Magick question for Daniel (or anyone!)

Aldous Buckley, modified 9 Years ago at 10/5/15 1:09 PM
Created 9 Years ago at 10/5/15 1:09 PM

Magick question for Daniel (or anyone!)

Posts: 3 Join Date: 1/20/14 Recent Posts
Hello friends! In a previous thread, Daniel mentioned: "The LBRP and Middle Pillar ritual are profound, and more so when taken to the level where you can see what you are visualizing: that, for nearly everyone, requires a very high degree of concentration. That degree of concentration, if actually cultivated, opens doors to a great number of amazing things, including real insight."
I was wondering if I might ask which concentration practice's are the best to cultivate the ability to actually see what you are visualising? 

Many thanks in advance? 

Daniel F Gurzynski, modified 9 Years ago at 10/5/15 1:23 PM
Created 9 Years ago at 10/5/15 1:23 PM

RE: Magick question for Daniel (or anyone!)

Posts: 23 Join Date: 8/22/09 Recent Posts
Ages ago when I first started practicing the LBRP and MP I would say that the best practice is to look up the instructions by either Israel Regardie or from Modern Magick by Donald Michael Kraig and do it daily, as strongly as you can each time. Maybe twice a day. They are basic but very good excercises.
Aldous Buckley, modified 9 Years ago at 10/5/15 1:26 PM
Created 9 Years ago at 10/5/15 1:26 PM

RE: Magick question for Daniel (or anyone!)

Posts: 3 Join Date: 1/20/14 Recent Posts
Indeed yes - I already do them!
I was just curious about the 'actually seeing' what your visualising that Daniel spoke of, as opposed to just imagining it.
Thanks for replying! 
Daniel F Gurzynski, modified 9 Years ago at 10/5/15 8:11 PM
Created 9 Years ago at 10/5/15 8:11 PM

RE: Magick question for Daniel (or anyone!)

Posts: 23 Join Date: 8/22/09 Recent Posts

Probably this might be a very good link to check out then. A retreat working exclusively with the fire kasina and occasionally doing just what you ask. I found it facinating!
Dada Kind, modified 9 Years ago at 10/5/15 11:32 PM
Created 9 Years ago at 10/5/15 11:32 PM

RE: Magick question for Daniel (or anyone!)

Posts: 633 Join Date: 11/15/13 Recent Posts
The fire kasina is a good choice. I'm interested to see Dan's advice also
Dharana - Control of Thought
  • Constrain the mind to concentrate itself upon a single simple object imagined.

    The five tatwas are useful for this purpose; they are: a black oval; a blue
    disk; a silver crescent; a yellow square; a red triangle.
  • Proceed to combinations of simple objects; e.g. a black oval within a yellow
    square, and so on.
  • Proceed to simple moving objects, such as a pendulum swinging, a wheel revolving,
    etc. Avoid living objects.
  • Proceed to combinations of moving objects, e.g. a piston rising and falling
    while a pendulum is swinging. The relation between the two movements should
    be varied in different experiments.

    Or even a system of flywheels, eccentrics, and governor.
  • During these practices the mind must be absolutely confined to the object
    determined upon; no other thought must be allowed to intrude upon the consciousness.
    The moving systems must be regular and harmonious.
  • Note carefully the duration of the experiments, the number and nature of
    the intruding thoughts, the tendency of the object itself to depart from the
    course laid out for it, and any other phenomena which may present themselves.
    Avoid overstrain; this is very important.
  • Proceed to imagine living objects; as a man, preferably some man known to,
    and respected by, yourself.
  • In the intervals of these experiments you may try to imagine the objects
    of the other senses, and to concentrate upon them.

    For example, try to imagine the taste of chocolate, the smell of roses, the
    feeling of velvet, the sound of a waterfall or the ticking of a watch.
  • Endeavour finally to shut out all objects of any of the senses, and prevent
    all thoughts arising in your mind. When you feel you have attained some success
    in these practices, apply for examination, and should you pass, more complex
    and difficult practices will be prescribed for you.
Pål, modified 9 Years ago at 10/6/15 3:15 AM
Created 9 Years ago at 10/6/15 3:15 AM

RE: Magick question for Daniel (or anyone!)

Posts: 778 Join Date: 9/30/14 Recent Posts
Since we're actually evocing angels in the LBRP (which btw was recommended by the buddha in some ancient suttas, see the gaya sutta and the thread on "the four kings"), this might be of some help:

be careful about Koetting though, he is very skilled in black magic. 
Marek Mark, modified 9 Years ago at 10/6/15 4:04 AM
Created 9 Years ago at 10/6/15 4:04 AM

RE: Magick question for Daniel (or anyone!)

Posts: 40 Join Date: 12/4/11 Recent Posts
be careful about Koetting though, he is very skilled in black magic. 
Too bad he has very limited skills in Adobe After Effects...
Eva Nie, modified 9 Years ago at 10/7/15 8:42 PM
Created 9 Years ago at 10/7/15 8:42 PM

RE: Magick question for Daniel (or anyone!)

Posts: 831 Join Date: 3/23/14 Recent Posts
Aldous Buckley:
Indeed yes - I already do them!
I was just curious about the 'actually seeing' what your visualising that Daniel spoke of, as opposed to just imagining it.
Thanks for replying! 

What is the difference other than maybe intensity?  What you see is always fabricated by eyes and/or mind. 
Daniel M Ingram, modified 9 Years ago at 10/10/15 11:17 AM
Created 9 Years ago at 10/10/15 11:17 AM

RE: Magick question for Daniel (or anyone!)

Posts: 3280 Join Date: 4/20/09 Recent Posts
I love it when the community is there and I am not needed at all. Sound advice all around.
Bronson Michael Miller, modified 8 Years ago at 10/19/15 1:46 AM
Created 8 Years ago at 10/19/15 1:46 AM

RE: Magick question for Daniel (or anyone!)

Posts: 18 Join Date: 7/2/14 Recent Posts
Marek Mark:
be careful about Koetting though, he is very skilled in black magic. 
Too bad he has very limited skills in Adobe After Effects...

Haha that is hilarious!

And at Daniel, I agree. Everbody and everything has their seasons and being the creator and being a large contributor of a forum probably don't always alone and it's always a bummer to see when people expect you to xyz but on the other hand it must be cool to see your forum working out on it's own when you do get time.

Pål, modified 8 Years ago at 10/23/15 3:49 AM
Created 8 Years ago at 10/23/15 3:49 AM

RE: Magick question for Daniel (or anyone!)

Posts: 778 Join Date: 9/30/14 Recent Posts
You have to make priorities in life. Whether on not to answer peoples questions on your forum, whether to put your skill points in the dark arts or Adobe After Effects etc.
