Buddhist Geeks website gone?

Patrick TwoSwans, modified 8 Years ago at 10/19/16 1:18 PM
Created 8 Years ago at 10/19/16 1:18 PM

Buddhist Geeks website gone?

Posts: 3 Join Date: 2/29/16 Recent Posts
The BuddhistGeeks website has been absolutelty dead (offline) the last couple of days.  And it looks like there have been no new podcasts on SoundClod for a few months.   Has the operation folded?
neko, modified 8 Years ago at 10/19/16 3:53 PM
Created 8 Years ago at 10/19/16 3:53 PM

RE: Buddhist Geeks website gone?

Posts: 763 Join Date: 11/26/14 Recent Posts
I was wondering too. For the last few days it has been redirecting me to soundcloud. So this page:


sends me here:


I wonder what's up.
Aregente Noir, modified 8 Years ago at 10/19/16 4:49 PM
Created 8 Years ago at 10/19/16 4:49 PM

RE: Buddhist Geeks website gone?

Posts: 4 Join Date: 10/10/13 Recent Posts
I got this email from Vincent Horn in September:

Hi everyone,

I wanted you to be the first to know that at the end of this year that Emily & I will be leaving Buddhist Geeks and have recommended to our board that they shut the project down (including the Podcast) during this timeframe as well.  

Practically, what this means for the Dojo project is that it will be wrapping up (gracefully) at the end of next month.  We’ll conclude with a final Fall Training Period during the month of October, practicing together intensively one last time.  Shinzen Young, Emily Horn, John Simon Jr., & myself will be offering live teaching events & AMAs during the final Training Period.  Some of our awesome team of facilitators will also be leading some live guided meditations. There’s also a study group forming around Shinzen’s new book and there will be lots of opportunity to practice together and celebrate what this virtual community has been.  

For everyone who is willing to join us in this final month of training, we invite you close things up with us and we’ll be cancelling everyone’s subscription at the end of October.  That final month of subscription actually goes a long way toward helping us wrap up this project.  But for those who want to leave now, we totally get it.  Please e-mail francis@buddhistgeeks.com and he will gladly take care of canceling your membership now.
What’s Next

Buddhist Geeks has been an incredible project to work on, and I’m personally so grateful for the conversations, relationships, & impact we’ve had with this project.  It’s not an understatement to say Buddhist Geeks has substantially impacted the development of both the Western Buddhist and the Mindfulness movements, while also becoming part of a larger cultural conversation about the role of technology in contemporary times.  I’m also really happy with the way that our experiments in building online community have gone, and am so grateful for all of your support and encouragement these past years.  And a special shout-out to the Facilitators of the Dojo who made this community what it was, and are now helping us wrap it up with grace.

The end of this year will mark 10 years since Ryan Oelke and I launched the BG Podcast and as a full decade comes to a close it has been cause for a great deal of reflection.  One of the outcomes of this reflection is that we want to fearlessly move into the next decade working on something new and fresh--something that our hearts feel fully connected to.  Right now that’sMeditate.io, our new teaching project aimed at helping people train for the digital age.  

With Meditate.io we’ll be taking what we’ve learned here in the Dojo and applying it to a new Training Community.  And we’ll be developing lots of new course material for those that want to take a modular approach to meditation.  We very much see Meditate.io as an outgrowth of our work with BuddhistGeeks and as our development as teachers.  We’re excited to step out of the explicitly Buddhist space and work with folks who are interested in the practice of meditation as a tool for living in the 21st century.  We’d obviously love to invite all of you to join us in that project, and as things come together we’ll stay in touch on that front.  

a deep bow,

-Vincent Horn
Patrick TwoSwans, modified 8 Years ago at 10/20/16 7:56 AM
Created 8 Years ago at 10/20/16 7:56 AM

RE: Buddhist Geeks website gone?

Posts: 3 Join Date: 2/29/16 Recent Posts
Aaah, that's a pity.  I'll miss their podcasts.

Thanks for the info.
Vincent Horn, modified 8 Years ago at 10/27/16 12:04 PM
Created 8 Years ago at 10/27/16 12:03 PM

RE: Buddhist Geeks website gone?

Posts: 211 Join Date: 4/20/09 Recent Posts
Yep, we're shutting things down.  It's bitter sweet for us and many thanks for the kind words regarding Buddhist Geeks.  

The podcast archive will continue to exist here:  http://soundcloud.com/buddhistgeeks 

As those old Buddhists liked to say, "all things arise and they pass away."  emoticon
Noah D, modified 8 Years ago at 10/27/16 1:34 PM
Created 8 Years ago at 10/27/16 1:24 PM

RE: Buddhist Geeks website gone?

Posts: 1227 Join Date: 9/1/16 Recent Posts
Thanks for everything, Vince!  Best of luck in your next projects.  

*standing ovation*
neko, modified 8 Years ago at 10/28/16 6:08 AM
Created 8 Years ago at 10/28/16 6:08 AM

RE: Buddhist Geeks website gone?

Posts: 763 Join Date: 11/26/14 Recent Posts
Vincent Horn:
Yep, we're shutting things down.  It's bitter sweet for us and many thanks for the kind words regarding Buddhist Geeks.  

The podcast archive will continue to exist here:  http://soundcloud.com/buddhistgeeks 

As those old Buddhists liked to say, "all things arise and they pass away."  emoticon

Vince, best of luck on your future work and thank you for all you have done so far!

It is a bit of a pity that the buddhist geeks website was taken down altogether, since it made navigating through the different contents much easier than through soundcloud. If you could find a way to bring the text content back up as an archive, it would be fantastic!
Chris, modified 8 Years ago at 11/10/16 7:19 PM
Created 8 Years ago at 11/10/16 7:19 PM

RE: Buddhist Geeks website gone?

Posts: 2 Join Date: 11/7/16 Recent Posts
Thanks so much for all of your great work on BG, Vince! Some of those podcasts have made a huge influence on me and my practice. 
