Sufi/Baha'i stages of awakening - Discussion
Sufi/Baha'i stages of awakening
Jason Snyder, modified 10 Years ago at 8/17/14 1:40 PM
Created 10 Years ago at 8/17/14 1:39 PM
Sufi/Baha'i stages of awakening
Posts: 186 Join Date: 10/25/13 Recent Posts
Just thought I would pass this along. It's written by Baha'u'llah, a seriously awakened individual (who also founded the Baha'i Faith) in 19th century Iran giving his interpretation of the Sufi 7 valleys and 4 valleys (stages of awakening). If you can get over the old-school writing style and theistic framing, I think you might find it very insightful and very beautiful as Sufi material tends to be. I would relate the Valley of Love to the Dark Night, The Valley of Knowlede to Equanimity, Stream entry to the Valley of Unity, and the Valley of True Poverty and Absolute Nothingness to 4th path. Enjoy!