feeling anxious while sitting - Discussion
feeling anxious while sitting
A T M, modified 11 Years ago at 12/2/12 8:51 AM
Created 11 Years ago at 12/2/12 8:51 AM
feeling anxious while sitting
Posts: 9 Join Date: 4/23/12 Recent Posts
Hi folks.
Just a beginner of some sorts here; taking the first few steps towards improving my concentration. I am sensitive to my own energy, having felt it swirl, move, condense, etc. Even have had moments when that energy has become still and full, to a degree where that became a nice object to focus on. This is pleasant but regardless of object, I have been hitting road blocks early on while sitting.
The problem is that I have had trouble recently with staying the object. I usually focus on the movements below my navel. Which is fine at first. But then I notice my energy rising up, in a gross fashion, and it brings on anxiety, often causing me to change positions or just stop meditating. My heart becomes more audile and then that freaks me out even more. I wonder if it is because I focus so much on the breath that I actually strain my breathing and this becomes a matter of pure physiology or is it for some other reason? Maybe underlying anxiety (which I have experienced a bit) that just becomes glaringly obvious when my mind becomes relatively still? I don't know.
Do you have any advice here? Maybe a different object is necessary? Am I trying too hard? Should I just push through those moments (which happen quite early on in session) and bring my focus back to the belly? Any advice would be appreciate.
Thank you.
Just a beginner of some sorts here; taking the first few steps towards improving my concentration. I am sensitive to my own energy, having felt it swirl, move, condense, etc. Even have had moments when that energy has become still and full, to a degree where that became a nice object to focus on. This is pleasant but regardless of object, I have been hitting road blocks early on while sitting.
The problem is that I have had trouble recently with staying the object. I usually focus on the movements below my navel. Which is fine at first. But then I notice my energy rising up, in a gross fashion, and it brings on anxiety, often causing me to change positions or just stop meditating. My heart becomes more audile and then that freaks me out even more. I wonder if it is because I focus so much on the breath that I actually strain my breathing and this becomes a matter of pure physiology or is it for some other reason? Maybe underlying anxiety (which I have experienced a bit) that just becomes glaringly obvious when my mind becomes relatively still? I don't know.
Do you have any advice here? Maybe a different object is necessary? Am I trying too hard? Should I just push through those moments (which happen quite early on in session) and bring my focus back to the belly? Any advice would be appreciate.
Thank you.
Jane Laurel Carrington, modified 11 Years ago at 12/2/12 1:52 PM
Created 11 Years ago at 12/2/12 1:50 PM
RE: feeling anxious while sitting
Posts: 196 Join Date: 12/29/10 Recent Posts
Anxiety will definitely arise when the mind is still. And having your heart beat like a jackhammer can be off-putting if you're not used to it (I've gotten very used to it). But "pushing" is not the right approach; you need gentleness along with perseverance. One possible approach is not to try sitting for long periods at first, but maybe time brief sits and walking meditation in alternation. During the walk focus on the soles of the feet in contact with the floor. This will ground your energy; then when you return to the cushion focus on the sensations of your body in contact with the cushion (your bottom, to be exact), another way of grounding yourself. You can also cautiously nudge the anxious sensation with a view to observing how it breaks down into its component parts; get very, very familiar with it (from what you say in your post it sounds as if you are familiar with it already). If you try to push it away you will defeat your purpose. Eventually you may begin to settle enough to be able to return to a focus on the breath. Good luck, Laurel
P.S. When I first started noting, I immediately went into jerky, spastic jolts of energy in the legs and then in the upper body as well. Your system may be working out some kind of energetic buildup. If you know that this is normal, you won't be likely to freak out. In every case, the key is to keep an open awareness of whatever is happening.
P.S. When I first started noting, I immediately went into jerky, spastic jolts of energy in the legs and then in the upper body as well. Your system may be working out some kind of energetic buildup. If you know that this is normal, you won't be likely to freak out. In every case, the key is to keep an open awareness of whatever is happening.
fivebells , modified 11 Years ago at 12/2/12 2:08 PM
Created 11 Years ago at 12/2/12 2:08 PM
RE: feeling anxious while sitting
Posts: 563 Join Date: 2/25/11 Recent Posts
Try metta meditation. Once you get practiced at cultivating metta for people, it is good to cultivate it for the sensations you are construing as anxiety.
A T M, modified 11 Years ago at 12/3/12 8:14 PM
Created 11 Years ago at 12/3/12 8:14 PM
RE: feeling anxious while sitting
Posts: 9 Join Date: 4/23/12 Recent Posts
Jane and fivebells thank you for the advice. I appreciate that you take the time to help a newbie (feel like I've been one for a while now...)
I like the idea of gentleness coupled with perseverance. Sounds like the kind of balance that is needed in everyday life as well.
Fivebells, I will check out that metta link as well.
I like the idea of gentleness coupled with perseverance. Sounds like the kind of balance that is needed in everyday life as well.
Fivebells, I will check out that metta link as well.