LIT Weekend - Minnesota October 2nd & 3rd, 2010

Constance Casey, modified 14 Years ago at 4/18/10 1:59 PM
Created 14 Years ago at 4/18/10 1:59 PM

LIT Weekend - Minnesota October 2nd & 3rd, 2010

Posts: 50 Join Date: 9/21/09 Recent Posts
Hi everybody,
Chuck and I have been putting together a weekend event/gathering for the fall. Following is the announcement. Comments, thoughts, etc. invited.

Thank you all,

"Living In Truth"

Minneapolis, Oct 2nd & 3rd, 2010

Join us in an open exploration of meditation practice - build your skills, connect with others, share your experience. This will be a participatory atmosphere, moderated by facilitators, with a focus on skill development and providing serious practitioners the opportunity to work with one another to deepen their practice. No matter what your skill level there will be something for you to take home and put to use.

Possibilities for discussion/request include:

* Sitting meditation
* Check-ins
* Thai Chi, Qigong
* The role of jhana with insight
* Dealing with distractions
* Walking Meditation
* Noting Practice: How is it done? How does it develop? How do you know when you are doing it correctly?
* Energy Practices: What are they? How are they developed? How does one apply them?
* Balancing every day life with practice and relationships
* Insight meditation
* Deepening practice, working with thoughts, pain, emotions.
* Mindfulness
* Devotional Practices
* Sutta jhanas

The fall colors will be peaking, a good time for walks and enjoying the surrounding colors.

Saturday and Sunday, we will begin at 9am with a 30 minute sitting meditation.
There will be a Pot Luck Supper on Saturday at 6PM, bring a dish to share. Ending 9PM.
Ends on Sunday at 4PM (Clean-up from 4-5PM. Need to be out of building at 5PM)

4141 Old Sibley Memorial Highway, Eagan, Minnesota, 55122
The room is downstairs in the Narnia Conference Room at the quaint Aslan Institute.

Bring your own bag lunch. Also, bring your own zafu, zabuton, backjack, or cushions for floor sitting.
There are chairs to use, if you prefer a chair.

Commitment to attend the entire event is required.
Donation request: approximately $50.00 to cover expenses (Based on 10 people sharing the expenses.)
Please reserve a space by September 1, 2010. (Unless we meet the minimum the event will be cancelled.)

Lodging is on your own. Perhaps folks in town who are coming can help with folks coming from out of town. The location is 15 minutes drive from the airport if coming from out of town.

Contact Constance Casey to register, or with any questions.

Constance Casey is a dedicated meditation practitioner, artist and facilitator.
For more information about Constance Casey, visit her web site at:

Chuck Kasmire, a facilitator from California, has a background in qigong with interests in how to integrate energy type practices with sutta based meditation practices. He is an occasional frequenter of (here) and weighs in on any number of esoteric topics.
Florian, modified 14 Years ago at 4/20/10 5:24 AM
Created 14 Years ago at 4/20/10 5:24 AM

RE: LIT Weekend - Minnesota October 2nd & 3rd, 2010

Posts: 1028 Join Date: 4/28/09 Recent Posts
Very nice!

I won't be able to attend due to geography and personal commitments, but I want to express my appreciation that this kind of real-life training opportunity by DhO regulars exists. This is a very Good Thing to happen.

Constance Casey, modified 14 Years ago at 4/26/10 10:32 PM
Created 14 Years ago at 4/26/10 10:32 PM

RE: LIT Weekend - Minnesota October 2nd & 3rd, 2010

Posts: 50 Join Date: 9/21/09 Recent Posts
We wanted to support a different kind of weekend with more openness in an egalitarian way, so it isn't really like a typical retreat, nor a typical intensive, or workshop event. We feel that people will benefit to the same degree that they participate, and we can set some of the agenda as we go and remain flexible.

Your comments and support are so helpful here, perhaps some day we can enjoy a cup of tea together. Thank you for your support.

Constance Casey, modified 14 Years ago at 7/19/10 8:07 AM
Created 14 Years ago at 7/19/10 8:06 AM

RE: LIT Weekend - Minnesota October 2nd & 3rd, 2010

Posts: 50 Join Date: 9/21/09 Recent Posts
I spoke with the proprietor of the place, and in order to continue to move forward, we need to send more money by August 10th. It appears there isn't enough support for this type of event at this time. Chuck and I will decide to drop it or not by that date and wanted to let you all know.

with metta, Constance
