Secong part of Tarin's talk at Cheeath house?

Secong part of Tarin's talk at Cheeath house? do i know 1/29/13 2:02 PM
RE: Secong part of Tarin's talk at Cheeath house? Alan Smithee 1/30/13 12:37 AM
RE: Secong part of Tarin's talk at Cheeath house? do i know 1/30/13 2:03 AM
RE: Secong part of Tarin's talk at Cheeath house? Martin Potter 1/29/13 4:03 PM
RE: Secong part of Tarin's talk at Cheeath house? do i know 1/30/13 12:34 PM
RE: Secong part of Tarin's talk at Cheeath house? do i know 1/30/13 12:37 PM
RE: Secong part of Tarin's talk at Cheeath house? Nikolai . 1/30/13 8:01 PM
RE: Secong part of Tarin's talk at Cheeath house? Daniel M. Ingram 1/31/13 1:28 AM
RE: Secong part of Tarin's talk at Cheeath house? do i know 1/31/13 2:19 AM
RE: Secong part of Tarin's talk at Cheeath house? Simon Ekstrand 1/31/13 2:25 AM
RE: Secong part of Tarin's talk at Cheeath house? bud . 1/31/13 6:47 AM
RE: Secong part of Tarin's talk at Cheeath house? Alan Smithee 1/31/13 2:00 PM
RE: Secong part of Tarin's talk at Cheeath house? do i know 1/31/13 12:55 PM
RE: Secong part of Tarin's talk at Cheeath house? Simon Ekstrand 1/31/13 1:31 PM
RE: Secong part of Tarin's talk at Cheeath house? do i know 1/31/13 2:03 PM
RE: Secong part of Tarin's talk at Cheeath house? Simon Ekstrand 1/31/13 2:37 PM
RE: Secong part of Tarin's talk at Cheeath house? Felipe C. 1/31/13 2:55 PM
RE: Secong part of Tarin's talk at Cheeath house? Alan Smithee 1/31/13 2:51 PM
RE: Secong part of Tarin's talk at Cheeath house? Adam Bieber 2/5/13 5:45 PM
RE: Secong part of Tarin's talk at Cheeath house? Alan Smithee 2/5/13 7:22 PM
RE: Secong part of Tarin's talk at Cheeath house? Adam Bieber 2/5/13 9:07 PM
RE: Secong part of Tarin's talk at Cheeath house? Beoman Claudiu Dragon Emu Fire Golem 2/5/13 10:11 PM
RE: Secong part of Tarin's talk at Cheeath house? Nikolai . 2/6/13 2:43 AM
RE: Secong part of Tarin's talk at Cheeath house? Beoman Claudiu Dragon Emu Fire Golem 2/6/13 8:12 AM
RE: Secong part of Tarin's talk at Cheeath house? Adam Bieber 2/6/13 1:51 PM
RE: Secong part of Tarin's talk at Cheeath house? Alan Smithee 2/6/13 2:04 PM
RE: Secong part of Tarin's talk at Cheeath house? Beoman Claudiu Dragon Emu Fire Golem 2/6/13 2:55 PM
RE: Secong part of Tarin's talk at Cheeath house? Brother Pussycat 2/7/13 2:37 AM
RE: Secong part of Tarin's talk at Cheeath house? Daniel M. Ingram 2/7/13 3:15 AM
RE: Secong part of Tarin's talk at Cheeath house? Rotten Tomato 2/8/13 6:01 AM
RE: Secong part of Tarin's talk at Cheeath house? Daniel M. Ingram 2/8/13 7:17 AM
RE: Secong part of Tarin's talk at Cheeath house? Joshua, the solitary 2/6/13 3:11 PM
RE: Secong part of Tarin's talk at Cheeath house? Simon Ekstrand 2/7/13 12:11 AM
RE: Secong part of Tarin's talk at Cheeath house? Felipe C. 1/31/13 1:15 PM
RE: Secong part of Tarin's talk at Cheeath house? Eric G 2/6/13 5:00 PM
RE: Secong part of Tarin's talk at Cheeath house? do i know 2/7/13 2:03 AM
do i know, modified 11 Years ago at 1/29/13 2:02 PM
Created 11 Years ago at 1/29/13 1:53 PM

Secong part of Tarin's talk at Cheeath house?

Posts: 19 Join Date: 1/25/13 Recent Posts
Anyone who has it or can get a hold of it?

For reference part one.
Alan Smithee, modified 11 Years ago at 1/30/13 12:37 AM
Created 11 Years ago at 1/29/13 3:41 PM

RE: Secong part of Tarin's talk at Cheeath house?

Posts: 310 Join Date: 4/2/10 Recent Posts
I wish I could hear a darn thing Tarin was saying. I'm interested in listening to this, but it is too soft.

Note: After posting the above, I tried listening with headphones, and this helped.
Martin Potter, modified 11 Years ago at 1/29/13 4:03 PM
Created 11 Years ago at 1/29/13 4:03 PM

RE: Secong part of Tarin's talk at Cheeath house?

Posts: 86 Join Date: 8/22/09 Recent Posts
Send a PM to willoughby britton on this forum, she is the director of Britton Lab who uploaded the talk (and i think is the person speaking with Tarin in the clip at cheetah house).

Please let us know if you find it as i would also be interested to hear.
do i know, modified 11 Years ago at 1/30/13 2:03 AM
Created 11 Years ago at 1/30/13 2:03 AM

RE: Secong part of Tarin's talk at Cheeath house?

Posts: 19 Join Date: 1/25/13 Recent Posts
It does sound like it has been recorded in a desert storm but is understandable nonetheless. Think of it as a mindfulness/attentiveness exercise emoticon. Also i personally find Tarin's advice quite valuable so...

Anyhow, whoever has contact to miss Britton, please do ask her about that talk because it can be very valuable. There is just something special( a feeling tone emoticon hahaha) that is being communicated through speech.
do i know, modified 11 Years ago at 1/30/13 12:34 PM
Created 11 Years ago at 1/30/13 6:16 AM

RE: Secong part of Tarin's talk at Cheeath house?

Posts: 19 Join Date: 1/25/13 Recent Posts
I sent miss Britton a mail.
Fingers crossed!
do i know, modified 11 Years ago at 1/30/13 12:37 PM
Created 11 Years ago at 1/30/13 12:37 PM

RE: Secong part of Tarin's talk at Cheeath house?

Posts: 19 Join Date: 1/25/13 Recent Posts
Is there anyone here who knows Britton and can ask her about the talk?
Nikolai , modified 11 Years ago at 1/30/13 8:01 PM
Created 11 Years ago at 1/30/13 8:01 PM

RE: Secong part of Tarin's talk at Cheeath house?

Posts: 1677 Join Date: 1/23/10 Recent Posts
do i know:
Is there anyone here who knows Britton and can ask her about the talk?

I am assuming it was taken down at Tarin's request after he said he did not know what an actual freedom was and therefore could not give advice on it in january or february of last year.

Daniel M Ingram, modified 11 Years ago at 1/31/13 1:28 AM
Created 11 Years ago at 1/31/13 1:28 AM

RE: Secong part of Tarin's talk at Cheeath house?

Posts: 3277 Join Date: 4/20/09 Recent Posts
I just talked with Tarin about his current state of practice, and I really wish he would say something or write something publicly, but he isn't at the moment, and so that is all I will say, except that his feedback would be of value, so perhaps others can talk him into some more engagement, as his current perspective is of relevance.
do i know, modified 11 Years ago at 1/31/13 2:19 AM
Created 11 Years ago at 1/31/13 2:19 AM

RE: Secong part of Tarin's talk at Cheeath house?

Posts: 19 Join Date: 1/25/13 Recent Posts
Well, if that is the current state of affairs, so be it.
Practicing with enough information certainly trumps waiting around for better information.
Simon Ekstrand, modified 11 Years ago at 1/31/13 2:25 AM
Created 11 Years ago at 1/31/13 2:25 AM

RE: Secong part of Tarin's talk at Cheeath house?

Posts: 245 Join Date: 9/23/11 Recent Posts
It seems to be a recurring theme that the people with a high level of (claimed) attainment disappear from public view. I understand that the urge to participate in a forum like the DhO must be greatly diminished if one feels oneself 'done' with practice, but it would be so very interesting to have an update on the current state of life and practice of people like Tarin, Trent, Nicolai, you Daniel and any others in similar situations - both AF and any other type of practitioners.
bud , modified 11 Years ago at 1/31/13 6:47 AM
Created 11 Years ago at 1/31/13 6:47 AM

RE: Secong part of Tarin's talk at Cheeath house?

Posts: 49 Join Date: 6/6/11 Recent Posts
Simon E:
It seems to be a recurring theme that the people with a high level of (claimed) attainment disappear from public view. I understand that the urge to participate in a forum like the DhO must be greatly diminished if one feels oneself 'done' with practice, but it would be so very interesting to have an update on the current state of life and practice of people like Tarin, Trent, Nicolai, you Daniel and any others in similar situations - both AF and any other type of practitioners.

Agreed! I hope they all know how appreciated their posts are.
Alan Smithee, modified 11 Years ago at 1/31/13 2:00 PM
Created 11 Years ago at 1/31/13 12:27 PM

RE: Secong part of Tarin's talk at Cheeath house?

Posts: 310 Join Date: 4/2/10 Recent Posts
Nikolai and Daniel continue to post, but admittedly, after a huge amount of energy, enthusiasm, and controversy about AF inspired practice, there seems to be a major silence about it now. Everyone is "reconsidering" their positions, etc., blogs about the subject have been removed, AF inspired practitioners have gone into silence. I have no idea what to make of it all! I mean, do AF inspired practices produce everything it was at various points claimed that they do, or did folks go overboard in their claims? Are AF inspired practitioners free from affect and all that, or was this an illusion of some sort, or was it true but not sustainable? Tommy now clams no attainments in his Back from the Black thread. Richard from the AF Trust ended up being a nutter of some type, though I don't really know the details on that either. At some point, I'd appreciate if hardcore AF inspired practitioners could rally and provide the rest of us an update on their phenomenology, thoughts, and positions, or at least sum up the events which transpired into a coherent narrative. I have no stakes in this either way, but I am immensely curious to say the least. At one point it appeared that AF inspired practice produced results which called into question certain claims made in MCToB, but since no-one has clarified their positions as of late, I don't know where MCToB stands in relation to it all. I'm kinda just waiting for MCToB 2 to come out, hoping it will include the fore mentioned clarifications. After the explosion of experimentation and innovation and exploration into AF inspired practice, we need a state of the nation address.
do i know, modified 11 Years ago at 1/31/13 12:55 PM
Created 11 Years ago at 1/31/13 12:55 PM

RE: Secong part of Tarin's talk at Cheeath house?

Posts: 19 Join Date: 1/25/13 Recent Posts
Hey Alan.
I take it you have some doubt about what exactly is possible AF-wise. The fact that a few people we consider to be sensible non nut jobs (Tarin, Trent, Stefanie, Jill, Christian and possibly others) have been so sure as to possibly mistake their condition means that at-least that is possible i.e. being so happy and harmless so as to mistake it for the final attainment. And i would be happy with that( pun intended) ;).
Also the doubt itself is ripe material for investigation.

So good luck and have fun on the way to freedom.
Felipe C, modified 11 Years ago at 1/31/13 1:15 PM
Created 11 Years ago at 1/31/13 1:13 PM

RE: Secong part of Tarin's talk at Cheeath house?

Posts: 221 Join Date: 5/29/11 Recent Posts

Alan Smithee:

Richard from the AF Trust ended up being a nutter of some type, though I don't really know the details on that either.

This has no basis at all, and has been debunked (again) in the AF Yahoo! list recently.
Simon Ekstrand, modified 11 Years ago at 1/31/13 1:31 PM
Created 11 Years ago at 1/31/13 1:31 PM

RE: Secong part of Tarin's talk at Cheeath house?

Posts: 245 Join Date: 9/23/11 Recent Posts
Hello do i know,
As all the people you list seem to have stopped posting here we really have no idea how their condition had played out over time. Having someone come out and say - "Well, I've been AF(-ish) for a year now and things are just dandy." - or, alternatively - "So, I've been AF(-ish) for a year now and this just ain't all that cool, I've continued my practice in different directions." Either option would be really interesting. And this isn't exclusive to AF, hearing from any high level practitioners from any tradition would be interesting.

Admittedly, Daniel has repeatedly come out and said that he considers his practice to have accomplished good things, which is an interesting datapoint. Daniel has also occasionally updated the DhO regarding his current practice which has been very interesting, but as the founder of the forum he presumably has more inherent loyalty to it.

I fully realize that all of this has no particular benefits for my own practice, but I'm just a regular unenlightened peasant, so I'll just admit to being very curious.

do i know, modified 11 Years ago at 1/31/13 2:03 PM
Created 11 Years ago at 1/31/13 2:00 PM

RE: Secong part of Tarin's talk at Cheeath house?

Posts: 19 Join Date: 1/25/13 Recent Posts
Yes, yes, information is very good. That's the whole point of a community like this.
But my point was more along the line of "go see for yourself" and be the one to share how it is over there. Also i personally doubt that any of these people got worse. What has any appreciable probability of happening is that they possibly may have overlooked some very subtle aspect the identity.

Or given the fact that all of these people were at-least stream enterers and most of them were highly accomplished vipassana meditators(Jill for example supposedly did only vipassana to get wherever she is) something interesting to muse about is whether having attained to path N (1, 2, 3 or 4) in the Theravada sense changes the final result of development. So maybe both Richard and Tarin are without affect( do not experience being) but Tarin, having dropped more fetters than Richard may experience lack of affect + lack of something else(call it Y). This may happen regardless of the duration each spent without affect because Y may be a function of another variable.
This is my explanation for why Richard says that actually free people still experience pure intent vs. Tarin's report of the exact opposite in his experience.
Simon Ekstrand, modified 11 Years ago at 1/31/13 2:37 PM
Created 11 Years ago at 1/31/13 2:37 PM

RE: Secong part of Tarin's talk at Cheeath house?

Posts: 245 Join Date: 9/23/11 Recent Posts
Life being what it is, "go see for yourself" isn't always a realistic option in the short term. I can't be the only one here with a job, children big and small, pets and any number of household tasks that leave very little time for a structured practice at this point in time. I still find the subject fascinating to discuss.

Felipe C, modified 11 Years ago at 1/31/13 2:55 PM
Created 11 Years ago at 1/31/13 2:47 PM

RE: Secong part of Tarin's talk at Cheeath house?

Posts: 221 Join Date: 5/29/11 Recent Posts
Hi, do i know. Just to clarify:

do i know:

So maybe both Richard and Tarin are without affect( do not experience being) but Tarin, having dropped more fetters than Richard may experience lack of affect + lack of something else(call it Y). This may happen regardless of the duration each spent without affect because Y may be a function of another variable.
This is my explanation for why Richard says that actually free people still experience pure intent vs. Tarin's report of the exact opposite in his experience.

That can't be correct. The thing in summary is:

Tarin interpreted "pure intent" as a passional drive (a desire) to eventually get to the purity of the actual world (ie: getting an actual freedom). For example:

As documented at the AFT Website:

• [Tarin]: (...) what everyone i know who has done this has had in common was the pure intent (to arrive to such a state). this - pure intent - is clearly the most determining factor. (


• [Tarin]: something that may also be useful to see: as ‘i’ am ‘my passions’ - which means my emotions, my drives, my desires, *i am thus also my intent*. what you want to have running is this: *‘i’ am pure intent*. [emphases added]. (

Meanwhile, Richard affirms that pure intent is (and, at the same time, comes from) the purity of the actual world itself:

Richard: Pure intent is derived from the purity of the PCE (which is when ‘I’ spontaneously cease to ‘be’) and everything is experienced to be perfect as-it-is at this moment and place ... here and now [...] Pure intent is a manifest life-force; a genuinely occurring stream of benevolence and benignity that originates in the perfect and vast stillness that is the essential character of the infinitude of the universe.

As no affective contamination can get into that purity, Tarin then said that he has not pure intent anymore. So, apparently, there are two options here: 1) Tarin is not actually free because he never got in contact with pure intent (purity) or 2) Tarin is actually free despite his misinterpretation of the original term "pure intent". It can't be the case that, in actual freedom and actualism, "pure intent" could be considered a "fetter". Tarin only claimed that he dropped "pure intent" (as another passion) just as he claimed to drop all passions.
Alan Smithee, modified 11 Years ago at 1/31/13 2:51 PM
Created 11 Years ago at 1/31/13 2:48 PM

RE: Secong part of Tarin's talk at Cheeath house?

Posts: 310 Join Date: 4/2/10 Recent Posts
do i know:
Yes, yes, information is very good. That's the whole point of a community like this.
But my point was more along the line of "go see for yourself" and be the one to share how it is over there. Also i personally doubt that any of these people got worse. What has any appreciable probability of happening is that they possibly may have overlooked some very subtle aspect the identity.

Or given the fact that all of these people were at-least stream enterers and most of them were highly accomplished vipassana meditators(Jill for example supposedly did only vipassana to get wherever she is) something interesting to muse about is whether having attained to path N (1, 2, 3 or 4) in the Theravada sense changes the final result of development. So maybe both Richard and Tarin are without affect( do not experience being) but Tarin, having dropped more fetters than Richard may experience lack of affect + lack of something else(call it Y). This may happen regardless of the duration each spent without affect because Y may be a function of another variable.
This is my explanation for why Richard says that actually free people still experience pure intent vs. Tarin's report of the exact opposite in his experience.

The reason I'm doing vipassana practice now is because of what the Buddha reported and instructed, and what innumerable practitioners over hundreds and hundreds of years reported and instructed, not to mentioned what Daniel reported and instructed in MCToB. Sometimes we need to rely on the reports and instructions of those who have taken the journey before us so as to help guide our own choices, decisions, etc. I would really appreciate a coherent and open discussion of AF inspired practices by those who have the experience so as to assess whether it is something I should dedicate my time and energy to, as opposed to the multitude of other available practice options out there. Plus, as I wrote earlier, some of the claims made about AF experiences differ from claims made about what is possible in MCToB, so I'd like to know what my relationship should be to this text.
Adam Bieber, modified 11 Years ago at 2/5/13 5:45 PM
Created 11 Years ago at 2/5/13 5:45 PM

RE: Secong part of Tarin's talk at Cheeath house?

Posts: 24 Join Date: 1/15/12 Recent Posts
Hi Alan,

I have been practicing actualism for almost two years. It is working and I will continue to pursue an actual freedom. I'd be happy to answer any questions/discuss my practice with you via Skype or some other method. Please let me know on this thread if you have messaged me with details as I usually do not check messages.

Alan Smithee, modified 11 Years ago at 2/5/13 7:22 PM
Created 11 Years ago at 2/5/13 7:22 PM

RE: Secong part of Tarin's talk at Cheeath house?

Posts: 310 Join Date: 4/2/10 Recent Posts
Adam Bieber:
Hi Alan,

I have been practicing actualism for almost two years. It is working and I will continue to pursue an actual freedom. I'd be happy to answer any questions/discuss my practice with you via Skype or some other method. Please let me know on this thread if you have messaged me with details as I usually do not check messages.


Thank you. That is a very kind offer.

However, at this time, I am going after 1st Path, and it is my goal to accomplish this before the end of the year. After this has been done, though, I have mulled over the possibilty of doing Actualist inspired practice, and I will certaily re-consider your offer at that time.

Thanks again and best.
Adam Bieber, modified 11 Years ago at 2/5/13 9:07 PM
Created 11 Years ago at 2/5/13 9:03 PM

RE: Secong part of Tarin's talk at Cheeath house?

Posts: 24 Join Date: 1/15/12 Recent Posts
First path is a meaningless accomplishment, your mind will change a bit, you'll experience some rapture but little definitive changes will occur that will truly satisfy you. Its better to be happy and harmless now and not go after attaining 1st path, which isn't that great or satisfactory in the end.
Beoman Claudiu Dragon Emu Fire Golem, modified 11 Years ago at 2/5/13 10:11 PM
Created 11 Years ago at 2/5/13 10:11 PM

RE: Secong part of Tarin's talk at Cheeath house?

Posts: 2227 Join Date: 10/27/10 Recent Posts
Alan Smithee:
Adam Bieber:
Hi Alan,

I have been practicing actualism for almost two years. It is working and I will continue to pursue an actual freedom. I'd be happy to answer any questions/discuss my practice with you via Skype or some other method. Please let me know on this thread if you have messaged me with details as I usually do not check messages.


Thank you. That is a very kind offer.

However, at this time, I am going after 1st Path, and it is my goal to accomplish this before the end of the year. After this has been done, though, I have mulled over the possibilty of doing Actualist inspired practice, and I will certaily re-consider your offer at that time.

Thanks again and best.

I'd also like to chip and say that, in my experience, 1st Path will actually make it more difficult to pursue actualism and an actual freedom. You'll develop a view of the world and way of experiencing it that is exactly the opposite of what is required to experience pure intent and be felicitous. Food for thought.
Nikolai , modified 11 Years ago at 2/6/13 2:43 AM
Created 11 Years ago at 2/6/13 2:06 AM

RE: Secong part of Tarin's talk at Cheeath house?

Posts: 1677 Join Date: 1/23/10 Recent Posts
Have either of you (beoman and Adam Bieber) had any experience of putting the actualist practice into practice pre-1st path? if not then how do you know it would have been easier?
Beoman Claudiu Dragon Emu Fire Golem, modified 11 Years ago at 2/6/13 8:12 AM
Created 11 Years ago at 2/6/13 8:12 AM

RE: Secong part of Tarin's talk at Cheeath house?

Posts: 2227 Join Date: 10/27/10 Recent Posts
Nikolai .:
Have either of you (beoman and Adam Bieber) had any experience of putting the actualist practice into practice pre-1st path? if not then how do you know it would have been easier?

Because I've had to actively train myself to stop doing a bunch of things I had started to do as a result of meditating as well as unlearn all sorts of mental habits (like seeing everything as impermanent/dukkha, for example). My experience nowadays is a lot closer to how I was before I started meditating than when I was in the midst of it.
Adam Bieber, modified 11 Years ago at 2/6/13 1:51 PM
Created 11 Years ago at 2/6/13 1:44 PM

RE: Secong part of Tarin's talk at Cheeath house?

Posts: 24 Join Date: 1/15/12 Recent Posts
Actual freedom/actualism is not about hard or easy, its about slowly removing the impediments to perfection each moment. First path was a waste of time because it didn't do anything for me except expand a feeling-based reality (expand the plane of being) and therefore, going after 1st path is endlessly "playing" around inside reality rather than becoming harmless and having direct contact with what is actual. Just for clarification on the DHO, I do appreciate Nikolai using the term "actualist practice" because "actualist inspired practice" (which has become a common DHO term) seems to me a reconciliation of actualism or a muddled version of the practice which is unclear. It is better if one is either clearly going after the third alternative whole-heartedly (even if just an experiment to see if one likes it) or not.
Alan Smithee, modified 11 Years ago at 2/6/13 2:04 PM
Created 11 Years ago at 2/6/13 2:04 PM

RE: Secong part of Tarin's talk at Cheeath house?

Posts: 310 Join Date: 4/2/10 Recent Posts
Seriously, someone needs to write a book. I can't keep up with all the machinations revolving around this subject. Hence, my wish that there would be some kind of state of the nation by Actualist inspired practitioners or Actualist practioners [or whatever] about this subject. I really hope that MCToB 2 clarifies some of these matters.

And by the way, why do AF people spend so much time telling vipassana people that they are wasting their time? Daniel is very clear about what MCToB-style enlightenment is all about: non-dual insight. There is no dropping of the fetters, etc. If folks want that, then they should do MCToB-style vipassana. If AF does something else, and folks want that, then they should do AF. Why all "my stuff is better than your stuff"-type shenanigans?
Beoman Claudiu Dragon Emu Fire Golem, modified 11 Years ago at 2/6/13 2:55 PM
Created 11 Years ago at 2/6/13 2:55 PM

RE: Secong part of Tarin's talk at Cheeath house?

Posts: 2227 Join Date: 10/27/10 Recent Posts
Alan Smithee:
And by the way, why do AF people spend so much time telling vipassana people that they are wasting their time? Daniel is very clear about what MCToB-style enlightenment is all about: non-dual insight. There is no dropping of the fetters, etc. If folks want that, then they should do MCToB-style vipassana. If AF does something else, and folks want that, then they should do AF. Why all "my stuff is better than your stuff"-type shenanigans?

I agree, if you want a non-dual experience of the world then MCTB-style vipassana is not a waste of time (and actualism in that case would be a waste of time). I was just pointing out that if you want actual freedom then vipassana is indeed a waste of time. And I'm not trying to force people to pursue actual freedom. If you're referring to your "Getting It Done" thread, I just meant that for me, personally, vipassana was a waste of time (because now I want actual freedom). Nobody else on that thread considered it a waste of time; I just thought I'd share my opinion.
Joshua, the solitary, modified 11 Years ago at 2/6/13 3:11 PM
Created 11 Years ago at 2/6/13 3:11 PM

RE: Secong part of Tarin's talk at Cheeath house?

Posts: 86 Join Date: 9/28/12 Recent Posts
Why is "happy and harmless" banded around as if it is a draw to actualism. Surely this contradicts 'the survival of the fittest'? And how could Kali cut the head off of that dude if she was harmless, it would mess up the whole symbolic picture!

going after 1st path is endlessly "playing" around inside reality rather than becoming harmless and having direct contact with what is actual.

You may be continually experiencing something really great, but I just cannot make anything of that sentence. To have half a chance of understanding, I would need you to define actual, direct contact, harmless, playing and reality. I'm not trying to be a pain, but in my head the sentence is just broken.
Eric G, modified 11 Years ago at 2/6/13 5:00 PM
Created 11 Years ago at 2/6/13 5:00 PM

RE: Secong part of Tarin's talk at Cheeath house?

Posts: 133 Join Date: 5/6/10 Recent Posts
do i know:
Anyone who has it or can get a hold of it?

For reference part one.

For the OP, I just clicked on brittonlab from the link you gave and 2 recordings came up, maybe the 2nd one is what you're looking for:
britton lab recordings
Simon Ekstrand, modified 11 Years ago at 2/7/13 12:11 AM
Created 11 Years ago at 2/7/13 12:11 AM

RE: Secong part of Tarin's talk at Cheeath house?

Posts: 245 Join Date: 9/23/11 Recent Posts
Hi Joshua,

Joshua ..:
Why is "happy and harmless" banded around as if it is a draw to actualism. Surely this contradicts 'the survival of the fittest'? And how could Kali cut the head off of that dude if she was harmless, it would mess up the whole symbolic picture!

going after 1st path is endlessly "playing" around inside reality rather than becoming harmless and having direct contact with what is actual.

You may be continually experiencing something really great, but I just cannot make anything of that sentence. To have half a chance of understanding, I would need you to define actual, direct contact, harmless, playing and reality. I'm not trying to be a pain, but in my head the sentence is just broken.

I'm not sure if I'm understanding you correctly, but the terms in question are used extensively within the actual freedom teachings: which is generally what is meant by "actualism" here on the DhO.

do i know, modified 11 Years ago at 2/7/13 2:03 AM
Created 11 Years ago at 2/7/13 2:03 AM

RE: Secong part of Tarin's talk at Cheeath house?

Posts: 19 Join Date: 1/25/13 Recent Posts
Thanks for the info, but false alarm-the tracks are identical.
Brother Pussycat, modified 11 Years ago at 2/7/13 2:37 AM
Created 11 Years ago at 2/7/13 2:37 AM

RE: Secong part of Tarin's talk at Cheeath house?

Posts: 77 Join Date: 12/21/11 Recent Posts
Alan Smithee:
Seriously, someone needs to write a book. I can't keep up with all the machinations revolving around this subject. Hence, my wish that there would be some kind of state of the nation by Actualist inspired practitioners or Actualist practioners [or whatever] about this subject. I really hope that MCToB 2 clarifies some of these matters.

And by the way, why do AF people spend so much time telling vipassana people that they are wasting their time? Daniel is very clear about what MCToB-style enlightenment is all about: non-dual insight. There is no dropping of the fetters, etc. If folks want that, then they should do MCToB-style vipassana. If AF does something else, and folks want that, then they should do AF. Why all "my stuff is better than your stuff"-type shenanigans?

Here's a thought - why don't you pick a practice that feels the most enjoyable and/or meaningful to you right off the bat, and just stick to it? Without drawing yourself away from the fun of the practice by wondering about attainments from this or that tradition.
Daniel M Ingram, modified 11 Years ago at 2/7/13 3:15 AM
Created 11 Years ago at 2/7/13 3:15 AM

RE: Secong part of Tarin's talk at Cheeath house?

Posts: 3277 Join Date: 4/20/09 Recent Posts
I personally am getting a lot out of what I am doing right now, which is paying an outrageous amount of attention to everything all the time. It is hard go argue against it, as better data yields better conclusions and outcomes, at least eventually, so it seems.

It is simple, straightforward, and useful, I find.

Now, different emphases to produce different results, and so whatever you feel needs filling out or more benefit, which could be anything, I would give more attention to.

For instance, if you feel there is instability: pay attention to that. If there is emotional complexity: pay attention to that. If there is peace: pay attention to that. If there is something you want to know more about how it works, or to modify its function in some positive way: start by paying a lot of attention to exactly how it works and what it is doing. It is sound advice, I believe, and it has worked well for me.

It also avoids tedious debates from dogmatic traditions and just makes sense.

Anyway, that's where I am at at the moment.

Oh, and apparently Tarin did not appreciate my request for others to encourage him to talk about whatever is going on with him, so perhaps let him come back on his own time.

Rotten Tomato, modified 11 Years ago at 2/8/13 6:01 AM
Created 11 Years ago at 2/8/13 6:01 AM

RE: Secong part of Tarin's talk at Cheeath house?

Posts: 22 Join Date: 7/24/12 Recent Posts
Daniel M. Ingram:
I personally am getting a lot out of what I am doing right now, which is paying an outrageous amount of attention to everything all the time. It is hard go argue against it, as better data yields better conclusions and outcomes, at least eventually, so it seems.

It is simple, straightforward, and useful, I find.

Now, different emphases to produce different results, and so whatever you feel needs filling out or more benefit, which could be anything, I would give more attention to.

For instance, if you feel there is instability: pay attention to that. If there is emotional complexity: pay attention to that. If there is peace: pay attention to that. If there is something you want to know more about how it works, or to modify its function in some positive way: start by paying a lot of attention to exactly how it works and what it is doing. It is sound advice, I believe, and it has worked well for me.

It also avoids tedious debates from dogmatic traditions and just makes sense.

Anyway, that's where I am at at the moment.

Oh, and apparently Tarin did not appreciate my request for others to encourage him to talk about whatever is going on with him, so perhaps let him come back on his own time.


Two things.

1) By paying attention, you mean kind of attention described here ? (That's the attentiveness,sensuosness, appercitveness article)

2) You had asked a question to Richard about dreaming and he replied. Didn't see any further takes on the subject from you. Just curious about that silence.
Daniel M Ingram, modified 11 Years ago at 2/8/13 7:17 AM
Created 11 Years ago at 2/8/13 7:17 AM

RE: Secong part of Tarin's talk at Cheeath house?

Posts: 3277 Join Date: 4/20/09 Recent Posts
Re 1) not necessarily: just straightforward attantion

Re 2) actually, just got tied up in other things and the answer didn't seem to need a reply and seemed straightforward

