a little hesitant to push too hard for the time being.
When you say 'vipassana' - are you talking about a more rapid noting style? Is this related to the 'strobing' that I mentioned earlier?
(I am familiar with these terms but it's been a while, and I also just want to kind of start over from scratch, so just explain it to me like I'm 5
2 days ago:
I was feeling neutral emotionally all day, and my sit was kinda meh. Without emotion there's kind of not that much to work with in a sit. It's not really as juicy. I have been paying attention to the nada sound and how that changes. I did notice that at 30 minutes (both of the last 2 days) it gets louder and higher in pitch. Still don't know really what I'm supposed to be looking for or doing with it.
Lots of emotion, for various unrelated reasons - there was a bird outside my window that kept me up till 4am, work stuff, etc etc. My sit was pretty great. I went through a range of emotions, from the frustration and sadness (which i had been feeling throughout the day) to gratefulness and respect, mostly located in the heart chakra area. Like i said 90 minutes and coulda kept going.
The last 30 or so minutes I was able to get into a light hypnogogic state and take the mindstream as primary object.
Also noticed at some point, there was a switch from needing to exert effort to just 'automatically happening', little to no effort required - i think this is maybe a sign of transition between J2 and J3?
'Hypnogogic' vs. 'Strobing' -- could these be called EQ in samatha jhana vs. EQ in vipassana jhana??
One other positive note is that, though it is a bit early to tell, I feel like I have had more mental clarity lately. One of the reasons I wanted to start sitting in earnest again is that I had noticed a fogginess, 'brain fog' as they call it, that had been kinda creeping in over the last year.
I think journalling is also helpful in this regard. I believe there are studies that show that daily journaling is good for mental health. And even better that i'm journaling about meditation.
When you say 'vipassana' - are you talking about a more rapid noting style? Is this related to the 'strobing' that I mentioned earlier?
(I am familiar with these terms but it's been a while, and I also just want to kind of start over from scratch, so just explain it to me like I'm 5

2 days ago:
I was feeling neutral emotionally all day, and my sit was kinda meh. Without emotion there's kind of not that much to work with in a sit. It's not really as juicy. I have been paying attention to the nada sound and how that changes. I did notice that at 30 minutes (both of the last 2 days) it gets louder and higher in pitch. Still don't know really what I'm supposed to be looking for or doing with it.
Lots of emotion, for various unrelated reasons - there was a bird outside my window that kept me up till 4am, work stuff, etc etc. My sit was pretty great. I went through a range of emotions, from the frustration and sadness (which i had been feeling throughout the day) to gratefulness and respect, mostly located in the heart chakra area. Like i said 90 minutes and coulda kept going.
The last 30 or so minutes I was able to get into a light hypnogogic state and take the mindstream as primary object.
Also noticed at some point, there was a switch from needing to exert effort to just 'automatically happening', little to no effort required - i think this is maybe a sign of transition between J2 and J3?
'Hypnogogic' vs. 'Strobing' -- could these be called EQ in samatha jhana vs. EQ in vipassana jhana??
One other positive note is that, though it is a bit early to tell, I feel like I have had more mental clarity lately. One of the reasons I wanted to start sitting in earnest again is that I had noticed a fogginess, 'brain fog' as they call it, that had been kinda creeping in over the last year.
I think journalling is also helpful in this regard. I believe there are studies that show that daily journaling is good for mental health. And even better that i'm journaling about meditation.
Papa Che Dusko, modified 2 Months ago at 12/11/24 5:43 PM
Created 2 Months ago at 12/11/24 5:43 PM
RE: JW's Third Log
Posts: 3350 Join Date: 3/1/20 Recent Posts
Vipassana is noting/noticing the matter of fact unfolding experience. Either fast or slow, depends on the stages the mind is in. It matters not. Do not bog your self down with these uncertainties and insecurities and instead NOTE these uncertainties and these insecurities and note their feeling tone and so on and on ...
States and stages pass away. They are not important. They just are and then they are not
What is EQ and what is not EQ?
Who cares???
Just note the sensate experience and in this case, it "thinking".
All there is, is what IS. And this is were your "monastery" is! So if you want you do it slow but Im of a different ilk and do it fast until in and of itself it slows down or speeds up even faster. Start with 1-3 notes per second and let the mind states conduct the rest and speed or slow down etc ...
As my old teacher Kenneth Folk is saying "do not waste the cushion time on concentrating and relaxing, do that after the gym. In the gym we lift weights for 45 minutes!"
Note it! Do not fear the sweat!
Its ok. You can give yourself a relaxation time all day after the gym.
However follow your gut feel. As you say you might not want to "push it too hard".
If you want to actually see how I used to do it then here is a video of me Noting Aloud (as by Kenneth Folk) which was of great benefit to me so far.
States and stages pass away. They are not important. They just are and then they are not

All there is, is what IS. And this is were your "monastery" is! So if you want you do it slow but Im of a different ilk and do it fast until in and of itself it slows down or speeds up even faster. Start with 1-3 notes per second and let the mind states conduct the rest and speed or slow down etc ...
As my old teacher Kenneth Folk is saying "do not waste the cushion time on concentrating and relaxing, do that after the gym. In the gym we lift weights for 45 minutes!"

However follow your gut feel. As you say you might not want to "push it too hard".
If you want to actually see how I used to do it then here is a video of me Noting Aloud (as by Kenneth Folk) which was of great benefit to me so far.
J W, modified 2 Months ago at 12/11/24 7:52 PM
Created 2 Months ago at 12/11/24 7:39 PM
RE: JW's Third Log
Posts: 771 Join Date: 2/11/20 Recent Posts
I get what you're saying Che. Sorry for the extensive response, but this is actually really helpful for me to write out.
I absolutely agree that "this" is what it's all about. My most recent direct experience of it was about a year ago, as I've talked about before.
I actually wrote a song about it that you might like, on the cablecar coming down from the mountain where i was on retreat, that I coincidentally just today got a mix back for:
So yeah, it's all getting back to (remembering? cultivating?) 'this'. (Not that it's gone anywhere, but it's usually kinda buried/faded these days.)
Thing is, as far as I can tell, the way I got there was through jhana practice. Just working up through the jhanic arc, from J1-2-3-4 up to fruition, etc. (I don't know if the formless realms are all that important). I remember the night before I had this big experience, I had a series of, i guess, cessations, like 5 or 6 of them in rapid succession, right before bed, where consciousness kind of buzzed out and back in, each one located in different parts of my body. I remember specifically one of them was in my right arm, weirdly. The other ones I think kind of went down along my spine. Right after this happened, I felt like something was different but I wasn't totally sure. The next morning though, right when i got up to sit, was this very powerful undeniable 'thisness' that lasted for days and i think had some permanent effect on me.
The reason I'm saying all of this is to explain why i think it is important to take notice of which Jhana I am in, what the characteristics are, what are the transitions like between each jhana.
1) I think there is value in being able to call up various jhanas at will, both as an artist/creator, and as a meditator with an intention of progressing along the path.
2) It's also what my instructions have been, from a couple of different teachers.
3) when i read stuff from people who can get into NS and stuff like that, which is way beyond me, the first thing they talk about is going up and down the jhanic arc and transitioning between different jhanas. So it just seems like a good thing to be able to do.
4) My mind just seems to naturally want to follow the arc up to equanimity (J4) and high-eq, as the clinging gets more and more subtle, it's generally pleasant and fulfilling to go through the arc to the more subtle states.
Okay, so all of that said -- Maybe I'm going about this totally wrong. I'm just kind of doing the same thing that I've been doing for the past several years, heavily inspired by MCTB/Shargrol Post Comp/Dreamwalker. Should I be switching to something else or changing my focus from jhanas to something else, like sensory based or something and not worry about what Jhanas I'm in?
I will say, when I just sort of let go and don't worry about where i am or what's going on jhana wise, cool stuff does sometimes happen more easily just because im not worried about anything. I suppose I am putting an emphasis on noticing the subtle qualities of each jhana and sometimes that can indeed get in the way of concentration.
I absolutely agree that "this" is what it's all about. My most recent direct experience of it was about a year ago, as I've talked about before.
I actually wrote a song about it that you might like, on the cablecar coming down from the mountain where i was on retreat, that I coincidentally just today got a mix back for:
So yeah, it's all getting back to (remembering? cultivating?) 'this'. (Not that it's gone anywhere, but it's usually kinda buried/faded these days.)
Thing is, as far as I can tell, the way I got there was through jhana practice. Just working up through the jhanic arc, from J1-2-3-4 up to fruition, etc. (I don't know if the formless realms are all that important). I remember the night before I had this big experience, I had a series of, i guess, cessations, like 5 or 6 of them in rapid succession, right before bed, where consciousness kind of buzzed out and back in, each one located in different parts of my body. I remember specifically one of them was in my right arm, weirdly. The other ones I think kind of went down along my spine. Right after this happened, I felt like something was different but I wasn't totally sure. The next morning though, right when i got up to sit, was this very powerful undeniable 'thisness' that lasted for days and i think had some permanent effect on me.
The reason I'm saying all of this is to explain why i think it is important to take notice of which Jhana I am in, what the characteristics are, what are the transitions like between each jhana.
1) I think there is value in being able to call up various jhanas at will, both as an artist/creator, and as a meditator with an intention of progressing along the path.
2) It's also what my instructions have been, from a couple of different teachers.
3) when i read stuff from people who can get into NS and stuff like that, which is way beyond me, the first thing they talk about is going up and down the jhanic arc and transitioning between different jhanas. So it just seems like a good thing to be able to do.
4) My mind just seems to naturally want to follow the arc up to equanimity (J4) and high-eq, as the clinging gets more and more subtle, it's generally pleasant and fulfilling to go through the arc to the more subtle states.
Okay, so all of that said -- Maybe I'm going about this totally wrong. I'm just kind of doing the same thing that I've been doing for the past several years, heavily inspired by MCTB/Shargrol Post Comp/Dreamwalker. Should I be switching to something else or changing my focus from jhanas to something else, like sensory based or something and not worry about what Jhanas I'm in?
I will say, when I just sort of let go and don't worry about where i am or what's going on jhana wise, cool stuff does sometimes happen more easily just because im not worried about anything. I suppose I am putting an emphasis on noticing the subtle qualities of each jhana and sometimes that can indeed get in the way of concentration.
J W, modified 2 Months ago at 12/11/24 7:46 PM
Created 2 Months ago at 12/11/24 7:46 PM
RE: JW's Third Log
Posts: 771 Join Date: 2/11/20 Recent Posts
Reading this back it seems a little obsessive, i'll admit. I'll try to do a TLDR:
"Perceptual upgrades" - not a goal
Jhana mastery - provisional goal
This - ultimate jackpot
"Perceptual upgrades" - not a goal
Jhana mastery - provisional goal
This - ultimate jackpot
Papa Che Dusko, modified 2 Months ago at 12/11/24 8:04 PM
Created 2 Months ago at 12/11/24 8:04 PM
RE: JW's Third Log
Posts: 3350 Join Date: 3/1/20 Recent Posts
"I will say, when I just sort of let go and don't worry about where i am or what's going on jhana wise, cool stuff does sometimes happen more easily just because im not worried about anything. I suppose I am putting an emphasis on noticing the subtle qualities of each jhana and sometimes that can indeed get in the way of concentration."
Mind experiences joy and gladness when noting the fast unfolding stream of experience. Khanika Samadhi. Good stuff!
Which jhana am I in? Which stage?
Do I know where I am? ... Sitting on a chair and staring at a laptop typing these words
Mind experiences joy and gladness when noting the fast unfolding stream of experience. Khanika Samadhi. Good stuff!
Which jhana am I in? Which stage?
Do I know where I am? ... Sitting on a chair and staring at a laptop typing these words
J W, modified 2 Months ago at 12/11/24 8:17 PM
Created 2 Months ago at 12/11/24 8:17 PM
RE: JW's Third Log
Posts: 771 Join Date: 2/11/20 Recent PostsPapa Che Dusko
"noting the fast unfolding stream of experience... Do I know where I am?"
"noting the fast unfolding stream of experience... Do I know where I am?"
And yeah, when in a strong high EQ it's kinda hard to be aware of 'which jhana am i in etc...' but that doesn't mean there's no value in knowing how to describe it...

J W, modified 2 Months ago at 12/12/24 12:41 AM
Created 2 Months ago at 12/12/24 12:41 AM
RE: JW's Third Log
Posts: 771 Join Date: 2/11/20 Recent Posts
In any case, yeah I think you're right Che. Thanks.
"In my view for Vipassana to ripen 45 minutes minimum. For Jhana to ripen 30 minutes minimum but then carry on 15-20 more minutes for Vipassana as that's where it's at for us, me thinks. "
I think what this means for me is, start with cultivating jhana. Try to recognize the aspects of each etc. Then, after 30 minutes or so, or when it feels right, (ideally in EQ), just let go of all of that, and just note, which will probably be a lot of 'thinking'.
Oh yeah - 'there is striving'.
"In my view for Vipassana to ripen 45 minutes minimum. For Jhana to ripen 30 minutes minimum but then carry on 15-20 more minutes for Vipassana as that's where it's at for us, me thinks. "
I think what this means for me is, start with cultivating jhana. Try to recognize the aspects of each etc. Then, after 30 minutes or so, or when it feels right, (ideally in EQ), just let go of all of that, and just note, which will probably be a lot of 'thinking'.
Oh yeah - 'there is striving'.

J W, modified 1 Month ago at 12/12/24 2:31 PM
Created 1 Month ago at 12/12/24 2:31 PM
RE: JW's Third Log
Posts: 771 Join Date: 2/11/20 Recent Posts
"I will say, when I just sort of let go and don't worry about where i am or what's going on jhana wise, cool stuff does sometimes happen more easily just because im not worried about anything. I suppose I am putting an emphasis on noticing the subtle qualities of each jhana and sometimes that can indeed get in the way of concentration."
Case in point: before bed yesterday, I was listening to binaural beats and got into a very subtle dreamy state, when I noticed a gap in the audio drone, of maybe a couple of seconds. After that happened, I noticed some increased visual activity that reminded me of A&P. It was so distinct that I rewound the audio drone (it was on a spotify track) to make sure there wasn't actually a gap there. There wasn't a gap, but the drone did get quieter at some point and then louder again.
Then later, lots of little hypnogogic imagery where i could 'lock into' the unfolding of the images, and watch them complete, (which im probably not describing very well, but hopefully if you've experienced it you know what I'm talking about), which has a generally good and satisfying feeling to it, definitely nothing super crazy or intense, just like an "ahh".
This is the type of stuff that I think of as kind of the 'short-term goal' of my daily practice. And I got there but simply letting go (albeit, once I was in a very subtle EQ state). That is not lost on me, and one could tell me all I need to do is 'let go' for the rest of my life and not worry about any of what it means, and you'd probably be right. This type of stuff happens all the time, like over the past year, when I wasn't keeping a meditation log or having a strict daily practice.
But, I'm just curious - and i think this is maybe what '2nd path' is for me:
What is this stuff and what do I do with it?
What is actually happening in those subtle hypnogogic phenomomena? Is this actually what I should be 'going for' in my practice?
Should I be trying to reproduce phenomenon more often and with greater clarity?
How do I 'get there'?
The answer I've come up with, and maybe this is wrong, is to notice the subtleties of these events or phenomona when they happen (which is tricky because in this state the awareness has to be so subtle. For this reason, I'm going to have to do it over and over and over to be able to pick up on these subtleties.)
How to 'get there'? - go through the jhanic arc. Notice the subtleties and characteristics of each jhana. Get to high EQ. Let go.
And then...
Case in point: before bed yesterday, I was listening to binaural beats and got into a very subtle dreamy state, when I noticed a gap in the audio drone, of maybe a couple of seconds. After that happened, I noticed some increased visual activity that reminded me of A&P. It was so distinct that I rewound the audio drone (it was on a spotify track) to make sure there wasn't actually a gap there. There wasn't a gap, but the drone did get quieter at some point and then louder again.
Then later, lots of little hypnogogic imagery where i could 'lock into' the unfolding of the images, and watch them complete, (which im probably not describing very well, but hopefully if you've experienced it you know what I'm talking about), which has a generally good and satisfying feeling to it, definitely nothing super crazy or intense, just like an "ahh".
This is the type of stuff that I think of as kind of the 'short-term goal' of my daily practice. And I got there but simply letting go (albeit, once I was in a very subtle EQ state). That is not lost on me, and one could tell me all I need to do is 'let go' for the rest of my life and not worry about any of what it means, and you'd probably be right. This type of stuff happens all the time, like over the past year, when I wasn't keeping a meditation log or having a strict daily practice.
But, I'm just curious - and i think this is maybe what '2nd path' is for me:
What is this stuff and what do I do with it?
What is actually happening in those subtle hypnogogic phenomomena? Is this actually what I should be 'going for' in my practice?
Should I be trying to reproduce phenomenon more often and with greater clarity?
How do I 'get there'?
The answer I've come up with, and maybe this is wrong, is to notice the subtleties of these events or phenomona when they happen (which is tricky because in this state the awareness has to be so subtle. For this reason, I'm going to have to do it over and over and over to be able to pick up on these subtleties.)
How to 'get there'? - go through the jhanic arc. Notice the subtleties and characteristics of each jhana. Get to high EQ. Let go.
And then...
Papa Che Dusko, modified 1 Month ago at 12/12/24 8:50 PM
Created 1 Month ago at 12/12/24 8:50 PM
RE: JW's Third Log
Posts: 3350 Join Date: 3/1/20 Recent Posts
To me this is A&P.
In high EQ there is just this one field of equal ness. A general floatiness and unableness to lock onto any particular thing (in this one field)
In high EQ there is just this one field of equal ness. A general floatiness and unableness to lock onto any particular thing (in this one field)
Papa Che Dusko, modified 1 Month ago at 12/12/24 8:52 PM
Created 1 Month ago at 12/12/24 8:52 PM
RE: JW's Third Log
Posts: 3350 Join Date: 3/1/20 Recent PostsBahiya Baby, modified 1 Month ago at 12/12/24 11:34 PM
Created 1 Month ago at 12/12/24 11:34 PM
RE: JW's Third Log
Posts: 971 Join Date: 5/26/23 Recent Posts
I think you're making all kinds of assertions about paths and jhanas and nanas and all sorts of things and it's very difficult as a reader to determine what if any of it is relavent.
I think it would be useful to let all of that go. Instead try spending an hour, give or take, in meditation each day and in your logs tell us what that experience is like. With what you notice about your physical, mental and emotional sensations being the priority in that communication.
This may be a more helpful structure for your logging going forward as it seems you may be chasing waterfalls as the man says. The sooner you give up on the attachment to states, stages, jhanas, nanas, paths, etc, the sooner your practice can really deepen into greater depth and maturity.
I think it would be useful to let all of that go. Instead try spending an hour, give or take, in meditation each day and in your logs tell us what that experience is like. With what you notice about your physical, mental and emotional sensations being the priority in that communication.
This may be a more helpful structure for your logging going forward as it seems you may be chasing waterfalls as the man says. The sooner you give up on the attachment to states, stages, jhanas, nanas, paths, etc, the sooner your practice can really deepen into greater depth and maturity.
J W, modified 1 Month ago at 12/13/24 1:13 AM
Created 1 Month ago at 12/13/24 1:13 AM
RE: JW's Third Log
Posts: 771 Join Date: 2/11/20 Recent Posts
I'm more of a rivers and lakes kind of guy, believe it or not... love the song though. Hehe
Ok, well, I feel a little misunderstood to be honest, but that's okay. I must not be doing a very good job of expressing myself. It's actually something I have struggled with.
I'll come back to this when I have more time to give it justice-
My meditation today was on the airplane. In front of me was a very drunk man, behind there were about three crying children, and to my left, a woman who had to have the police called on her. 'Tis the season!
In my meditation, I was at peace. I must admit though: I had some help. Noise Cancelling Headphones
thanks Che and Bahiya Baby for the honesty and the willingness to engage!
Now onto family time. Lots of family time. Woohoo!!
Ok, well, I feel a little misunderstood to be honest, but that's okay. I must not be doing a very good job of expressing myself. It's actually something I have struggled with.
I'll come back to this when I have more time to give it justice-
My meditation today was on the airplane. In front of me was a very drunk man, behind there were about three crying children, and to my left, a woman who had to have the police called on her. 'Tis the season!
In my meditation, I was at peace. I must admit though: I had some help. Noise Cancelling Headphones

thanks Che and Bahiya Baby for the honesty and the willingness to engage!
Now onto family time. Lots of family time. Woohoo!!
Bahiya Baby, modified 1 Month ago at 12/13/24 3:01 AM
Created 1 Month ago at 12/13/24 3:01 AM
RE: JW's Third Log
Posts: 971 Join Date: 5/26/23 Recent PostsI feel a little misunderstood to be honest
I'm sorry to hear that, it's a shitty feeling. Unfortunately there is some stuff here I don't understand but please know that I am making an effort to. Generally I'm not necessarily sure what you mean by certain words or how you are relating certain lingo to your experience. In any case, when you're ready, the path to deeper paths involves transceding the paths, no matter what I say or how either of us feel about it there's not really any escaping that. That is the brutal reality of it and our conceptualization of the paths can become an area of our psyche where lots of attachments and identifications can get pretty deeply baked in and it's very much an area that can trip us up and burn us out if not handled skillfully. I think a great way to ease that attachment can be to rely less on shorthand descriptions and more on our instinctive, natural, intuitive, felt understanding of our experience.
So if you are eager to go deeper, I do recommend a more raw, in your own words, approach to logging meditation practice and I do think this is a great way to make it easier for those following along to engage.
Chris M, modified 1 Month ago at 12/13/24 7:45 AM
Created 1 Month ago at 12/13/24 7:45 AM
RE: JW's Third Log
Posts: 5614 Join Date: 1/26/13 Recent Posts
Yes, this. It's best to go light on the interpretation part, which is what gets confusing: more interpretation with less experience
Papa Che Dusko, modified 1 Month ago at 12/13/24 3:51 PM
Created 1 Month ago at 12/13/24 3:48 PM
RE: JW's Third Log
Posts: 3350 Join Date: 3/1/20 Recent Posts
family time can sure be good times! Enjoy it!
I Just got my boys an early Xmass present and my eldest son is already practicing to play it!
We are fishing for song ideas!
We are fishing for song ideas!
J W, modified 1 Month ago at 12/13/24 4:09 PM
Created 1 Month ago at 12/13/24 4:09 PM
RE: JW's Third Log
Posts: 771 Join Date: 2/11/20 Recent Posts
As one of my teachers once said, family is the path in its entirety. The good, the bad, everything in between. One thing that is clear to me is that parents love spending time with their children. It is their greatest joy. If I can maintain presence, alertness, attentiveness, and stay engaged throughout this holiday season, that’s great practice and it’s a great way to bring happiness to myself and those around me - family, old friends, and my partner.
J W, modified 1 Month ago at 12/16/24 2:31 PM
Created 1 Month ago at 12/16/24 1:11 PM
RE: JW's Third Log
Posts: 771 Join Date: 2/11/20 Recent Posts
BB and Chris, I'm sorry I am just now seeing your replies. I have not had access to a computer the last few days and it's hard to keep up with all the replies without one. I appreciate the feedback, and I hear you loud and clear. I was using the Pali vocabulary in part because I thought it would be easier for others here to understand and relate to, as progress of insight nanas and jhanas I thought would be kind of a shared vocabulary but I totally get what you're saying - it's getting in the way. Going forward I'll try to refrain from any of that vocab. No worries!
Also, I honestly don't care all that much about paths as I think all of that is, to be frank, (and to use another of my old teacher Vince Horn's word choice) bullshit. I'm not necessarily looking for a diagnosis but I am open to that if you think it would be helpful and I'm open to answering questions about my experience. I do know that the instructions change, according to some traditions, as one progresses along the path, so a diagnosis might be helpful in that regard.
My goal of jhana mastery is one that I would describe as tangential to "enlightenment", enlightenment being simply what is happening right here and right now. Perhaps my best option would be to find a good jhana teacher or read a good jhana book if that is truly my goal (and I'm not sure how much I actually care about it).
The analogy I keep coming back to when I think about it is basketball. The goal of wanting to master the jhanas is similar to wanting to be able to make freethrows or 3 pointers. How does one go about getting better at making 3 pointers? Well, obviously, they go shoot 3 pointers. Making 3 pointers is not the end all be all, and there's more to life than basketball, of course. Is it an attachment? It could be, sure, like any intention can be. If the intention is getting in the way of practice and ability to be present, that's a sign that I'm probably becoming overly attached.
FWIW, I've been pretty happy with how my practice has been going the past month. I have also found all of the comments here helpful and they have gotten me thinking about the right things. So, thanks again!
Now I'll try to describe my practice in more simple terms, whether here, or maybe it's a good time to start another log.
Also, I honestly don't care all that much about paths as I think all of that is, to be frank, (and to use another of my old teacher Vince Horn's word choice) bullshit. I'm not necessarily looking for a diagnosis but I am open to that if you think it would be helpful and I'm open to answering questions about my experience. I do know that the instructions change, according to some traditions, as one progresses along the path, so a diagnosis might be helpful in that regard.
My goal of jhana mastery is one that I would describe as tangential to "enlightenment", enlightenment being simply what is happening right here and right now. Perhaps my best option would be to find a good jhana teacher or read a good jhana book if that is truly my goal (and I'm not sure how much I actually care about it).
The analogy I keep coming back to when I think about it is basketball. The goal of wanting to master the jhanas is similar to wanting to be able to make freethrows or 3 pointers. How does one go about getting better at making 3 pointers? Well, obviously, they go shoot 3 pointers. Making 3 pointers is not the end all be all, and there's more to life than basketball, of course. Is it an attachment? It could be, sure, like any intention can be. If the intention is getting in the way of practice and ability to be present, that's a sign that I'm probably becoming overly attached.
FWIW, I've been pretty happy with how my practice has been going the past month. I have also found all of the comments here helpful and they have gotten me thinking about the right things. So, thanks again!
Now I'll try to describe my practice in more simple terms, whether here, or maybe it's a good time to start another log.
J W, modified 1 Month ago at 12/16/24 1:27 PM
Created 1 Month ago at 12/16/24 1:27 PM
RE: JW's Third Log
Posts: 771 Join Date: 2/11/20 Recent Posts
Last night I sat for around 45 minutes. It was my first real sit in a couple of days and I was feeling pretty tired from the traveling I have been doing.
There was thinking, hearing, feeling, and seeing throughout the sit. The object I was focused on (with eyes closed) was just the visual field of consciousness, the space behind the forehead. The first half of the sit required more effort to maintain concentration, there was more noticing of thoughts, and sounds, and feeling.
The 'thinking' were thoughts were mostly in the background and they were mostly thoughts around my practice and noticing what was happening in my experience.
The 'feeling' was mostly neutral, and was mostly felt as a tingling sensation in and around the eyes, and the body. There was a subtle warmth in the heart area at various points in the sit, but it was faint.
The 'hearing' was mostly the rain, I was sitting outside, but also of the nada sound.
The 'seeing' was mostly of the flickering of sensations in the visual field.
At a certain point, I noticed a shift in needing more effort, to needing less effort, and the 'seeing' and 'feeling' of sensations became more obvious and were sort of presenting themselves more forwardly. Towards the end of the meditation, the tingling sensations in the visual field began to stretch horizontally, so that the space resembled more of a 'visor' rather than a circular area. I allowed and encouraged this expansion to happen and even tried to see if I could expand further into a 360 field, that did not happen but there was feeling of expansion upwards as well as horizontally.
All of this was very subtle and not very mind blowing, I was quite tired.
At this point, it was past midnight, and I wanted to continue, but I had to go to bed and it felt like a good stopping point.
There was thinking, hearing, feeling, and seeing throughout the sit. The object I was focused on (with eyes closed) was just the visual field of consciousness, the space behind the forehead. The first half of the sit required more effort to maintain concentration, there was more noticing of thoughts, and sounds, and feeling.
The 'thinking' were thoughts were mostly in the background and they were mostly thoughts around my practice and noticing what was happening in my experience.
The 'feeling' was mostly neutral, and was mostly felt as a tingling sensation in and around the eyes, and the body. There was a subtle warmth in the heart area at various points in the sit, but it was faint.
The 'hearing' was mostly the rain, I was sitting outside, but also of the nada sound.
The 'seeing' was mostly of the flickering of sensations in the visual field.
At a certain point, I noticed a shift in needing more effort, to needing less effort, and the 'seeing' and 'feeling' of sensations became more obvious and were sort of presenting themselves more forwardly. Towards the end of the meditation, the tingling sensations in the visual field began to stretch horizontally, so that the space resembled more of a 'visor' rather than a circular area. I allowed and encouraged this expansion to happen and even tried to see if I could expand further into a 360 field, that did not happen but there was feeling of expansion upwards as well as horizontally.
All of this was very subtle and not very mind blowing, I was quite tired.
At this point, it was past midnight, and I wanted to continue, but I had to go to bed and it felt like a good stopping point.
Chris M, modified 1 Month ago at 12/16/24 4:22 PM
Created 1 Month ago at 12/16/24 4:22 PM
RE: JW's Third Log
Posts: 5614 Join Date: 1/26/13 Recent PostsAlso, I honestly don't care all that much about paths as I think all of that is, to be frank, (and to use another of my old teacher Vince Horn's word choice) bullshit.
Gee, it sounds like Vince is denying the paths model he himself used so effectively for so long. I think I'll email him about this to see what he's about these days

Bahiya Baby, modified 1 Month ago at 12/16/24 4:44 PM
Created 1 Month ago at 12/16/24 4:44 PM
RE: JW's Third Log
Posts: 971 Join Date: 5/26/23 Recent Posts
At a cursory glance of his website his offering does have some premium tier monthly subscriber energy but look cocaine and escorts don't pay for themselves, I, of all people, can understand that.
J W, THAT WAS AN AMAZING LOG,LOVED IT, I hope you keep up that kind of fine detail.
Let me ask...
What is your experience of dukkha whilst sitting?
and if the paths are bullshit, why meditate at all?
J W, THAT WAS AN AMAZING LOG,LOVED IT, I hope you keep up that kind of fine detail.
Let me ask...
What is your experience of dukkha whilst sitting?
and if the paths are bullshit, why meditate at all?
J W, modified 1 Month ago at 12/16/24 4:57 PM
Created 1 Month ago at 12/16/24 4:53 PM
RE: JW's Third Log
Posts: 771 Join Date: 2/11/20 Recent PostsGee, it sounds like Vince is denying the paths model he himself used so effectively for so long. I think I'll email him about this to see what he's about these days 

I don't think he would say there is no utility to frameworks and paths to awakening, I think what he would probably say is that all frameworks are ultimately constructs which can both help and hinder one's practice depending on how they are used and how one relates to those frameworks within a practice.
Vince has his own framework that he's written about called <a href=""></a>. I don't think he would have spent time working on and teaching that map if he felt like it was not effective and useful to some degree.
But now that you mention it, I do sort of regret attributing that quote to him because you're right, it gives a very one-dimensional impression of something that's quite complex and, believe me, the last thing that I want to do is put words into someone's mouth. I'm also using the word 'teacher' very loosely, as the extent of my relationship with Vince was limited to a handful of one on one calls, several years ago, a few classes through Buddhist Geeks, and me watching some of the Buddhist Geeks videos and online literature on my own over the course of several months/years.
So, he probably won't remember me very well if at all, and probably wouldn't agree with our relationship being described as 'teacher/student', even though I do look at him as one of several teachers that I have had and have learned from. But, please tell him I said hey, and sorry if I was being misrepresentative!
When he described paths as bullshit, I think what he was saying was essentially that you can't put a label on enlightenment. (A memory of that meeting just came up as I was typing out this response, probably I should have just kept him out of it) At the time, I was pretty obsessed with maps, as I had just gotten into MCTB and was reading about all of this stuff for the first time. So, he was likely telling me what he felt that I needed to hear at the time, but he was speaking the truth. You ultimately can't put a label on enlightenment.
Chris M, modified 1 Month ago at 12/16/24 5:32 PM
Created 1 Month ago at 12/16/24 5:32 PM
RE: JW's Third Log
Posts: 5614 Join Date: 1/26/13 Recent Posts
JW, this is gonna sound harsh but you really did misrepresent your relationship with Vince Horn and what Vince's position on models and maps is in that first post on the matter. I'm glad you've cleared things up. Thank you.
J W, modified 1 Month ago at 12/16/24 6:12 PM
Created 1 Month ago at 12/16/24 6:12 PM
RE: JW's Third Log
Posts: 771 Join Date: 2/11/20 Recent Posts
No, it's not harsh. I said something that was misleading and you were pointing it out and giving me a chance to clarify. Vince was not my teacher in the formal sense of the word, but he was a teacher in the informal sense.
As I hope you know, Chris, I have great respect for you as well, and please feel free to be 'harsh' with me when it comes to this practice log and especially towards anything that might come across as misleading or potentially confusing to others reading this.
As I hope you know, Chris, I have great respect for you as well, and please feel free to be 'harsh' with me when it comes to this practice log and especially towards anything that might come across as misleading or potentially confusing to others reading this.
J W, modified 1 Month ago at 12/17/24 4:24 AM
Created 1 Month ago at 12/17/24 4:23 AM
RE: JW's Third Log
Posts: 771 Join Date: 2/11/20 Recent Posts
'At a cursory glance of his website his offering does have some premium tier monthly subscriber energy but look cocaine and escorts don't pay for themselves, I, of all people, can understand that.'
I don't get it...
'J W, THAT WAS AN AMAZING LOG,LOVED IT, I hope you keep up that kind of fine detail. '
Hah, thanks! I can certainly do that going forward.
Let me ask...
'What is your experience of dukkha whilst sitting?
and if the paths are bullshit, why meditate at all?'
These are both great questions. I'm going to need to think about them for a while. Good food for thought. it's probably going to be a while before I can log here in earnest again, it's kinda a nonstop whirlwind for me right now and is going to be that way until mid January. I'm afraid that keeping up here is one too many things for me right now and I don't want my interactions here to be half baked. I'm gonna keep at it though and I'm gonna be thinking about these questions. Thanks again!
I don't get it...
'J W, THAT WAS AN AMAZING LOG,LOVED IT, I hope you keep up that kind of fine detail. '
Hah, thanks! I can certainly do that going forward.
Let me ask...
'What is your experience of dukkha whilst sitting?
and if the paths are bullshit, why meditate at all?'
These are both great questions. I'm going to need to think about them for a while. Good food for thought. it's probably going to be a while before I can log here in earnest again, it's kinda a nonstop whirlwind for me right now and is going to be that way until mid January. I'm afraid that keeping up here is one too many things for me right now and I don't want my interactions here to be half baked. I'm gonna keep at it though and I'm gonna be thinking about these questions. Thanks again!
Bahiya Baby, modified 1 Month ago at 12/17/24 5:31 AM
Created 1 Month ago at 12/17/24 5:19 AM
RE: JW's Third Log
Posts: 971 Join Date: 5/26/23 Recent Posts
I'm comparing his pricing model to that of an Only Fans creator. (I looked him up after you mentioned him)
Freedom ought to be free. They say it's worth what you pay for it.
"People need to pay the bills"
Absolutely, that's what jobs are for. I'm not really big on meditation as an industry or a capitalist enterprise.
Though I respect people need to grease the wheel of torment. Cocaine and escorts don't pay for themselves.
It's not important. It is worth sitting with those questions when you get a chance. Have a good one.
Freedom ought to be free. They say it's worth what you pay for it.
"People need to pay the bills"
Absolutely, that's what jobs are for. I'm not really big on meditation as an industry or a capitalist enterprise.
Though I respect people need to grease the wheel of torment. Cocaine and escorts don't pay for themselves.
It's not important. It is worth sitting with those questions when you get a chance. Have a good one.
Papa Che Dusko, modified 1 Month ago at 12/17/24 6:46 AM
Created 1 Month ago at 12/17/24 6:45 AM
RE: JW's Third Log
Posts: 3350 Join Date: 3/1/20 Recent Posts
" and if the paths are bullshit, why meditate at all? "
The seeker needs a pacifier, just like any baby does. At least until it grows up. Then the seeker can dispose of those pacifiers and live life as it is.
The seeker needs a pacifier, just like any baby does. At least until it grows up. Then the seeker can dispose of those pacifiers and live life as it is.
J W, modified 1 Month ago at 12/17/24 11:36 AM
Created 1 Month ago at 12/17/24 11:20 AM
RE: JW's Third Log
Posts: 771 Join Date: 2/11/20 Recent Posts
Oh, I see what you're saying. Yeah, the one on ones and the classes were donation based, but everything else was free or at least it was several years ago when I was reading it. I'm totally with you on that, by the way (on your point Dharma teachings should be free, that is).
In any case, I wasn't trying to hawk anyone's teachings or anything like that, lol. I simply had this memory of one of the conversations I had pop up while I was typing my initial response, and I regret mentioning it to begin with, because it led to confusion, me having to clarify stuff, yada yada.
In any case, I wasn't trying to hawk anyone's teachings or anything like that, lol. I simply had this memory of one of the conversations I had pop up while I was typing my initial response, and I regret mentioning it to begin with, because it led to confusion, me having to clarify stuff, yada yada.
J W, modified 1 Month ago at 12/17/24 11:21 AM
Created 1 Month ago at 12/17/24 11:21 AM
RE: JW's Third Log
Posts: 771 Join Date: 2/11/20 Recent PostsJ W, modified 1 Month ago at 12/19/24 3:20 PM
Created 1 Month ago at 12/19/24 3:15 PM
RE: JW's Third Log
Posts: 771 Join Date: 2/11/20 Recent Posts
I've been having a lot of weird things happen to me over the last week or so, that I would really like to understand,
specifically if whether these things I am experiencing are where my 'cutting edge' lies and where I should be heading towards (i.e. trying to reproduce and investigate),
or if I'm really just wasting my time with this and re-cycling through past territory or just going down a rabbit hole that leads nowhere, or perhaps if I should just throw these into the 'random weird shit' bucket and move on with my life if there's really nothing to learn here.
If someone could help point me in the right direction, either through advice from their own personal experiences (ideally someone has encountered this exact thing and can help place it), or by suggesting certain literature, I would be grateful. FYI, if It's something covered in MCTB, I've read it, am familiar, so that would be a good reference to point me towards.
Lately I've been investigating Bahiya Baby's question, "What is your experience of dukkha whilst sitting?", which is I think a great question because I think it really answers where I 'need to go' with my practice. So, the first two of these experiences happened after a period of what I think could be described as 'investigating and noting of Dukkha', and they were both kind of similar in feel. The third, I wasn't really investigating Dukkha (or at least I don't think I was), it had a different flavor, more gentle flavor to it.
None of the below experiences were particularly mindblowing or exciting - this type of stuff happens all the time for me, more so recently as I've ramped up my practice a bit, I'm really just very curious about them because it's just so weird:
1. A couple of nights ago, I had a sort of dream-like vision where I was trying to unlock something, like a lockbox with a 5 digit code type of thing. I was kind of fiddling with the sequence of numbers, and it was like I had forgotten the last number of the sequence, and was struggling and kind of anxious to get the last number correct and open the lockbox. Finally, I got the last number correct, and right as that happened, it was like something/someone just took their finger and poked my brain, sort of, and it jolted me, I physically flinched and was immediately wide awake. When the 'poke' happened there was sort of a blob that appeared in the visual field for a second. I didn't notice feeling any differently after this happened.
2. Last night, (and this is going to sound made up, but I assure you it is not), a similar dream sequence, where I was sitting in what appeared to be the cockpit of a spaceship (which very much resembled the Millenium Falcon). A friend was sitting to my right (not sure who it was), and we were discussing going into hyperspeed.
I said to them something like, "So that lever there, if I push it, you're telling me we're gonna go into hyperspeed?"
"Yep, we're gonna go into hyperspeed"
"This lever right here? Okay..." *pushes lever*
Then, I went into hyperspeed, and it felt like for a few seconds, like maybe 3 or 4 seconds, i was just Matrix uploading information into my brain, like it was almost comical what this felt like. Or, like I was moving forward really quickly underwater with the water rushing through my mind and I was kind of struggling to maintain focus of what was happening.
After these few seconds, again, jolted awake and not really sure of what to make of this, didn't really feel any different.
3. This happened maybe a few nights back or a week ago. Again, much more gentle flavor than the previous 2 which were more jarring and intense.
The best way I can think to describe it is, I felt like I was meeting up with an old friend, and we were deciding where we were going to meet (some coffee shop somewhere, I don't know), I approach the coffee shop, and then, we meet up for some time, I don't remember anything about the meeting, don't remember what we talked about, who it was, but I know that we had a great time.
It feels kind of silly writing this stuff out to be honest. But I honestly am just really curious about this. Is this just normal weird stuff that everyone experiences? Maybe I'm putting too much importance on it. But again, I'm never really trying to make any of this happen when it does, it just sort of happens.
specifically if whether these things I am experiencing are where my 'cutting edge' lies and where I should be heading towards (i.e. trying to reproduce and investigate),
or if I'm really just wasting my time with this and re-cycling through past territory or just going down a rabbit hole that leads nowhere, or perhaps if I should just throw these into the 'random weird shit' bucket and move on with my life if there's really nothing to learn here.
If someone could help point me in the right direction, either through advice from their own personal experiences (ideally someone has encountered this exact thing and can help place it), or by suggesting certain literature, I would be grateful. FYI, if It's something covered in MCTB, I've read it, am familiar, so that would be a good reference to point me towards.
Lately I've been investigating Bahiya Baby's question, "What is your experience of dukkha whilst sitting?", which is I think a great question because I think it really answers where I 'need to go' with my practice. So, the first two of these experiences happened after a period of what I think could be described as 'investigating and noting of Dukkha', and they were both kind of similar in feel. The third, I wasn't really investigating Dukkha (or at least I don't think I was), it had a different flavor, more gentle flavor to it.
None of the below experiences were particularly mindblowing or exciting - this type of stuff happens all the time for me, more so recently as I've ramped up my practice a bit, I'm really just very curious about them because it's just so weird:
1. A couple of nights ago, I had a sort of dream-like vision where I was trying to unlock something, like a lockbox with a 5 digit code type of thing. I was kind of fiddling with the sequence of numbers, and it was like I had forgotten the last number of the sequence, and was struggling and kind of anxious to get the last number correct and open the lockbox. Finally, I got the last number correct, and right as that happened, it was like something/someone just took their finger and poked my brain, sort of, and it jolted me, I physically flinched and was immediately wide awake. When the 'poke' happened there was sort of a blob that appeared in the visual field for a second. I didn't notice feeling any differently after this happened.
2. Last night, (and this is going to sound made up, but I assure you it is not), a similar dream sequence, where I was sitting in what appeared to be the cockpit of a spaceship (which very much resembled the Millenium Falcon). A friend was sitting to my right (not sure who it was), and we were discussing going into hyperspeed.
I said to them something like, "So that lever there, if I push it, you're telling me we're gonna go into hyperspeed?"
"Yep, we're gonna go into hyperspeed"
"This lever right here? Okay..." *pushes lever*
Then, I went into hyperspeed, and it felt like for a few seconds, like maybe 3 or 4 seconds, i was just Matrix uploading information into my brain, like it was almost comical what this felt like. Or, like I was moving forward really quickly underwater with the water rushing through my mind and I was kind of struggling to maintain focus of what was happening.
After these few seconds, again, jolted awake and not really sure of what to make of this, didn't really feel any different.
3. This happened maybe a few nights back or a week ago. Again, much more gentle flavor than the previous 2 which were more jarring and intense.
The best way I can think to describe it is, I felt like I was meeting up with an old friend, and we were deciding where we were going to meet (some coffee shop somewhere, I don't know), I approach the coffee shop, and then, we meet up for some time, I don't remember anything about the meeting, don't remember what we talked about, who it was, but I know that we had a great time.
It feels kind of silly writing this stuff out to be honest. But I honestly am just really curious about this. Is this just normal weird stuff that everyone experiences? Maybe I'm putting too much importance on it. But again, I'm never really trying to make any of this happen when it does, it just sort of happens.
Chris M, modified 1 Month ago at 12/19/24 3:39 PM
Created 1 Month ago at 12/19/24 3:23 PM
RE: JW's Third Log
Posts: 5614 Join Date: 1/26/13 Recent PostsLately I've been investigating Bahiya Baby's question, "What is your experience of dukkha whilst sitting?", which is I think a great question because I think it really answers where I 'need to go' with my practice.
In the spirit of getting more relevant information like what we were talking about a few days ago - what is your experience of dukkha while sitting? What sensations represent dukkha? How do you distinguish dukkha from other sensations and experiences? You seem to want to deal with dharma at a conceptual level, from complex associations and dream experiences. But without providing your view of suffering at ground level, I'm not sure you'll get a response from anyone that's worth much. Bahiya was asking you this - what is your immediate experience of dukkha while you're sitting - not what dreams and conceptual things crop up at random times. Think basic sensations and how those are processed by the mind.
EDIT: I'm not saying the experiences you related to us in your last post are not relevant to something. They no doubt are important in some way. But, as you must have read in MCTB, the key to awakening is found in the repeated and detailed investigation of moment-to-moment perception. I'm suggesting you work at that level.
J W, modified 1 Month ago at 12/19/24 3:46 PM
Created 1 Month ago at 12/19/24 3:37 PM
RE: JW's Third Log
Posts: 771 Join Date: 2/11/20 Recent Posts
"In the spirit of getting more information a la what we were talking about a few days ago - what is your experience of dukkha while sitting? What sensations represent dukkha? How do you distinguish dukkha from other experiences? You seem to want to deal with dharma at a conceptual level, from complex associations and dream experiences. But without providing your view of suffering at ground level, I'm not sure you'll get a response that's worth much."
I will try to answer this as best I can. Dukkha as I understand it is clinging, tension, stress, reactivity. Sometimes it is more apparent, more obvious, depending on my overall physical state. If I'm in a more relaxed, rested state, it is more difficult to find sensations in my experience that I could describe as my having a strong aversion to. If I am in a tired state, where I am physically and mentally exhausted for example, it is easier to find sensations that I would describe as me having an aversion to.
'While sitting' - so, my practice of 'investigating and noticing of dukkha' I would describe as noticing anywhere there is stress, aversion, tension, and observing it, noticing how it is impermanent, not self, and relaxing. With this practice, the unpleasant reaction to dukkha sort of goes away, or is seen through. "Oh look, there's tension." "Oh look, there are sensations."
I can see then, okay, what really is this 'dukkha' stemming from or caused by, and the answer is kind of at the emotional level, it feels kind of like a tightness, in the stomach area, with sort of a warmth to it, and it's an overall unpleasant feeling, but it's just there, and I'm not really reacting to it, it's just another emotional sensation, and sometimes it's there, sometimes it's not. A knot in the stomach.
What is the cause of the knot? could be anything. Could be nothing. Maybe I'm just having a bad day, something bad happened or I'm upset about something. Doesn't really matter.
I hope that's helpful? I've been thinking about this question a lot actually and I'm not really sure how to answer it.
I will try to answer this as best I can. Dukkha as I understand it is clinging, tension, stress, reactivity. Sometimes it is more apparent, more obvious, depending on my overall physical state. If I'm in a more relaxed, rested state, it is more difficult to find sensations in my experience that I could describe as my having a strong aversion to. If I am in a tired state, where I am physically and mentally exhausted for example, it is easier to find sensations that I would describe as me having an aversion to.
'While sitting' - so, my practice of 'investigating and noticing of dukkha' I would describe as noticing anywhere there is stress, aversion, tension, and observing it, noticing how it is impermanent, not self, and relaxing. With this practice, the unpleasant reaction to dukkha sort of goes away, or is seen through. "Oh look, there's tension." "Oh look, there are sensations."
I can see then, okay, what really is this 'dukkha' stemming from or caused by, and the answer is kind of at the emotional level, it feels kind of like a tightness, in the stomach area, with sort of a warmth to it, and it's an overall unpleasant feeling, but it's just there, and I'm not really reacting to it, it's just another emotional sensation, and sometimes it's there, sometimes it's not. A knot in the stomach.
What is the cause of the knot? could be anything. Could be nothing. Maybe I'm just having a bad day, something bad happened or I'm upset about something. Doesn't really matter.
I hope that's helpful? I've been thinking about this question a lot actually and I'm not really sure how to answer it.
Chris M, modified 1 Month ago at 12/19/24 3:47 PM
Created 1 Month ago at 12/19/24 3:46 PM
RE: JW's Third Log
Posts: 5614 Join Date: 1/26/13 Recent Posts
JW, I suggest you investigate those sensations you just described. In detail. How do they arise and how do they pass? What is happening in your experience as they play out in short bursts of time? How are those sensations different than other sensations that you don't call dukkha? Is there a difference? There is a distinct beginning, middle and end to every sensation, called the arising and passing away. What is that like?
From MCTB2 (
From MCTB2 (
Somehow this exceedingly important message doesn’t typically seem to get through to insight meditators, so they spend much time doing anything but looking precisely, moment to moment, into the three characteristics. They may be thinking about something, lost in the stories and tape loops of the mind, trying to work out their stuff, philosophizing, trying to quiet the mind, or who knows what, and this can go on retreat after retreat, year after year, decade after decade, and of course they wonder why they don’t have any insight yet. This is a tragedy of monumental proportions, but you do not have to be part of it! You can be one of those insight meditators who knows what to do, does it, and finally gets it in the truest sense.
J W, modified 1 Month ago at 12/19/24 3:49 PM
Created 1 Month ago at 12/19/24 3:49 PM
RE: JW's Third Log
Posts: 771 Join Date: 2/11/20 Recent Posts
Ok, I will do that. Thanks, Chris.
"Is there a difference?"
No, ultimately there's not a difference. That much is clear to me, on some level at least.
"Is there a difference?"
No, ultimately there's not a difference. That much is clear to me, on some level at least.
Chris M, modified 1 Month ago at 12/19/24 3:51 PM
Created 1 Month ago at 12/19/24 3:50 PM
RE: JW's Third Log
Posts: 5614 Join Date: 1/26/13 Recent PostsBahiya Baby, modified 1 Month ago at 12/19/24 3:54 PM
Created 1 Month ago at 12/19/24 3:54 PM
RE: JW's Third Log
Posts: 971 Join Date: 5/26/23 Recent Posts
Dukkha is not just aversion but also greed and indifference. We can see gred and subtle clinging at play in meditation when things feel good.
J W, modified 1 Month ago at 12/19/24 4:01 PM
Created 1 Month ago at 12/19/24 4:01 PM
RE: JW's Third Log
Posts: 771 Join Date: 2/11/20 Recent PostsPapa Che Dusko, modified 1 Month ago at 12/19/24 5:39 PM
Created 1 Month ago at 12/19/24 5:39 PM
RE: JW's Third Log
Posts: 3350 Join Date: 3/1/20 Recent Posts
This-mind seems to do an impossible task really. Tap-dancing in the utter dark and trying to make sense of it. It helps to not have ill will towards this-mind.
+1 on what Chris is suggesting. Several months of daily practice will uncover lots of stuff and make things a bit more clear.
If not sure how to proceed then staying with the body sensations is always the safest in my experience. What is the body sensation? What is its feeling tone? On and on, one after the other ... keep at it! You can do this JW!
+1 on what Chris is suggesting. Several months of daily practice will uncover lots of stuff and make things a bit more clear.
If not sure how to proceed then staying with the body sensations is always the safest in my experience. What is the body sensation? What is its feeling tone? On and on, one after the other ... keep at it! You can do this JW!
J W, modified 1 Month ago at 12/19/24 7:34 PM
Created 1 Month ago at 12/19/24 7:34 PM
RE: JW's Third Log
Posts: 771 Join Date: 2/11/20 Recent PostsPapa Che Dusko, modified 1 Month ago at 12/19/24 8:01 PM
Created 1 Month ago at 12/19/24 8:01 PM
RE: JW's Third Log
Posts: 3350 Join Date: 3/1/20 Recent Posts
It's just me playing with words. Ignore it
"This~mind" is any and all right now experience in flux.
Sorry for confusion caused. Just ignore it.

"This~mind" is any and all right now experience in flux.
Sorry for confusion caused. Just ignore it.
J W, modified 1 Month ago at 1/6/25 5:32 PM
Created 1 Month ago at 1/6/25 5:32 PM
RE: JW's Third Log
Posts: 771 Join Date: 2/11/20 Recent Posts
I can't wait to start a daily practice again. Still not able to as things are too crazy and I'd rather wait until I can really commit to an hour plus per day.
Last night, a bear dream:
Don't feed the bears, they said.
Just one goldfish, I insisted.
The bear ran towards me. More and more goldfish I kept feeding it. Pretty soon, it became aggressive, roaring and rushing towards me.
I ran out of goldfish.
The bear jumped at me, and I went limp, played dead, let it bite me. I could feel its teeth as they pressed up against my left eye.
I felt some pressure, then release. It was a play bite.
The bear is now my friend. Good for guarding houses.
Oh what could it mean, I wonder? ;)
Coincidentally... the bear... symbol of Russia... and California. Unfortunately, one is extinct.
Last night, a bear dream:
Don't feed the bears, they said.
Just one goldfish, I insisted.
The bear ran towards me. More and more goldfish I kept feeding it. Pretty soon, it became aggressive, roaring and rushing towards me.
I ran out of goldfish.
The bear jumped at me, and I went limp, played dead, let it bite me. I could feel its teeth as they pressed up against my left eye.
I felt some pressure, then release. It was a play bite.
The bear is now my friend. Good for guarding houses.
Oh what could it mean, I wonder? ;)
Coincidentally... the bear... symbol of Russia... and California. Unfortunately, one is extinct.
Papa Che Dusko, modified 1 Month ago at 1/6/25 6:30 PM
Created 1 Month ago at 1/6/25 6:30 PM
RE: JW's Third Log
Posts: 3350 Join Date: 3/1/20 Recent Posts
Russia is not my enemy!
Looking forward to reading your daily reports mate!
But no rush! Let the desire for sitting ripen! Water it with Dukkha, as Dukkha is the great redeemer!
Looking forward to reading your daily reports mate!

J W, modified 1 Month ago at 1/6/25 6:55 PM
Created 1 Month ago at 1/6/25 6:55 PM
RE: JW's Third Log
Posts: 771 Join Date: 2/11/20 Recent PostsPapa Che Dusko, modified 1 Month ago at 1/6/25 6:59 PM
Created 1 Month ago at 1/6/25 6:59 PM
RE: JW's Third Log
Posts: 3350 Join Date: 3/1/20 Recent PostsJ W, modified 8 Days ago at 2/1/25 9:54 PM
Created 8 Days ago at 2/1/25 9:54 PM
RE: JW's Third Log
Posts: 771 Join Date: 2/11/20 Recent Posts
Random scattered musings and notes to myself over last several days. Hope to start logging more:
Today was quite the shit storm, and when sitting the Dhukka was everywhere , as Che put it earlier, ripe for the picking.
I’ve been sitting regularly again, which is nice.
Once the prickly effect of the sensations died down into a softer, numb buzz, I started to feel and listen at the emotional level (gut level)
I felt a sadness. I imagined myself a wolf, howling up at the moon. I imagined myself surrounded by a chorus of wolves, all crying at the moon from the dark forest.
I hope that the people will stand together while the powers seek to divide. Community is just so important, now more than ever.
I notice sometimes that the self is way less present- when in deep concentration, meditative or non-meditative. Other times it’s kinda there kinda not there. Other times it’s grasping in your face very obviously there.
It’s definitely impermanent and transient, in flux, not static. And the self sense has a effect on the entirety of one’s sensory experience and the way that things are perceived, as the sense doors are filtered and reflected through this self-sense. Some sort of theory at least.
I guess at times I feel more present, or more distant, and even presence itself can feel different and has different aspects to it- there’s like ‘one-pointed’ prescence, when there’s just not much of anything being perceived at the visual level and it’s all just sort of emotion and feeling.
Then there’s like, presence of the sense doors/stimuli, where there is a closeness and a detail (newness?) to everything in the visual and audio fields.
I think this all is related to the self sense somehow… just rambling now though it seems.
Another thing I’ve noticed, I really am quite lazy. Like, I may have only a matter of weeks before I will need to pack up and leave the country (I exaggerate of course, but who knows). I really should be writing as much as possible while i can, while i have some stability. Meditating is always good too. And most importantly, focus on things that feel authentic and natural and real. Spend less time on mindless meaningless games. Though some of that is probably okay too.
Meditating today (quick one), it feels really pleasant. Even in the worst of times, there is still good, and there will always be good days, just like there will always be bad days. Enjoy it when you can.
Today was quite the shit storm, and when sitting the Dhukka was everywhere , as Che put it earlier, ripe for the picking.
I’ve been sitting regularly again, which is nice.
Once the prickly effect of the sensations died down into a softer, numb buzz, I started to feel and listen at the emotional level (gut level)
I felt a sadness. I imagined myself a wolf, howling up at the moon. I imagined myself surrounded by a chorus of wolves, all crying at the moon from the dark forest.
I hope that the people will stand together while the powers seek to divide. Community is just so important, now more than ever.
I notice sometimes that the self is way less present- when in deep concentration, meditative or non-meditative. Other times it’s kinda there kinda not there. Other times it’s grasping in your face very obviously there.
It’s definitely impermanent and transient, in flux, not static. And the self sense has a effect on the entirety of one’s sensory experience and the way that things are perceived, as the sense doors are filtered and reflected through this self-sense. Some sort of theory at least.
I guess at times I feel more present, or more distant, and even presence itself can feel different and has different aspects to it- there’s like ‘one-pointed’ prescence, when there’s just not much of anything being perceived at the visual level and it’s all just sort of emotion and feeling.
Then there’s like, presence of the sense doors/stimuli, where there is a closeness and a detail (newness?) to everything in the visual and audio fields.
I think this all is related to the self sense somehow… just rambling now though it seems.
Another thing I’ve noticed, I really am quite lazy. Like, I may have only a matter of weeks before I will need to pack up and leave the country (I exaggerate of course, but who knows). I really should be writing as much as possible while i can, while i have some stability. Meditating is always good too. And most importantly, focus on things that feel authentic and natural and real. Spend less time on mindless meaningless games. Though some of that is probably okay too.
Meditating today (quick one), it feels really pleasant. Even in the worst of times, there is still good, and there will always be good days, just like there will always be bad days. Enjoy it when you can.