Types of Dho'ers

A Dietrich Ringle, muokattu 10 Vuodet sitten at 16.4.2014 18:32
Created 10 Vuodet ago at 16.4.2014 18:29

Types of Dho'ers

Viestejä: 881 Liittymispäivä: 4.12.2011 Viimeisimmät viestit
*Please Sticky*

OK, so here are the types of people you encounter on this wonderful site:

1. The bright eyed A&Per. Their defining moment will revolve around some kind of crazy experience they had. Usually it doesn't involve drugs. They might use phrases like "surfing the bliss wave," "sat there for like 25 minutes" or something similar.

2. The "steady as she goes," always gunning for stream entery'er. They provide helpful, somewhat anonymous advice to nearly all types on the website. They have grounded, somewhat normal home lives that keep them from that ever elusive retreat which will "tip them over eq"

3. The Stream Enterer. The least/most common denominator here at the Dho. They like to use words like blip, ease, and waiting. Don't look for any other similarities between these people, because you won't find any beyond this.

4. The meticulous and boring folks. They use big words like AF and write posts that nobody has the time or patience to read, much less intelligence.

5. The random tidbit types. They provide a variety of seasoning from posting links, to sharing half baked ideas, to dropping one liners. (Note, the author most identifies with this latter category)

What am I missing here??
Richard Zen, muokattu 10 Vuodet sitten at 16.4.2014 22:33
Created 10 Vuodet ago at 16.4.2014 22:33

RE: Types of Dho'ers

Viestejä: 1665 Liittymispäivä: 18.5.2010 Viimeisimmät viestit
Beoman Claudiu Dragon Emu Fire Golem, muokattu 10 Vuodet sitten at 16.4.2014 23:12
Created 10 Vuodet ago at 16.4.2014 23:12

RE: Types of Dho'ers

Viestejä: 2227 Liittymispäivä: 27.10.2010 Viimeisimmät viestit
Adam Dietrich Ringle:
1. The bright eyed A&Per. Their defining moment will revolve around some kind of crazy experience they had. Usually it doesn't involve drugs. They might use phrases like "surfing the bliss wave," "sat there for like 25 minutes" or something similar.

I would add, "Can often be found writing ridiculously long wall-of-text posts detailing every single one of their even slightly out-of-the-ordinary meditation experiences since they started meditating a few years ago."
T DC, muokattu 10 Vuodet sitten at 17.4.2014 0:09
Created 10 Vuodet ago at 17.4.2014 0:08

RE: Types of Dho'ers

Viestejä: 517 Liittymispäivä: 29.9.2011 Viimeisimmät viestit
Oh, ya, just classify us all why don't you?! Just fit us all into neat little categories! Yeah, another conceptual box to put myself and other people in! Don't look for the reality, look for new ways to superimpose conceptual judgements! Weehooo Buddy!!
Daniel M Ingram, muokattu 10 Vuodet sitten at 17.4.2014 0:15
Created 10 Vuodet ago at 17.4.2014 0:15

RE: Types of Dho'ers

Viestejä: 3275 Liittymispäivä: 20.4.2009 Viimeisimmät viestit
The Chronic Dark-Nighters: they have been it some very long period of time and very well may be in it for some very long period of time. They are moderately tortured in their life but somehow generally hold at least the essential parts of it sort of together and burn most of their free time going on retreats when their semi-dysfunctional lives can afford it. Their capacity to keep at it despite the punishment which that lifestyle and mentality inflicts upon them provides inspiration for us all.

The Perpetual Anagamis: they seem to be endlessly hovering around 4th path, however they think of it, but can't quite seem to get there and make it stick.

The Pali True Believers: Those who feel that the last word on dharma was written in the Pali Canon and that the commentaries are revisionist apocrypha. The phrase "vipassana jhana" makes their skin crawl.

The High Idealists: Those who believe that enlightened beings will really live up to every and all high ideals they hold and that anyone who doesn't believe what they do is clearly deluded and wandering lost. They fear that any variation from their beautiful vision of what enlightened people should be will somehow cause permanent damage to the dharma.

The Old Guard: They have been on the DhO since the beginning, have a smugness of confidence that is at once inspiring and also at times very irritating, and make sure to carefully ride the dark currents of power and politics to maintain what they feel is their rightful place at the top while cleverly avoiding direct conflict with other similar DhO denizens that could result in another dreaded "Clash of the Titans", the occurrence of which can cause splits in the community and so a smaller audience of admirers.

The Dharma Overground Overlord: having spent plenty of time being nearly all of the above categories of dharma-quester at points, including all of those listed in this post, and, as he has such a specialized interest in such a totally obscure topic as goal-oriented, technical dharma, feels every little slight quiver, minor battle, major battle, failure to communicate, and flame war in the manor that one feels chaos within one's own small family.
bernd the broter, muokattu 10 Vuodet sitten at 17.4.2014 5:49
Created 10 Vuodet ago at 17.4.2014 5:49

RE: Types of Dho'ers

Viestejä: 376 Liittymispäivä: 13.6.2012 Viimeisimmät viestit
Oh, ya, just classify us all why don't you?! Just fit us all into neat little categories! Yeah, another conceptual box to put myself and other people in! Don't look for the reality, look for new ways to superimpose conceptual judgements! Weehooo Buddy!!

One-Liner: I suggest maybe having threads in the humor section appear with pink flashy background.
Sweet Nothing, muokattu 10 Vuodet sitten at 17.4.2014 8:52
Created 10 Vuodet ago at 17.4.2014 8:51

RE: Types of Dho'ers

Viestejä: 164 Liittymispäivä: 21.4.2013 Viimeisimmät viestit
The eternal skeptic: Someone who may have followed instructions but never got any tangible results and renounced his futile efforts. He continually roams the alleys of DhO to challenge and disdain every single poster with his lack of experience and over abundance of intellect.

The miserable newbie: Someone who has used a lot of drugs and feel that they have crossed A&P on one of their marijuana/beer binges or while candy flipping lsd, or possibly both. They feel they are in Reobservation Territory and the only way through is to gun for stream entry with a retreat or lots of shrooms, or possibly both.

The excited newbie: Someone, possibly a new ager who feels instant affiliation with DhO'ers and presents them with his/her entire biography and a list of possible psychic powers.

The hide and seeker: Someone who come, asks for help regarding the territory they are in, and then disappear altogether until they return asking for help in an unrelated territory.

The self entitled spiritual guide for one and all: Someone who has chosen spiritual counselling as their profession and are themselves in need of spiritual guidance.

The eccentric yogi : Someone who has spent the better part of their lives reading mystical instructions and dissecting eccentric teachings. They openly share these teachings and welcome all to follow their lead. Sometimes they may be so touchy about maintaining the originality of the teachings that almost all their posts are copy/pasted from their favorite books.

The illuminated one post poster: Someone who creates an account just to write one post bragging about their attainment and disdaining everything else.

The enlightened being tracker: Someone who travels across the oceans to faraway mountains and valleys chasing rumors of highly evolved spiritual beings. Finally writes about their meeting with them and the teaching acquired thereby. Some days later starts a thread about starting an AF practice instead.

The college student rinpoche: Someone who feel they have followed and reached the logical conclusion of the Mahayana path whilst also juggling their exams and bf/gf. There is now nothing else left to do in the spiritual department other than to log on to DhO and and show others how easy it is to transcend the 40 or so levels of attainment.

The scientist: Someone who starts threads comparing latest scientific/mathematical findings/theories or conclusions by renowned intellectuals with spiritual teachings/findings/doctrines.

The Babbler: Someone who babbles.
T DC, muokattu 10 Vuodet sitten at 17.4.2014 14:47
Created 10 Vuodet ago at 17.4.2014 14:47

RE: Types of Dho'ers

Viestejä: 517 Liittymispäivä: 29.9.2011 Viimeisimmät viestit
ha ya fair enough.
alison Seas, muokattu 10 Vuodet sitten at 17.4.2014 22:56
Created 10 Vuodet ago at 17.4.2014 22:56

RE: Types of Dho'ers

Viestejä: 8 Liittymispäivä: 1.4.2014 Viimeisimmät viestit
Lurkers -- Yes, yes, I admit it!
But please add the clueless newbie who has to compulsively read and re-read all the posts on this darn site to try and navigate this strange territory.
I've got nothing to add, however.
This Good Self, muokattu 10 Vuodet sitten at 18.4.2014 21:26
Created 10 Vuodet ago at 18.4.2014 21:26

RE: Types of Dho'ers

Viestejä: 946 Liittymispäivä: 9.3.2010 Viimeisimmät viestit
Adam Dietrich Ringle:

What am I missing here??

A Dietrich Ringle, muokattu 10 Vuodet sitten at 19.4.2014 11:10
Created 10 Vuodet ago at 19.4.2014 11:10

RE: Types of Dho'ers

Viestejä: 881 Liittymispäivä: 4.12.2011 Viimeisimmät viestit
C C C:
Adam Dietrich Ringle:

What am I missing here??


love you
J J, muokattu 10 Vuodet sitten at 19.4.2014 21:30
Created 10 Vuodet ago at 19.4.2014 21:30

RE: Types of Dho'ers

Viestejä: 225 Liittymispäivä: 31.3.2014 Viimeisimmät viestit
Throw me in there too.

I fit in none of those categories.
Andrew Mayer, muokattu 10 Vuodet sitten at 21.4.2014 14:47
Created 10 Vuodet ago at 21.4.2014 14:47

RE: Types of Dho'ers

Viestejä: 61 Liittymispäivä: 7.11.2013 Viimeisimmät viestit
"Beautiful and unique snowflakes"
Not Tao, muokattu 10 Vuodet sitten at 22.4.2014 16:20
Created 10 Vuodet ago at 22.4.2014 16:20

RE: Types of Dho'ers

Viestejä: 995 Liittymispäivä: 5.4.2014 Viimeisimmät viestit
I would add, "Can often be found writing ridiculously long wall-of-text posts detailing every single one of their even slightly out-of-the-ordinary meditation experiences since they started meditating a few years ago."

Sorry about that... emoticon
