Magick 101 pointers

td o ditty, modified 8 Years ago at 5/29/16 1:58 PM
Created 8 Years ago at 5/29/16 1:58 PM

Magick 101 pointers

Posts: 10 Join Date: 5/28/16 Recent Posts
Hi there,

Recently, I've started to develop interest in exploring Magick as an additive/supportive practice to my core meditation work.  As way of background, I would consider myself to have pretty advanced levels of concentration skills.

Specifically, when it comes to powers, I'm really not interested in developing anything beyond two things.  1) Brahma Viharas (daily practice already so I have that one covered 2) Healing powers. (Have discovered I have some talent at this, and am certainly interested in using Magick as a potential avenue for cultivating this)

So 1+2 are my core interests (of course, progress in insight is an assumed core interest)...with that said, I'm a neophyte when it comes to the world of Magick.  With the above in mind, any general feedback...would you encourage my further exploration or direct me in a specific direction.  Would love to hear any suggestions on specific resources to check out (online or book /other formats)

Pål, modified 8 Years ago at 5/30/16 12:34 AM
Created 8 Years ago at 5/30/16 12:34 AM

RE: Magick 101 pointers

Posts: 778 Join Date: 9/30/14 Recent Posts
Some links that might be useful: on summoning enteties (whether their real or not is uninteresting imo) on enchanting for anything
on all of above and exploring the core tech of magic
Also I'd recommende learning some basic hermetic kabbalah if you want to go deeper down the rabbit hole. I'm a neophyte as well.

Good luck!
LLL, LVX & 93
This Good Self, modified 8 Years ago at 5/31/16 12:35 AM
Created 8 Years ago at 5/31/16 12:35 AM

RE: Magick 101 pointers

Posts: 946 Join Date: 3/9/10 Recent Posts
Hi td,

Did you find anything useful on your search?

I have some home made techniques for healing if you're interested.
td o ditty, modified 8 Years ago at 5/31/16 12:39 AM
Created 8 Years ago at 5/31/16 12:39 AM

RE: Magick 101 pointers

Posts: 10 Join Date: 5/28/16 Recent Posts
Well, still just early stages of learning. Thanks for post replies above. Any particular things on the healing front you can share would be much appreciated.
Pål, modified 8 Years ago at 5/31/16 12:54 AM
Created 8 Years ago at 5/31/16 12:54 AM

RE: Magick 101 pointers

Posts: 778 Join Date: 9/30/14 Recent Posts
Why not evoke Raphael and ask him to teach you healing?
This Good Self, modified 8 Years ago at 5/31/16 2:07 AM
Created 8 Years ago at 5/31/16 1:35 AM

RE: Magick 101 pointers

Posts: 946 Join Date: 3/9/10 Recent Posts
I treat people with pain complaints, primarily.

I noticed a while back that when treating people (and in casual encounters), that the other person would often say words which I was thinking (but not verbalizing).  The coincidences were so out of the ordinary that it made me wonder what was going on.  I wanted to try to amplify the effect that was happening spontaneously.

One of the most unusual occurences was assisting a man walking with a frame and I almost went to ask him "how was the weekend for you?"... but I didn't, because he was trying to concentrate.  A moment later he said "it was ok".  I said "what was ok???".  I hadn't asked the question.  He said "didn't you just...?" and shook his head. 

So I do a few different things in order and in fairly quick succession.  I simultaneously move or massage the affected part:

- focussing, as per Gendlin
- mirror the patient's breathing to a very high accuracy to get rapport.  Patient usually drops into a trance state.
- repeat to myself "the pain has disappeared" (ie. non-verbally).  When I do this, I hold the words right in the front of my mouth, as if about to actually speak them.

Very high success rate.  I have quite a few variations on this method.  It's quite possible that this process can be much more simple.
Pål, modified 8 Years ago at 5/31/16 3:50 PM
Created 8 Years ago at 5/31/16 3:50 PM

RE: Magick 101 pointers

Posts: 778 Join Date: 9/30/14 Recent Posts
I bet you're possessed by Raphael. Srsly tho, that sounds awesome!
Shamadhi Sam, modified 8 Years ago at 5/31/16 7:27 PM
Created 8 Years ago at 5/31/16 7:27 PM

RE: Magick 101 pointers

Posts: 79 Join Date: 12/27/15 Recent Posts
CCC, I'm confused do you do the Geldin-style focusing on yourself or on the patient?
This Good Self, modified 8 Years ago at 5/31/16 8:12 PM
Created 8 Years ago at 5/31/16 8:12 PM

RE: Magick 101 pointers

Posts: 946 Join Date: 3/9/10 Recent Posts
Focus on myself, then switch to the patient and mirror his breathing. 
CJMacie, modified 8 Years ago at 6/1/16 6:16 AM
Created 8 Years ago at 6/1/16 6:13 AM

RE: Magick 101 pointers

Posts: 856 Join Date: 8/17/14 Recent Posts
Pål: Why not evoke Raphael and ask him to teach you healing?

Then there's also the "Medicine Buddha", in Mahayana; "blue Buddha" in the Tibetan form.

Mainly curing "suffering", but also sort of a patron saint of healing arts. A number of my colleagues -- both MDs and alternative practitioners -- invoke, use this image in some way, some to good effect (anecdotally). Helps concentration, diagnostic insight, and keeping perspective on the patient's situation relative to the trajectory of their their whole life.

btw: A couple of sources I've noted suggest that the "4 Noble Truths" are related to ancient Indian (and modern, even in general) medical practice:
1) investigate the symptoms (suffering)
2) diagnose the cause / etiology (craving)
3) identify the remedy (release)
4) develop the treatment plan (8-fold path)
Pål, modified 8 Years ago at 6/1/16 4:04 PM
Created 8 Years ago at 6/1/16 4:04 PM

RE: Magick 101 pointers

Posts: 778 Join Date: 9/30/14 Recent Posts
Maybe they are different avatars of the same force! Anyway, I think both could be evoked with Koettings method.
This Good Self, modified 8 Years ago at 6/3/16 5:10 AM
Created 8 Years ago at 6/3/16 5:09 AM

RE: Magick 101 pointers

Posts: 946 Join Date: 3/9/10 Recent Posts
I'm finding that if I live from my heart, the most amazing things happen.

Most of my clients ring up after 1 or 2 treatments saying they're absolutely fine, all symptoms gone.  This goes for acute and chronic pain up to moderate intensity.  Very severe pain is rare, and results are more patchy... about 50-50, and taking many weeks usually.
