Diamond Approach work of A.H.Almaas - Discussion
Diamond Approach work of A.H.Almaas
Tom Smith, modified 14 Years ago at 3/29/10 2:56 PM
Created 14 Years ago at 3/29/10 2:56 PM
Diamond Approach work of A.H.Almaas
Posts: 140 Join Date: 2/17/10 Recent Posts
Is anyone here familiar with the Diamond Approach work of A.H.Almaas?
In "A Path with Heart", Jack Kornfield say on the dedication page:
To Hameed Ali, A.H.Almaas, for his teachings that so profoundly integrate life, love and the sacred. (A.H.Almaas is the pen name of Hameed Ali)
I have been involved in the Diamond work for about 4 years. I am curious if anyone else here has any experience with it.
If anyone wants to read more about it, here are some links
In "A Path with Heart", Jack Kornfield say on the dedication page:
To Hameed Ali, A.H.Almaas, for his teachings that so profoundly integrate life, love and the sacred. (A.H.Almaas is the pen name of Hameed Ali)
I have been involved in the Diamond work for about 4 years. I am curious if anyone else here has any experience with it.
If anyone wants to read more about it, here are some links
Chuck Kasmire, modified 14 Years ago at 3/31/10 5:02 PM
Created 14 Years ago at 3/31/10 5:02 PM
RE: Diamond Approach work of A.H.Almaas
Posts: 560 Join Date: 8/22/09 Recent Posts
Hi Tom,
I don't have much familiarity with him or his approach but his name popped up on another thread (here) and I have been reading a bit about him.
I am particularly interested in his theory of holes and specifically how he approaches this through practice. Know anything about this aspect of his approach?
I don't have much familiarity with him or his approach but his name popped up on another thread (here) and I have been reading a bit about him.
I am particularly interested in his theory of holes and specifically how he approaches this through practice. Know anything about this aspect of his approach?
Tom Smith, modified 14 Years ago at 3/31/10 8:53 PM
Created 14 Years ago at 3/31/10 8:53 PM
RE: Diamond Approach work of A.H.Almaas
Posts: 140 Join Date: 2/17/10 Recent Posts
Thanks for that link to the other discussion Chuck.
Concerning the theory of holes, rather than try to rewrite here what has already been written better elsewhere, I'll give you some links:
Concerning the theory of holes, rather than try to rewrite here what has already been written better elsewhere, I'll give you some links:
Chuck Kasmire, modified 14 Years ago at 4/1/10 7:25 PM
Created 14 Years ago at 4/1/10 7:25 PM
RE: Diamond Approach work of A.H.Almaas
Posts: 560 Join Date: 8/22/09 Recent Posts
Thanks Tom. These links cover the theory but don't get into the nature of the practice. His description of holes sounds allot like 'energy blocks' in my terminology and I was interested in the array of practices they use to address them (always looking for new tools).
Maybe it would help to say something about how I presently work with them: I approach them from one of two directions:
1) through energy work in the body (internal qi gong, Goenka style body-scanning, etc) blockages can be discerned through the flavor of energy or subtle sensations in a particular area of the body. I don't know what the nature of the block is but that doesn't matter as the opening process is always the same.
2) through mental agitation, emotional reactions, etc. Here I know the nature of the blockage but not the location (in my understanding they only show up as mental phenomena if they have gone unnoticed in the body). By relaxing the tension - particularly in the face and head associated with the agitation - this can sometimes point me to where I need to work in the body and I then proceed as in #1.
So my interest is in what other techniques people may have come up with. Have you done any 'hole' work?
Maybe it would help to say something about how I presently work with them: I approach them from one of two directions:
1) through energy work in the body (internal qi gong, Goenka style body-scanning, etc) blockages can be discerned through the flavor of energy or subtle sensations in a particular area of the body. I don't know what the nature of the block is but that doesn't matter as the opening process is always the same.
2) through mental agitation, emotional reactions, etc. Here I know the nature of the blockage but not the location (in my understanding they only show up as mental phenomena if they have gone unnoticed in the body). By relaxing the tension - particularly in the face and head associated with the agitation - this can sometimes point me to where I need to work in the body and I then proceed as in #1.
So my interest is in what other techniques people may have come up with. Have you done any 'hole' work?
Tom Smith, modified 14 Years ago at 4/2/10 9:53 AM
Created 14 Years ago at 4/2/10 9:53 AM
RE: Diamond Approach work of A.H.Almaas
Posts: 140 Join Date: 2/17/10 Recent PostsSo my interest is in what other techniques people may have come up with.
What you are already doing is similar to some techniques used in the work. There is also lots of work with other people. There is individual work with teachers that can be similar to psycho therapy or reiki. There is work with other students. Here is one thing you could try with a trusted friend. Diamond calls it open ended inquiry.
Sit facing each other. Set a timer for 15 minutes. One person is totally silent and puts their full attention on the other. The other person talks about their experience of the moment. Some times I experience this is sort of like meditating out loud. After 15 minutes switch roles.
It is hard to teach something like this on line. It normally involves a lecture, a demonstration, doing it, talking about it in a group afterwords, asking questions, doing it again, and so on. You can experiment on your own though.
I wrote this up but if you want to try some of this stuff I would recommend you go to one of the workshops.
Chuck Kasmire, modified 14 Years ago at 4/2/10 11:21 AM
Created 14 Years ago at 4/2/10 11:21 AM
RE: Diamond Approach work of A.H.Almaas
Posts: 560 Join Date: 8/22/09 Recent Posts
Thanks Tom. I think the interpersonal element is an important addition. I can see how it would allow participants to work at some deeper levels not readily accessible through traditional meditation practices. I agree that one really needs the hands-on kind of training to learn a practice. Just too many ways you can fool yourself when winging it on your own.
Bernardo V, modified 14 Years ago at 4/3/10 2:19 PM
Created 14 Years ago at 4/3/10 2:19 PM
RE: Diamond Approach work of A.H.Almaas
Posts: 40 Join Date: 11/19/09 Recent Posts
Hello Tom,
I recently begun to read the book one of the Diamond Heat series - ´Elements of Real in Man´, and have the book one of the the Diamond Mind series - ´The Void´ on the waiting list. I have to say that it has been a really interesting and insightful reading. The kind of that you really take your time with. If I ever have the chance, and the resources, I´ll definitively take part in some seminar. Just out of curiosity: what was your experience with Almaas teachings? How do you feel that it was different from your other spiritual practices?
Hello Chuck,
I´m sure that the books are nothing compared with the real thing in person (the seminars), but for those already undertaking psychotherapy ´with a meditative focus´ so to say, for at least some time, it can be a valuable complement. Or even just for those interested in working better with ´their stuff´ on their own. In the book he explains some really interesting psychological dynamics in a very clear fashion and use them as a integral part of spiritual path. At least, in my case, it is doing a good job in helping me to integrate/explore some ´psychological insights´ that I gained in my last retreat, and that only now I´m taking the time to work with. I would really recommend checking one of the books out if you feel drawn to it.
I recently begun to read the book one of the Diamond Heat series - ´Elements of Real in Man´, and have the book one of the the Diamond Mind series - ´The Void´ on the waiting list. I have to say that it has been a really interesting and insightful reading. The kind of that you really take your time with. If I ever have the chance, and the resources, I´ll definitively take part in some seminar. Just out of curiosity: what was your experience with Almaas teachings? How do you feel that it was different from your other spiritual practices?
Hello Chuck,
I´m sure that the books are nothing compared with the real thing in person (the seminars), but for those already undertaking psychotherapy ´with a meditative focus´ so to say, for at least some time, it can be a valuable complement. Or even just for those interested in working better with ´their stuff´ on their own. In the book he explains some really interesting psychological dynamics in a very clear fashion and use them as a integral part of spiritual path. At least, in my case, it is doing a good job in helping me to integrate/explore some ´psychological insights´ that I gained in my last retreat, and that only now I´m taking the time to work with. I would really recommend checking one of the books out if you feel drawn to it.
Tom Smith, modified 14 Years ago at 4/9/10 2:57 PM
Created 14 Years ago at 4/9/10 2:57 PM
RE: Diamond Approach work of A.H.Almaas
Posts: 140 Join Date: 2/17/10 Recent Posts
I'm going to write up something in detail about my experience in Diamond Approach. I'll post it soon.
lotb, modified 6 Years ago at 7/16/18 11:32 AM
Created 6 Years ago at 7/16/18 11:32 AM
RE: Diamond Approach work of A.H.Almaas
Posts: 18 Join Date: 1/6/17 Recent PostsTom Smith:
I'm going to write up something in detail about my experience in Diamond Approach. I'll post it soon.
Hi Tom,
I was wondering if you still practice DA and if you could comment on in it whether or not you do.