Vocab List for noting - Discussion
Vocab List for noting
Cedric , modified 11 Years ago at 2/25/13 4:35 PM
Created 11 Years ago at 2/25/13 4:35 PM
Vocab List for noting
Posts: 89 Join Date: 12/25/12 Recent Posts
Hey, so we have the McGill Pain Questionaire http://0.tqn.com/d/pain/1/0/U/-/-/-/final.gif
Are there any other lists of vocab helpful for noting articulately that any one knows of?
Are there any other lists of vocab helpful for noting articulately that any one knows of?
Cedric , modified 11 Years ago at 2/25/13 4:36 PM
Created 11 Years ago at 2/25/13 4:36 PM
RE: Vocab List for noting
Posts: 89 Join Date: 12/25/12 Recent PostsCedric , modified 11 Years ago at 2/25/13 5:24 PM
Created 11 Years ago at 2/25/13 5:24 PM
RE: Vocab List for noting
Posts: 89 Join Date: 12/25/12 Recent Posts
Useful Vocab, mostly rephrasing the Three Characteristics:
casual: accidental, adventitious, by chance, contingent,erratic, extemporaneous, extempore, fluky,fortuitous, impromptu, improvised, impulsive,incidental, infrequent, irregular, occasional, odd,offhand, serendipitous, spontaneous, uncertain,unexpected, unforeseen, unintentional, unplanned,unpremeditated
cause and effect:causal nexus, cause and effect , chain of circumstances, chemical reaction, concatenation ofevents, domino effect, powder train, ripples in apond, vicious circle
suffering: adversity, affliction, anguish, difficulty, discomfort,distress, dolor, hardship, martyrdom, misery,misfortune, ordeal, passion, torment, torture
unsatisfactory: amiss, bad, damaged, deficient, disappointing,disconcerting, displeasing, disquieting, distressing,disturbing, for the birds, junky, lame, mediocre, nogood, not good enough, not up to par, offensive,poor, regrettable, rotten, schlocky, second, thin,unacceptable, undesirable, unsuitable, unwelcome,unworthy, upsetting, vexing, weak, wrong
busted, coming unglued, coming unstuck, defective,disabled, down, exhausted, fallen apart, faulty,feeble, gone, gone to pieces, gone to pot, haywire,imperfect, in disrepair, in need of repair, in theshop, inoperable, kaput, not functioning, on theblink, on the fritz, on the shelf, out, out ofcommission, out of kilter, out of order, out ofwhack, ruined, run-down, screwed up, shot, spent,unsatisfactory, weak, wracked, wrecked
misery: ache, agony, anguish, anvil chorus, bad news,blues, depression, desolation, despair,despondency, discomfort, distress, dolor, gloom,grief, hardship, headache, heartache, hurting,melancholy, pang, passion, sadness, sorrow,squalor, stitch, suffering, throe, torment, torture,twinge, unhappiness, woe, worriment, worry,wretchedness
anguish, hurt, misery, pang, pounding, smarting,soreness, spasm, suffering, throb, throbbing, throe,twinge
dukkha: (Pāli; Sanskrit: duḥkha; Tibetan sdug bsngal) is a Buddhist term commonly translated as "suffering", "stress", "anxiety", or "dissatisfaction". Dukkha is identified as the first of theFour Noble Truths.
impermanence: conciseness, concision, condensation, crispness,curtness, economy, ephemerality, impermanence, pithiness, pointedness, succinctness, terseness,transience, transitoriness
ephemerality, impermanence ,temporality, transience
alternation, anxiety, capriciousness, changeability,changeableness, disequilibrium, disquiet,fickleness, fitfulness, flightiness, fluctuation,fluidity, frailty, hesitation, immaturity,impermanence , inconsistency, inquietude,insecurity, irregularity, irresolution, mutability,oscillation, pliancy, precariousness, restlessness,shakiness, transience, uncertainty, unfixedness,unpredictability, unreliability, unstableness,unsteadiness, unsureness, vacillation, variability,volatility, vulnerability, wavering, weakness*
flux: alteration, change, flow, fluctuation, fluidity,instability, modification, motion, mutability,mutation, transition, unrest
course, draught, drift, ebb and flow, flood, flux, jet,juice, progression, river, run, rush, spate, stream,tidal motion, tide
flitter: blare, blaze, blink, burn, dance, flare, flash, flit,flitter , fluctuate, glance, gleam, glimmer, glint,glitter, glow, hover, oscillate, quaver, quiver,scintillate, shimmer, swing, tremble, twinkle,vibrate, waver
agitate, bat, beat, dance, drift, flicker, flit, flitter ,flop, fluctuate, hover, lop, oscillate, palpitate,pulsate, quaver, quiver, ripple, ruffle, shake,shiver, swing, throb, tremble, vibrate, wiggle,wobble
unreliability: blunder, corrigendum, deception, defect, erratum,exaggeration, fault, howler, imprecision,incorrectness, inexactness, miscalculation, mistake,slip*, solecism, typo, unfaithfulness, unreliability ,wrong
discrepancy, disparity, doubtfulness, forswearing,inconsistency, perjury, question, unreliability ,untrustworthiness, untruthfulness
fluidity: adaptability, adjustability, flexibility, fluidity ,give*, malleability, plasticity, pliancy, resilience,rubberiness, springiness, suppleness
alteration, change, flow, fluctuation, fluidity ,instability, modification, motion, mutability,mutation, transition, unrest
instability: alternation, anxiety, capriciousness, changeability,changeableness, disequilibrium, disquiet,fickleness, fitfulness, flightiness, fluctuation,fluidity, frailty, hesitation, immaturity,impermanence, inconsistency, inquietude,insecurity, irregularity, irresolution, mutability,oscillation, pliancy, precariousness, restlessness,shakiness, transience, uncertainty, unfixedness,unpredictability, unreliability, unsteadiness,vacillation, variability, volatility, vulnerability,wavering, weakness
airheadedness, capriciousness, changeability,dizziness, fickleness, flippancy, frivolity, giddiness,inconstancy, instability, levity, lightness,mercurialness, variability, volatility, whimsicality,whimsicalness
alteration, change, flow, fluctuation, fluidity,instability, modification, motion, mutability,mutation, transition, unrest
causal: avant garde, breaking new ground, causal ,causative, conceiving, creative, demiurgic,devising, envisioning, fertile, formative, generative,imaginative, ingenious, innovational, innovative,innovatory, inspiring, inventive, novel, originative,productive, quick, ready, resourceful, seminal,sensitive, unconventional, unprecedented, untried,unusual
amiss: awry, bad, confused, crooked, erring, erroneous,fallacious, false, faulty, flawed, foul, glitched up,haywire, imperfect, improper, inaccurate,inappropriate, incorrect, mistaken, out of order,sick, unfair, unlawful, unsuitable, untoward
misery: ache, agony, anguish, anvil chorus, bad news,blues, depression, desolation, despair,despondency, discomfort, distress, dolor, gloom,
casual: accidental, adventitious, by chance, contingent,erratic, extemporaneous, extempore, fluky,fortuitous, impromptu, improvised, impulsive,incidental, infrequent, irregular, occasional, odd,offhand, serendipitous, spontaneous, uncertain,unexpected, unforeseen, unintentional, unplanned,unpremeditated
cause and effect:causal nexus, cause and effect , chain of circumstances, chemical reaction, concatenation ofevents, domino effect, powder train, ripples in apond, vicious circle
suffering: adversity, affliction, anguish, difficulty, discomfort,distress, dolor, hardship, martyrdom, misery,misfortune, ordeal, passion, torment, torture
unsatisfactory: amiss, bad, damaged, deficient, disappointing,disconcerting, displeasing, disquieting, distressing,disturbing, for the birds, junky, lame, mediocre, nogood, not good enough, not up to par, offensive,poor, regrettable, rotten, schlocky, second, thin,unacceptable, undesirable, unsuitable, unwelcome,unworthy, upsetting, vexing, weak, wrong
busted, coming unglued, coming unstuck, defective,disabled, down, exhausted, fallen apart, faulty,feeble, gone, gone to pieces, gone to pot, haywire,imperfect, in disrepair, in need of repair, in theshop, inoperable, kaput, not functioning, on theblink, on the fritz, on the shelf, out, out ofcommission, out of kilter, out of order, out ofwhack, ruined, run-down, screwed up, shot, spent,unsatisfactory, weak, wracked, wrecked
misery: ache, agony, anguish, anvil chorus, bad news,blues, depression, desolation, despair,despondency, discomfort, distress, dolor, gloom,grief, hardship, headache, heartache, hurting,melancholy, pang, passion, sadness, sorrow,squalor, stitch, suffering, throe, torment, torture,twinge, unhappiness, woe, worriment, worry,wretchedness
anguish, hurt, misery, pang, pounding, smarting,soreness, spasm, suffering, throb, throbbing, throe,twinge
dukkha: (Pāli; Sanskrit: duḥkha; Tibetan sdug bsngal) is a Buddhist term commonly translated as "suffering", "stress", "anxiety", or "dissatisfaction". Dukkha is identified as the first of theFour Noble Truths.
impermanence: conciseness, concision, condensation, crispness,curtness, economy, ephemerality, impermanence, pithiness, pointedness, succinctness, terseness,transience, transitoriness
ephemerality, impermanence ,temporality, transience
alternation, anxiety, capriciousness, changeability,changeableness, disequilibrium, disquiet,fickleness, fitfulness, flightiness, fluctuation,fluidity, frailty, hesitation, immaturity,impermanence , inconsistency, inquietude,insecurity, irregularity, irresolution, mutability,oscillation, pliancy, precariousness, restlessness,shakiness, transience, uncertainty, unfixedness,unpredictability, unreliability, unstableness,unsteadiness, unsureness, vacillation, variability,volatility, vulnerability, wavering, weakness*
flux: alteration, change, flow, fluctuation, fluidity,instability, modification, motion, mutability,mutation, transition, unrest
course, draught, drift, ebb and flow, flood, flux, jet,juice, progression, river, run, rush, spate, stream,tidal motion, tide
flitter: blare, blaze, blink, burn, dance, flare, flash, flit,flitter , fluctuate, glance, gleam, glimmer, glint,glitter, glow, hover, oscillate, quaver, quiver,scintillate, shimmer, swing, tremble, twinkle,vibrate, waver
agitate, bat, beat, dance, drift, flicker, flit, flitter ,flop, fluctuate, hover, lop, oscillate, palpitate,pulsate, quaver, quiver, ripple, ruffle, shake,shiver, swing, throb, tremble, vibrate, wiggle,wobble
unreliability: blunder, corrigendum, deception, defect, erratum,exaggeration, fault, howler, imprecision,incorrectness, inexactness, miscalculation, mistake,slip*, solecism, typo, unfaithfulness, unreliability ,wrong
discrepancy, disparity, doubtfulness, forswearing,inconsistency, perjury, question, unreliability ,untrustworthiness, untruthfulness
fluidity: adaptability, adjustability, flexibility, fluidity ,give*, malleability, plasticity, pliancy, resilience,rubberiness, springiness, suppleness
alteration, change, flow, fluctuation, fluidity ,instability, modification, motion, mutability,mutation, transition, unrest
instability: alternation, anxiety, capriciousness, changeability,changeableness, disequilibrium, disquiet,fickleness, fitfulness, flightiness, fluctuation,fluidity, frailty, hesitation, immaturity,impermanence, inconsistency, inquietude,insecurity, irregularity, irresolution, mutability,oscillation, pliancy, precariousness, restlessness,shakiness, transience, uncertainty, unfixedness,unpredictability, unreliability, unsteadiness,vacillation, variability, volatility, vulnerability,wavering, weakness
airheadedness, capriciousness, changeability,dizziness, fickleness, flippancy, frivolity, giddiness,inconstancy, instability, levity, lightness,mercurialness, variability, volatility, whimsicality,whimsicalness
alteration, change, flow, fluctuation, fluidity,instability, modification, motion, mutability,mutation, transition, unrest
causal: avant garde, breaking new ground, causal ,causative, conceiving, creative, demiurgic,devising, envisioning, fertile, formative, generative,imaginative, ingenious, innovational, innovative,innovatory, inspiring, inventive, novel, originative,productive, quick, ready, resourceful, seminal,sensitive, unconventional, unprecedented, untried,unusual
amiss: awry, bad, confused, crooked, erring, erroneous,fallacious, false, faulty, flawed, foul, glitched up,haywire, imperfect, improper, inaccurate,inappropriate, incorrect, mistaken, out of order,sick, unfair, unlawful, unsuitable, untoward
misery: ache, agony, anguish, anvil chorus, bad news,blues, depression, desolation, despair,despondency, discomfort, distress, dolor, gloom,
Adam , modified 11 Years ago at 2/25/13 6:14 PM
Created 11 Years ago at 2/25/13 6:14 PM
RE: Vocab List for noting
Posts: 613 Join Date: 3/20/12 Recent Posts
to be honest i dont think articulateness is relevant... it always seems that it is more about the attention to the object and the word to keep you from discursive distractions. as long as there is some responsiveness involved in word choice so that it doesn't become a robotic mantra type practice, it doesn't seem too important that you get the perfect word. I for example, when dealing with distraction, will note the 6 sense doors... whichever the thing i noticed is occurring in and keep it at that.
but maybe others think it is important to be precise in which label to choose?
but maybe others think it is important to be precise in which label to choose?
Fitter Stoke, modified 11 Years ago at 2/26/13 5:29 AM
Created 11 Years ago at 2/26/13 5:29 AM
RE: Vocab List for noting
Posts: 487 Join Date: 1/23/12 Recent PostsAdam . .:
to be honest i dont think articulateness is relevant... it always seems that it is more about the attention to the object and the word to keep you from discursive distractions. as long as there is some responsiveness involved in word choice so that it doesn't become a robotic mantra type practice, it doesn't seem too important that you get the perfect word. I for example, when dealing with distraction, will note the 6 sense doors... whichever the thing i noticed is occurring in and keep it at that.
but maybe others think it is important to be precise in which label to choose?
but maybe others think it is important to be precise in which label to choose?
I agree with Adam.
Dipa Ma guided her mentally retarded neighbor to stream entry with the noting technique. I guarantee she did not have to use this many words to do it.
tom moylan, modified 11 Years ago at 2/26/13 12:10 PM
Created 11 Years ago at 2/26/13 12:10 PM
RE: Vocab List for noting
Posts: 896 Join Date: 3/7/11 Recent Posts
my list...
touching..tingling, itching
seeing, seeing, seeing
hearext (for external sounds)
hearint (for internal sounds)
when following the chain of the aggregates i will attach a note of "pleasant, unpleasant or neutral", intention or knowing after the initial note.
when using the elements, "air" (for pressure or flow), "earth" for touch, "fire" (for heat or cold)
noting the 3Cs in all of the above.
touching..tingling, itching
seeing, seeing, seeing
hearext (for external sounds)
hearint (for internal sounds)
when following the chain of the aggregates i will attach a note of "pleasant, unpleasant or neutral", intention or knowing after the initial note.
when using the elements, "air" (for pressure or flow), "earth" for touch, "fire" (for heat or cold)
noting the 3Cs in all of the above.
Daniel Russell, modified 11 Years ago at 4/20/13 5:54 AM
Created 11 Years ago at 4/20/13 5:54 AM
RE: Vocab List for noting
Post: 1 Join Date: 4/20/13 Recent Poststom moylan:
hearext (for external sounds)
hearint (for internal sounds)
I just wanted to say that I really found the hearint/hearext distinction very helpful - I'm pretty new to noting and often I would get tied up in thoughts about whether those internal sounds should be noted as hearing or thinking (or remembering or imagining or one of a hundred other things).
Now I'm at a point where I can usually note such distractions themselves reasonably quickly, but in those initial stages the search for an appropriate label was a frequent source of frustration. Many thanks, Tom!