Cessation experiment online

Babs _, modified 5 Years ago at 10/28/18 10:39 AM
Created 7 Years ago at 7/12/16 3:00 PM

Cessation experiment online

Posts: 709 Join Date: 2/5/13 Recent Posts
Dear friends,

Cessation experiment

I am looking for about 15 people to take part in a free meditative experiment. This experiment will last for a month, from 15th July to 15th of August, during which the participants are asked to 1. do a particular mantra-based sitting meditation practice for about 20-30 minutes each day, 2. remember the mantra in daily life, 3. note down experiences and after the month 4. to make a summary of ones experiences with the mantra and send them to me.

The group can discuss about their experiences in a secret Facebook-group.

Who can join

To be a fit participant, you have to have some meditation history, the more the better. This can be shamatha meditation (like breath watching or something else), vipassana, zazen, mantra or tantric practice. If you do other daily practices during the month, please keep 4-6 hours distance with this practice and your other practices. The ”cessation mantra” that is concerned here does not involve initiation/empowerment so it will not interfere with your other possible tantric practices.

This experiment is for people with normal physical and mental health.

This experiment is NOT for Open Heart-practitioners.

About cessation

Cessation here refers to what is known as ”nirodha” or ”nirodha samapatti” in buddhism (not all schools of buddhism mean the same thing with this term). Nirodha is cessation of feeling and perception. This means that the whole mind-perception system of the meditator is turned to a zero, comes to a full stop. It is sort of like turning down the main power switch of a building for a moment. Cessation is considered important in all schools of buddhist and other traditions of meditation because it allows a glimpse to a state of awareness that is entirely devoid of dualistic notions. It resets the mind of the meditator which is very valuable to anyone.

About the practice

The so called ”cessation mantra” is a simple combination of spoken sounds that effects cessation and immense clarity and openness of mind. The details of the practice will be given to the group of people who are chosen for this experiment. It is likely that this mantra will be given openly and publicly later for everyones benefit.

A small number of students have already ”laboratory tested” it but I'd like to see how it works with people who have no exposure to Open Heart-teachings. These people have reported of short (a second or two) and long (1½ hour) cessations but also about immense clarity that they as quite experienced meditators never accessed or experienced before, knowing that the clarity is the brilliance of their own minds which is revealed once the stuff in front of it is momentarily switched off.

How to join

If you'd like to join in, send a private message and a friend request to me, Kim Katami, here at Facebook. If we do not know each other, introduce yourself in short and tell me about your practice history. If I think you are fit for the experiment, I'll add you to a secret group called ”Cessation experiment”.

Send your message before Sunday 17th of July. Do not send me email or other private messages about this, only use Facebook.

Thank you,

Kim Katami
tom moylan, modified 7 Years ago at 7/14/16 6:15 AM
Created 7 Years ago at 7/14/16 6:15 AM

RE: Cessation experiment online

Posts: 896 Join Date: 3/7/11 Recent Posts
howdy kim,
sounds interesting but i don't facebook.  alternatives?


neko, modified 7 Years ago at 7/14/16 7:19 AM
Created 7 Years ago at 7/14/16 7:16 AM

RE: Cessation experiment online

Posts: 763 Join Date: 11/26/14 Recent Posts
Cool initiative in the spirit of practical practice!

I cannot join because I am focusing on another practice at the moment and I do not want to mix, but I am very curious about the experiment. If you consider allowing observers in the secret fb group, I would be happy to join. I understand if you'd rather not have external observers, though.

Either way, best of luck to all involved emoticon 
Babs _, modified 7 Years ago at 7/14/16 9:01 AM
Created 7 Years ago at 7/14/16 9:01 AM

RE: Cessation experiment online

Posts: 709 Join Date: 2/5/13 Recent Posts
tom moylan:
howdy kim,
sounds interesting but i don't facebook.  alternatives?
Sorry, I don't wish to have folks spread out because I am already being bombarded with messages from every possible channel. 

Cool initiative in the spirit of practical practice!

I cannot join because I am focusing on another practice at the moment and
I do not want to mix, but I am very curious about the experiment. If
you consider allowing observers in the secret fb group, I would be happy
to join. I understand if you'd rather not have external observers,

Either way, best of luck to all involved emoticon 
I wondered if it was you Neko-chan, friend request. Perhaps later. For now I wish to keep it for those who do the practice and see if they are getting to cessations or not. If they do like OH-practitioners have done, I'll probably share all the instructions online at my blog and Awakening and Great perfection-group at FB or make Cessation Experiment public. If they don't, you'll never hear of me again emoticon

There is still space if someone wants to join in.
