Noting background noise

Fox, modified 10 Years ago at 9/6/14 11:34 PM
Created 10 Years ago at 9/6/14 11:34 PM

Noting background noise

Posts: 2 Join Date: 8/19/14 Recent Posts
I've been trying to improve my mental noting but I have a few questions. I'm frustrated with my slow rate of progress and I think noting is the root of the problem.

In meditation the object of my attention is usually my breath. I concentrate on the breath and note any and all mental sensations that occur, lately I've been able to perceive subtler and subtler thoughts and associations.

However I can always hear the ambient noise of the room I am in, my question regards how much I should pay attention to it. Should I try to note ever time I notice it and constantly switch between my breath and the background noise of the room? Or should I try to ignore it unless a sudden noise distracts me from the vibrations of my breath?

I think it is probably the former, even if such rapid switches are 'jarring' and interfere with my ability to focus on vibrations. I would like some confirmation though.

Noting Monkey, modified 10 Years ago at 9/8/14 1:28 AM
Created 10 Years ago at 9/8/14 1:28 AM

RE: Noting background noise

Posts: 48 Join Date: 7/24/11 Recent Posts
However I can always hear the ambient noise of the room I am in, my question regards how much I should pay attention to it. Should I try to note ever time I notice it and constantly switch between my breath and the background noise of the room? Or should I try to ignore it unless a sudden noise distracts me from the vibrations of my breath?
Hi Fox,
I think basically up to you. There is always some noise in the background. 
- If the nois is not so strong so it is easy to ignore it then I would ignore it and come back to the breath and let other sensations come naturally into my field of awareness. 
- If the nois is strong after noting it and hard to ignore it then I found it beneficial to keep focus on the vibrations that make up the nois for a while.
- If you stucked to long what to do then just note the 'confusion' in your mind and come back to the breath. You can't go wrong making the habit after noting coming back to the breath.   

Breaking sensations down to vibrations or cutting them off and move the awareness away from them are two ways to get insight into their true nature (impermanent, suffering, no-self) and this is what we looking for. Which one you use can change up to the conditions.

hope it helps