Demon Possession

john doe, modified 8 Years ago at 7/29/16 8:26 AM
Created 8 Years ago at 7/29/16 8:26 AM

Demon Possession

Posts: 7 Join Date: 7/29/16 Recent Posts
Hi all,
I came accross a pssive and tiny demon in my experience.  It was always there in the background, but while I was dealing with a stronger demon,it managed to creep it's way in.  I manipulated  a large part of my experience and the demon has control over the manipulater and all the loop holes I discovered in my experience.  The demon doesn't do anything, it just stays put.  The best way I can describe it, is after i put a whole lot of effort into something and then really get it right, where I usually feel super pumped and energized, the demon takes that place and just kind of looks and waitsfor chaos.  It's just there and i wish it would do something but it literally never moves.  It's constant.  I can go out and do a hundred things and then when I come home and I amabout to relax the demon is there watching.  This not only drives me crazy, but everybody around me crazy also.  Since it has happened, I have seen my fmily and friends get notibaly disturbed and they can't quite put their finger on it or know that it has something to do with me but I always watch something bad happen.  It has tortured me for the last year, and nobody quite understands or able to help me.  It'spure evil and choas and it won't move or let me relax.  It just gets stronger the more I push and just waits if I don't do anything.  It sits in my heart, so if someone shows me truecompassion it infects them.  Some effects on myself have been, it's completley zapped my personality, havnt relaxed in over 2 years, significantly affected those who love me to the point of one of them going to a mental institution who had no prior issue of that sort.  I'm not sure how to deal with it or who I can talk too since it has largely affected my sanity where sometimes I believe I am a psycopath.  My meditation practice was strong and in my oppinion was as perfect tome as it could be, which makes it worse.  I need help.  I don't want to cause any more trouble for those around me or to myself. Anybody who could give advice, I would largely appreciate it.  Thank You 
john doe, modified 8 Years ago at 7/29/16 8:38 AM
Created 8 Years ago at 7/29/16 8:38 AM

RE: Demon Possession

Posts: 7 Join Date: 7/29/16 Recent Posts
And it shows me visions of destruction and annihlation of my family and joy, which have come true.  It taunts me if I start to relax and shows me all thetrouble it has caused and uses the guilt against.  And if I say ok and drop it, itgoes back in hiding and manipulates the experience.  It is simply not possible to enter a deep jhana because it lies at the end of the proccess.  I've been starting to have episodes and its just reduced myself to the lowest level.  There is a conviction deep in me that things are fucked.  It wants people to believe that it is good and maens well.  I think it itself believes that which throws people off.  It's destroyed my family and friends and a lot of the people who came to me for comfort.  And nobody knows why.  He is almost invisible and uses innocence to hide.  It's like he's zapped my will power.  Has someone dealt with something similar? 
Banned For waht?, modified 8 Years ago at 7/29/16 8:57 AM
Created 8 Years ago at 7/29/16 8:57 AM

RE: Demon Possession

Posts: 500 Join Date: 7/14/13 Recent Posts
Getting food onto a table and eat is way bigger problem than any demon or ghost. Its probably you have too much free time. As aslo any type of relationship problem is lesser problem than the need to take a piss every once in a while during a day.

I hope that helps to get some insight into what pointless level you are dealing with your problems as when you start starvation you won't really care about the demons and such anymore.
john doe, modified 8 Years ago at 7/29/16 9:33 AM
Created 8 Years ago at 7/29/16 9:20 AM

RE: Demon Possession

Posts: 7 Join Date: 7/29/16 Recent Posts
I tried that approach.  Lost my job worked another, lost that one.  Started a business failed.  Traveled extensively to see poverty and put things into perspective didn't work nor did I relax.    For that particular reason I stopped eating, became as minimalistic as possible and worked myself as hard as I could.  And starved myself of any pleasure I felt.  It gave temporary relief,  but the demon waits it out until i get fired or something bad happens in life which always does and takes over.  I do not take this as a joke.  . I slept in my car and lived in absolute poverty so I wouldn't do harm to anybody.  But then the demon still wins and nothing changes. It doesn't take life seriously.  I wish I could show you.

You are right, this level is pointless and it was my goal to avoid it.  But I am here now.  I don't know what to do. How do I get out of it?
Banned For waht?, modified 8 Years ago at 7/29/16 9:44 AM
Created 8 Years ago at 7/29/16 9:40 AM

RE: Demon Possession

Posts: 500 Join Date: 7/14/13 Recent Posts
I use existencial problems(i don't work or get regular money) to induce i believe that same thing what you have, and i cultivate it.
You are following different path than regular person, so you get extra treatment. I think you are on a right track.

If i am good at something it is automatically induces in me high hopes, if i even know it that i am deluded by high hopes, but still i can't get rid of that state. Only way is to experience loss, what i do is i try to be aware and cultivate these states so perhaps then next time i have softer landing.

..i go now to drink some alcohol, my friend will "donate" some hehe. Cya.
john doe, modified 8 Years ago at 7/29/16 11:00 AM
Created 8 Years ago at 7/29/16 11:00 AM

RE: Demon Possession

Posts: 7 Join Date: 7/29/16 Recent Posts
Haha, i know what you mean.  I did the same.  But as I progressed it got exploited.  I was careful too, so makes me even more frustrated.    Thanks for the advice and cheers!  
Pål, modified 8 Years ago at 7/29/16 1:52 PM
Created 8 Years ago at 7/29/16 1:52 PM

RE: Demon Possession

Posts: 778 Join Date: 9/30/14 Recent Posts
See a psychologist, but if it actually is a demon I'd guess a daily dose of the following could help:
•the lesser banishing ritual of the pentagram
•the lesser banishing ritual of the hexagram
and most importantly: •the rose cross ritual
Nicky, modified 8 Years ago at 7/30/16 12:17 AM
Created 8 Years ago at 7/30/16 12:11 AM

RE: Demon Possession

Posts: 484 Join Date: 8/2/14 Recent Posts
How to counter demon possession:

1. Have faith & take refuge in the Buddha. The Buddha is 100% harmless, safe, virtuous & peaceful. A Buddha does not harrass anyone. By having faith in the Buddha, the mind also embraces these values as the foremost life qualities.

2.  View the 'demon' as 'void' of self. There is really no demon. There is only what the Buddha called (external & internal) nama-&-rupa; i.e.,mentality-&-materiality. There is only mind. There is no external demon & no internal self. Buddhist reflect as follows:

Why now do you assume 'a being'?
Have you grasped a view?
This is a heap of sheer constructions:
Here no being is found.

3. Chant this verse:

 Never doing the least evil.
 In virtue always fulfilled,
 Purifying one's own heart:
 These are the teaching of all Buddhas.
Patient endurance extinguishes defilements supremely.
All Buddhas say nibbåna is supreme.
Those who harm are not gone forth;
Those who oppress others are not yet calm.

Banned For waht?, modified 8 Years ago at 7/30/16 5:59 AM
Created 8 Years ago at 7/30/16 5:59 AM

RE: Demon Possession

Posts: 500 Join Date: 7/14/13 Recent Posts
yes to what Nicky said above there
Even if you see a demon, you should give it a buddhist way of seeing things. Investigate what you see, what sensation rise. When you take so big events like "someone got mental illness"(well even this entire event has one taste or sensation what expains all) you may get engulfed by it.

If you read "explains" then it just will give energy imprint into mind that there is some skill to aquire and perhaps induce frustration because you can't solve it here and now, but if you see that signal it disappears. 

Your entire post were motivated by one signal, if you would see it then you wouldn't have wrote it but needed to find another drive to write. And if you will find some better issue your demon issue will go away.
Westthings, modified 8 Years ago at 7/30/16 11:40 AM
Created 8 Years ago at 7/30/16 11:40 AM

RE: Demon Possession

Posts: 50 Join Date: 8/21/15 Recent Posts
Rist Ei:
Getting food onto a table and eat is way bigger problem than any demon or ghost. Its probably you have too much free time. As aslo any type of relationship problem is lesser problem than the need to take a piss every once in a while during a day.

I hope that helps to get some insight into what pointless level you are dealing with your problems as when you start starvation you won't really care about the demons and such anymore.

I don't believe you would say this if you had a demon (even a friendly one) hanging around. 
Banned For waht?, modified 8 Years ago at 7/30/16 2:40 PM
Created 8 Years ago at 7/30/16 2:40 PM

RE: Demon Possession

Posts: 500 Join Date: 7/14/13 Recent Posts
Rist Ei:
Getting food onto a table and eat is way bigger problem than any demon or ghost. Its probably you have too much free time. As aslo any type of relationship problem is lesser problem than the need to take a piss every once in a while during a day.

I hope that helps to get some insight into what pointless level you are dealing with your problems as when you start starvation you won't really care about the demons and such anymore.

I don't believe you would say this if you had a demon (even a friendly one) hanging around. 
Took a while but yes its my fault, sorry for taking down demons reputation and pride how strong they are.

Method: Finding my own mistake made nomatter how small peanut compared to a huge montain but if i find it, it will give a good opportunity to untie the knot.
Nicky, modified 8 Years ago at 7/30/16 5:04 PM
Created 8 Years ago at 7/30/16 4:58 PM

RE: Demon Possession

Posts: 484 Join Date: 8/2/14 Recent Posts

I don't believe you would say this if you had a demon (even a friendly one) hanging around. 

Your obsession is not related to meditation practise. If I had a 'demon', including a friendly one, hanging around, I would tell them to 'go away' (as instructed by Tibetans when they chant the Heart Sutra).

I would behave similar to a good woman that claws, scratches & kicks with all her might a man that attempts to rape her.

With real metta. emoticon
john doe, modified 8 Years ago at 7/31/16 2:03 AM
Created 8 Years ago at 7/31/16 2:03 AM

RE: Demon Possession

Posts: 7 Join Date: 7/29/16 Recent Posts

I would behave similar to a good woman that claws, scratches & kicks with all her might a man that attempts to rape her.

This is is the approach I initially took.  Problem is when you are aware of demons of yours and others it makes you more succeptible.  Even if you try to turn a blind eye a part of you knows they exist.  So I basically used the loop hole of I don't know if anything is real and eliminated the possibility of everything.  Under this pretense I would go out and achieve in life, as I achieved I could take on one demon at a time and eliminate them.  I used this process over and over again and sought demons to conquer them.  And as I did this I saw myself attracting all sorts of people who trusted me and put there demons on me knowingly or unknowingly.  I accumulated a lot of power and freedom.  I didn't want it, I just wanted to eliminate every demon I could.  But then after a couple years I ran into some brutal family issues and I faced an issue or a demon where I basically had to give up everything to stay on point.  As I did I was left in pretty bad shape.  And then the small demon made its way in and just said oh none of this is real and ungrounded me.  So I took to kicking and screaming, this effected all the people who trusted me who were like wtf.  And in situations where they would place the demons on me, they could no longer do.  I became an asshole to them and got an evil eye placed on me.  So now I'm cornered if I kick and scream the other demons attack.  If I take the refuge the small demon gives me, I fuck everything up.  It's a hopeless circle that isolates me.  If that made any sense, advice would be much appreciated.  
Thank you
Banned For waht?, modified 8 Years ago at 7/31/16 11:25 AM
Created 8 Years ago at 7/31/16 10:59 AM

RE: Demon Possession

Posts: 500 Join Date: 7/14/13 Recent Posts
If you would see a demon here on human realm, it would be real as Xenomorph from Alien movie when it would be real.

Thats why you should think of human is way beyond mind-demons, no matter where you got them or reflecting their real shapes from their own realms where they are real like Xenomorphs.

Like in MCTB use the noting techique of shooting aliens.

From other angle you need physical contact from earth. Go walk in nature, at least it did help me tremendously.

Edit: Maybe when you dewll in those reflections too long you end up appearing in their mirror/ghost realms but thanks to this human body you still see waht senses telling you but the soul or heart doesn't buy this human senses but believes in your demon world and you can't let go of it. If this is true then good luck!, try switch to human senses and cultivate those in order to dissolve the demonic attachments etc.
john doe, modified 8 Years ago at 7/31/16 11:59 AM
Created 8 Years ago at 7/31/16 11:59 AM

RE: Demon Possession

Posts: 7 Join Date: 7/29/16 Recent Posts
rist ei:
 you still see waht senses telling you but the soul or heart doesn't buy this human senses but believes in your demon world and you can't let go of it. If this is true then good luck!, try switch to human senses and cultivate those in order to dissolve the demonic attachments etc.

This is exactly it.  I'm stuck there and I go through life a zombie.  I've tried to excercise and ground myself but the demon is clever and uses it to convince my heart and soul it isn't real.  So basically what started happening is any time I tried to ground myself the demon would use the same process to unground me.  And then I would go out into the real world and basically unground and do the same to other people.  I don't feel anything in this human realm so I keep allowing things to get worse and no one can put their finger on it.  

Advice?  Maybe contact I can see?
C P M, modified 8 Years ago at 7/31/16 12:40 PM
Created 8 Years ago at 7/31/16 12:36 PM

RE: Demon Possession

Posts: 218 Join Date: 5/23/13 Recent Posts
john doe:

Advice?  Maybe contact I can see?

I would advise you to discuss this with your family physician. And if you belong to, or have belonged to, a religious faith, discuss this with a priest/minister/rabbi...
Nicky, modified 8 Years ago at 7/31/16 3:55 PM
Created 8 Years ago at 7/31/16 3:53 PM

RE: Demon Possession

Posts: 484 Join Date: 8/2/14 Recent Posts
john doe:

I would behave similar to a good woman that claws, scratches & kicks with all her might a man that attempts to rape her.

This is is the approach I initially took. ....

I did not give the above advice to you. Please read the posts I specifically made for you.


Banned For waht?, modified 8 Years ago at 8/1/16 7:26 AM
Created 8 Years ago at 8/1/16 7:23 AM

RE: Demon Possession

Posts: 500 Join Date: 7/14/13 Recent Posts
instead that dumb demon, aquire better spirit, there is enough of them in forest or gardens etc. They will purify you. If you know waht your demon does, it causes you to unground then just ignore it and do your own thing stay in nature, rest.

If you say you can't use will or can't do or can't liv and cause trouble to otehrs, its tehn not you who is speaking it is a demon so i don't bother to talk with demons unless im bored or in a mood to talk to them.