Why do certain people correspond so perfectly to the stages of insight?

Mindfool, modified 7 Years ago at 1/18/17 3:24 PM
Created 7 Years ago at 1/18/17 6:35 AM

Why do certain people correspond so perfectly to the stages of insight?

Posts: 13 Join Date: 12/9/15 Recent Posts
Hey all,

The Vipassana stages of insight seem to be quite well defined. Almost objective in a sense. The way Daniel describes it in MCTB, each stage of nana corresponds to different sensations and you progress through it in a certain way. 

Some people really seem to experience the stages of insight as it is defined. I'm confused when reading people's journal experiences. E.g. "I started in A&P and experienced xyz sensations and then moved through the dark night and had xyz sensations." Or people can diagnose it so clearly, "oh sounds like you're in A&P or 3C." Some people have super strong dissolution effects or can experience repeat fruitions etc…

Why do certain people correspond so perfectly to the stages of insight more than others? 
Could there be certain traits or personalities that predispose people to experience their spiritual journey through this map? 
Why do people experience the stages of insight in the first place? 
Is there a scientific explanation for it? 

I'm particularly confused with the paths aspect of the stages of insight. You go through the 16 nanas and the four paths. Well, why are there four paths? And why do you have to have to repeat the 16 nanas again? If you've developed the understanding, why do you have to start at ground zero again? E.g. they say after first path, you have easy access to the first four jhanas. Well if you can easily access the fourth jhana, for every sit, why can't you start by entering through the fourth concentration jhana and then transitioning into the corresponding equanimity nana. 

Finally, many people attain SE through the noting technique. You progress linearly through the stages of insight, get to EQ/high EQ and blip. But are there other methods? If you experienced cessation differently, I would like to hear your story or someone else’s story you know.

I write all of this because it's quite different from my own meditation journey. I've experienced a lot of suffering mapping and striving to attain certain things. I'm at a stage now where I feel and understand that there's nothing left to do but to let go and accept everything.

There’s a lot of questions, so feel free to answer whatever you like 
neko, modified 7 Years ago at 1/18/17 7:23 AM
Created 7 Years ago at 1/18/17 7:23 AM

RE: Why do certain people correspond so perfectly to the stages of insight?

Posts: 763 Join Date: 11/26/14 Recent Posts

Why do certain people correspond so perfectly to the stages of insight more than others? Self-suggestion, scripting, and confirmation bias
Mindfool, modified 7 Years ago at 1/18/17 3:53 PM
Created 7 Years ago at 1/18/17 3:53 PM

RE: Why do certain people correspond so perfectly to the stages of insight?

Posts: 13 Join Date: 12/9/15 Recent Posts
Neko, I'd be interested to hear your progression through the 4 paths. Was it linear? i.e. 16 nanas and 4 paths. And how much of it do you think was "Self-suggestion, scripting, and confirmation bias"?
Noah D, modified 7 Years ago at 1/18/17 5:04 PM
Created 7 Years ago at 1/18/17 5:04 PM

RE: Why do certain people correspond so perfectly to the stages of insight?

Posts: 1211 Join Date: 9/1/16 Recent Posts
This might help if you haven't looked yet:

Noah D, modified 7 Years ago at 1/18/17 5:08 PM
Created 7 Years ago at 1/18/17 5:08 PM

RE: Why do certain people correspond so perfectly to the stages of insight?

Posts: 1211 Join Date: 9/1/16 Recent Posts
Also Mindfool, just think more long term paths rather than nanas.  Vince Horn just created a simplified map similar to Vipassana Jhana: http://www.meditate.io/#mapping-mindful-path
